Papers by Ida Musialkowska

The purpose of this paper is to indicate the valuation importance of externalities derived from t... more The purpose of this paper is to indicate the valuation importance of externalities derived from the urban ecosystem services (UES) in terms of their applicability in the appraisal process of urban regeneration projects co-financed from European funds. Specifically, it examines the impact of UES on the project's economic performance, and thereby on human quality of life. Using the discounted cash flow method, this paper estimates the project's economic performance indicators including the identified UES upon their prior valuation. The valuation was carried out on the basis of the benefit analysis, contingent valuation method-"willingness to pay" and benefit transfer method, as recommended by Bernaciak, Wojcieszak (2014) and Zawojska et al. (2016). Results show that urban projects including UES are characterised by the higher values of the economic performance indicators and they should be assessed higher than projects with little or no UES because of their stronger contribution to the sustainable development of urban areas. In spite of the fact that there are limitations due to the UES valuation techniques used in the study, the presented approach could be an important tool for the project's appraisal.
Regional Studies, 2024
Despite being one of the main European Union (EU) policy goals, expressed in the EU treaty and ex... more Despite being one of the main European Union (EU) policy goals, expressed in the EU treaty and expected to be fostered by EU Cohesion Policy, territorial cohesion is still an under-researched scientific concept and policy process. Against this background, this special issue provides novel theoretical and practical perspectives on the relationship between EU Cohesion Policy and territorial cohesion, particularly through the analysis of EU Cohesion Policy impacts and its contribution to territorial cooperation processes, regional and urban development strategies, as well as sustainable transitions.

EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2024
This concluding chapter aims to summarise lessons learned and key messages of the multidisciplina... more This concluding chapter aims to summarise lessons learned and key messages of the multidisciplinary discussion of the EU Cohesion Policy. This volume discussed the disciplinary genealogies of this policy, reflected on its rationale, implementation, outcomes and evaluation from multiple angles. Four fundamental lessons are identified: CP is a strategic tool for territorial cohesion that has evolved from being a regional economic policy to adopting multi-/trans-disciplinary approaches; the CP's Multi-Level Governance (MLG) is complex but necessary for the policy's ambitious objectives; decision-makers should recognise that Cohesion Policy is not a one-size-fits-all policy and that the specificities of each member state and region should be taken into account, accepting multiplicity of outcomes. Finally, the tension between immediate crisis management and long-term investments is a challenge that the policy must address. The chapter concludes by emphasizing the need to recognize the complexity of CP, promote multi-disciplinary approaches, strengthen the policy's long-term perspective, and promote research-policy dialogues.
EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2024

EU Cohesion Policy. A Multidisciplinary Approach , 2024
The overarching objective of the EU Cohesion Policy is to promote the harmonious development of i... more The overarching objective of the EU Cohesion Policy is to promote the harmonious development of its regions and cities to achieve continuous, coherent, and sustainable development throughout the entire European Union, particularly those less developed. This chapter presents the changes in Cohesion Policy since the mid-1970s, highlighting the shift towards an approach focused on territorial contexts and the endogenous competitive potential of territories. The chapter concentrates on the shift from a traditional policy reducing the socioeconomic disparities between European territories through sectoral interventions to a place-based approach in which policy measures and financial resources are tailored to specific places. This place-based approach aims at bringing policies and activities from different levels of government together. Therefore, policy interventions shifted from being limited to deprived areas to constituting an inherent part of the EU’s development policies.
Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia, 2018
Studia Komitetu Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju (KPZK) PAN, 2012

CEPAL Serie Seminarios y Conferencias Publicacion completa, 2023
Una de las consecuencias negativas de los procesos de desarrollo que han tenido lugar en la Unión... more Una de las consecuencias negativas de los procesos de desarrollo que han tenido lugar en la Unión Europea son las disparidades en el desarrollo de las ciudades y zonas urbanas, que afectan tanto a los ciudadanos como al nivel de actividad económica, lo que puede conducir a la degradación del propio espacio. Las disparidades pueden entenderse como el resultado de un fallo del mercado. Por lo tanto, es preciso llevar a cabo intervenciones que guarden relación con un proceso de regeneración. A fin de abordar este problema, la Comisión Europea decidió presentar la iniciativa de Ayuda Europea Conjunta en Apoyo de Inversiones Sostenibles en Zonas Urbanas (JESSICA), como parte de la política de cohesión ejecutada en el período comprendido entre 2007 y 2013. JESSICA es un instrumento financiero rotatorio que se centra en el desarrollo sostenible de las ciudades, y 11 Estados miembros decidieron poner a prueba la solución propuesta. El primer país en firmar el acuerdo fue Polonia, que implantó JESSICA en cinco regiones (Pomorskie, Mazowieckie, Śląskie, Wielkopolskie y Zachodniopomorskie). Este enfoque innovador entrañó numerosos desafíos para todas las partes interesadas (actores europeos, regionales y locales procedentes tanto del sectorpúblico como del privado) que participaron en la planificación y la implementación de la iniciativa. La metodología empleada se basa en el paradigma positivista, que examina las relaciones causales entre las intervenciones públicas (proyectos) y sus efectos. Se ha adoptado un enfoque realista en las técnicas de evaluación, así como en nuestra propia evaluación de todos los proyectos, realizada por expertos, que se han fundamentado a través de numerosas herramientas analíticas como el agrupamiento jerárquico y aglomerativo. De las principales conclusiones del estudio se desprende que los proyectos ejecutados en Polonia tan solo cumplen parcialmente los supuestos teóricos, y que las imensiones social y horizontal del desarrollo sostenible han estado infrarrepresentadas. Se observan ciertas divergencias a nivel regional en lo que respecta al enfoque modelo, y una región destaca en cuanto a la calidad de los proyectos (Zachodniopomorskie). Los proyectos relacionados con el patrimonio histórico o cultural, seguidos de los que se centran en la reconversión de los terrenos industriales abandonados, son los que mejor reflejan la complejidad del desarrollo urbano sostenible.

CEPAL: Series Seminarios y Conferencias, 2023
Una de las consecuencias negativas de los procesos de desarrollo que han tenido lugar en la Unión... more Una de las consecuencias negativas de los procesos de desarrollo que han tenido lugar en la Unión Europea son las disparidades en el desarrollo de las ciudades y zonas urbanas, que afectan tanto a los ciudadanos como al nivel de actividad económica, lo que puede conducir a la degradación del propio espacio. Las disparidades pueden entenderse como el resultado de un fallo del mercado. Por lo tanto, es preciso llevar a cabo intervenciones que guarden relación con un proceso de regeneración. A fin de abordar este problema, la Comisión Europea decidió presentar la iniciativa de Ayuda Europea Conjunta en Apoyo de Inversiones Sostenibles en Zonas Urbanas (JESSICA), como parte de la política de cohesión ejecutada en el período comprendido entre 2007 y 2013. JESSICA es un instrumento financiero rotatorio que se centra en el desarrollo sostenible de las ciudades, y 11 Estados miembros decidieron poner a prueba la solución propuesta. El primer país en firmar el acuerdo fue Polonia, que implantó JESSICA en cinco regiones (Pomorskie, Mazowieckie, Śląskie, Wielkopolskie y Zachodniopomorskie). Este enfoque innovador entrañó numerosos desafíos para todas las partes interesadas (actores europeos, regionales y locales procedentes tanto del sectorpúblico como del privado) que participaron en la planificación y la implementación de la iniciativa. La metodología empleada se basa en el paradigma positivista, que examina las relaciones causales entre las intervenciones públicas (proyectos) y sus efectos. Se ha adoptado un enfoque realista en las técnicas de evaluación, así como en nuestra propia evaluación de todos los proyectos, realizada por expertos, que se han fundamentado a través de numerosas herramientas analíticas como el agrupamiento jerárquico y aglomerativo. De las principales conclusiones del estudio se desprende que los proyectos ejecutados en Polonia tan solo cumplen parcialmente los supuestos teóricos, y que las imensiones social y horizontal del desarrollo sostenible han estado infrarrepresentadas. Se observan ciertas divergencias a nivel regional en lo que respecta al enfoque modelo, y una región destaca en cuanto a la calidad de los proyectos (Zachodniopomorskie). Los proyectos relacionados con el patrimonio histórico o cultural, seguidos de los que se centran en la reconversión de los terrenos industriales abandonados, son los que mejor reflejan la complejidad del desarrollo urbano sostenible.
Opinie i Ekspertyzy OE-176, 2011
Materiał przygotowany przez Zespół Analiz i Opracowań Tematycznych Biura Analiz i Dokumentacji or... more Materiał przygotowany przez Zespół Analiz i Opracowań Tematycznych Biura Analiz i Dokumentacji oraz Zespół ds. Prezydencji. Biuro Analiz i Dokumentacji zamawia opinie, analizy i ekspertyzy sporządzone przez specjalistów reprezentujących różne punkty widzenia. Wyrażone w materiale opinie odzwierciedlają jedynie poglądy autorów. Korzystanie z opinii i ekspertyz zawartych w tym zbiorze bez zezwolenia Kancelarii Senatu dopuszczalne wyłącznie w ramach dozwolonego użytku w rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych (Dz. U. z 2006 r. Nr 90, poz. 631 ze zm.) i z zachowaniem wymogów tam przewidzianych. W pozostałym zakresie korzystanie z opinii i ekspertyz wymaga każdorazowego zezwolenia Kancelarii Senatu.

Open Political Science, 2021
The paper examines the issue of whether the process of policy formulation and implementation on u... more The paper examines the issue of whether the process of policy formulation and implementation on urban regeneration in Poland is done pursuant to the rules of a cycle of public policy-making. This is carried out through the use of the functioning cycle of public policy in Poland proposed by Zybała (2015) that stresses the specificities of Polish conditions in the public policy-making. Hence, the aim of the study is to provide an overview of public policy-making on urban regeneration in the context of legislative and institutional-administrative practices. In the light of increasingly complex challenges faced by cities, there is a need for the necessary counter-balancing regeneration measures taking a form of state sponsored public policy. Therefore, the Act on Regeneration was adopted in 2015. The paper concludes that the adoption of this Act was dominated by the legislator which, with relatively little contribution from other stakeholders, resulted in a rather unambitious set of leg...
The Effectiveness of the European Union's Cohesion Policy in the Years 2000-2015-11 1.1 Introduct... more The Effectiveness of the European Union's Cohesion Policy in the Years 2000-2015-11 1.1 Introduction-11 1.2 Convergence in Research To-Date-12 1.3 Research Method-14 1.4 Results-16 1.5 Conclusion-21 1.6 References-22 Marcin Dąbrowski, Dominic Stead, Bardia Mashhoodi 2 Regional Variation in EU Identification in the Southern and Eastern Peripheries of Europe: Does Cohesion Policy Matter?-26 2.1 Introduction-26 2.2 EU Identification: What Determines it and Why Do We Expect Cohesion Policy to Matter?-30 2.3 Data and Methodology-31 2.4 Results-33 2.5 Discussion-34 2.6 Conclusion-42 Acknowledgements-43 References-43
Faculty of International Business and Economics Poznan University of Economics Working Papers, 2012
Studia Regionalne i Lokalne, 2021
The JESSICA initiative was set up to provide a more sustainable and efficient response to the nee... more The JESSICA initiative was set up to provide a more sustainable and efficient response to the needs of urban areas, as compared to non-repayable grants. Anchored in the literature on place-based policy and territorial cohesion, this paper addresses the question how the JESSICA funds were allocated among Polish cities-whether, intuitively, only to key urban centres, or to smaller cities as well. The results illustrate that the repayable assistance of JESSI-CA was dispersed throughout the regions, although the degree of dispersion remains mixed across them. Almost half of the JESSICA funds was transferred to small and medium-sized cities. It was also found that the bulk of the assistance went to the projects that were implemented in cities situated within metropolitan areas of the regional capital cities.
Regional Studies
The paper investigates the European Union (EU)-Brazil and EU-China regional policy dialogues, vie... more The paper investigates the European Union (EU)-Brazil and EU-China regional policy dialogues, viewed as vectors of crossnational policy transfer. Regional policy is considered as having limited transfer potential due to its inward orientation, context specificity and complexity. Yet, knowledge exchange and voluntary policy transfer have taken place between the EU and Brazil and between the EU and China since the mid-2000s. The study investigates and compares actors, motivations, mechanisms of transfer, conditioning factors and types of outcomes, shedding a light on the underresearched phenomenon of international policy transfer in regional policy.
Regional Studies, Mar 19, 2018
The paper investigates the European Union (EU)-Brazil and EU-China regional policy dialogues, vie... more The paper investigates the European Union (EU)-Brazil and EU-China regional policy dialogues, viewed as vectors of crossnational policy transfer. Regional policy is considered as having limited transfer potential due to its inward orientation, context specificity and complexity. Yet, knowledge exchange and voluntary policy transfer have taken place between the EU and Brazil and between the EU and China since the mid-2000s. The study investigates and compares actors, motivations, mechanisms of transfer, conditioning factors and types of outcomes, shedding a light on the underresearched phenomenon of international policy transfer in regional policy.
Studia Oeconomica Posnaniensia
Regional Studies
The collection of papers in this issue brings new insights to the processes of international poli... more The collection of papers in this issue brings new insights to the processes of international policy transfer and learning in the fields of regional and urban development policy, regional innovation and transit-oriented development. It explores, through the perspective of different disciplines, the motivations of actors, tangible and non-tangible outputs, the role of factors affecting the process, and the spillover effects of such process. The contributions bring new insights into what represents success and failure in policy transfer and provide valuable lessons for policy-makers facing the challenges of a fast-changing global context.
Papers by Ida Musialkowska
structures, while also presenting both opportunities and challenges.
Climate transition refers to the urgent need to move towards a low-carbon economy to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Key challenges include:
• reducing greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors,
• transitioning to renewable energy sources,
• improving energy efficiency,
• adapting infrastructure and agriculture to changing climate conditions,
• ensuring a just transition that does not disproportionately affect vulnerable communities.
The digital transition involves the increasing integration of digital technologies into all aspects of society and the economy. The challenges in this area
include the following:
• bridging the digital divide within and between countries,
• ensuring cybersecurity and data protection,
• adapting education and workforce training to meet new skill demands,
• regulating emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain,
• balancing innovation with ethical considerations and potential job displacement.
In the European Union, these transitions are being addressed through ambitious policy frameworks such as the European Green Deal and the Digital
Europe Programme. Globally, efforts are coordinated through international agreement like the Paris Agreement and various UN initiatives. Both transi-
tions offer opportunities for economic growth, improved quality of life, and enhanced sustainability. However, they also require significant investment,
policy coordination, and societal adaptation to navigate successfully.
In the light of the aforementioned challenges we provide four views on the problems and prospective solutions. The experts shared their knowledge
during the webinar “Green and digital transition in the EU” organised under the project of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence project “Resilient and transforming Europe” (Transform EU) on January 17, 2024 at the Poznań University of Economics and Business in Poznan.
Includes an in-depth exploration of the particular aspects of EU cohesion policy
Provides theoretical discussion and empirics illustrated by figures and maps.
Contributors are experts, representing policy-oriented and academic research.
Stulecie podpisania traktatu wersalskiego stało się okazją do wielu podsumowań i analiz. Niniejsze opracowanie przybliża i charakteryzuje współczesną Europę, a w szczególności Unię Europejską (UE), w oparciu o dostępne statystyki publikowane przez EUROSTAT i AMECO. Tekst ma charakter przeglądowy i oparty jest głównie o analizę porównawczą wtórnych danych statystycznych. Przeanalizowano w nim dynamikę kształtowania się podstawowych wskaźników makroekonomicznych w UE. Analiza pozwala przychylić się do hipotezy stawianej w literaturze przedmiotu mówiącej, że integracja gospodarcza przyczynia się do wzrostu i rozwoju gospodarczego państw należących do danego ugrupowania integracyjnego. Jednocześnie można zauważyć, że dopiero obecne procesy integracji w UE liczącej obecnie 27 państw przyczyniają się do realizacji celów zakładanych w traktacie wersalskim.
Design/methodology/approach: The study analyzes statistical data with regard to the use of instruments of the Cohesion Policy under the Covid-19 pandemic, but also the amendments introduced to legal acts and decision-making processes that refer to the multiannual financial framework (MFF) for 2021-2027.
Findings: We notice a strong shift of priorities regarding environment transformation, digitalization, and health protection, reflected in the MFF. The coordinative role of European institutions and the redirection of different financial instruments to health care follows the neofunctionalist paradigm and represents a spillover effect resulting from integration. The crisis analyzed from the institutional perspective is seen as a chance to reform the decision-making process, while on the other hand, as a threat to the inclusive integration of all Member States.
Originality and value: The paper is an original contribution on the overall use of both financial and legislative instruments in the times of nprecedented health and economic crisis caused by Covid-19 in the European Union. The text can be a valuable insight for both researchers and practitioners in the field of broadly understood European studies.
Monograph co-edited by: Ewa Małuszyńska, Ida Musiałkowska, Grzegorz Mazur
Nearly 15 years ago we witnessed one of the most important events in the history of the European integration – the enlargement of the European Union by 10 new Member States, including Poland. It was a remarkable event both from the perspective of our country and region, as well as that of the whole continent, with its historical significance placing it among the most important events in recent history. The upcoming 15th anniversary of the biggest enlargement in the history of the EU is an excellent opportunity to summarise its outcomes. We would like this conference to serve as an opportunity to analyse the results and to review the state of the European integration process itself as well as the challenges that lay ahead for the European Union and its Member States.
period is supported through a variety of means, including Technical Assistance, Thematic Objective 11 (“institutional capacity”), Thematic Objective 2 (“e-government, open data”), peer learning through exchanges and networks (e.g. ‘European Week of Regions and Cities’, ‘Taiex Peer-to-Peer’), and others. Yet, there is still a limited understanding of the effectiveness of these measures, of the sustainability of the
capacity building outcomes achieved, and of the wider institutional and administrative capacity needs of public administrations and stakeholders.
Against this background we invite the papers that aim to answer the following general and more specific research questions from an economic perspective (in the file).
We welcome high quality articles dealing with micro, mezzo and macro issues well founded in contemporary theories and relevant to an international audience. The papers should not exceed 20 pages, including references and footnotes. For technical details see section and link “Guidelines for authors” at
Deadline for submitting full texts to: [email protected] is 30 July 2019.
Planned publication 1 No. 2020.
Economics and Business Review is a quarterly journal focusing on theoretical and applied research in the fields of economics, management and finance. The Journal welcomes the submission of high quality articles dealing with micro, mezzo and macro issues well founded in modern theories and relevant to an international audience. The EBR’s goal is to provide a platform for academicians all over the world to share, discuss and integrate state-of-the-art economics, finance and management thinking with special focus on new market economies. The journal has been published by the Poznań University of Economics and Business (Poland) and now is available on the platform of De Gruyter Open (
The journal is indexed and distributed in EBSCO, ESCI, ProQuest, BazEcon, CEJSH and Index Copernicus.
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