Papers by Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou

Μουσικοπαιδαγωγικά , 2024
Τα τελευταία χρόνια διαφαίνεται μεγάλο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον για την εξέταση των διαφορετικών πλα... more Τα τελευταία χρόνια διαφαίνεται μεγάλο ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον για την εξέταση των διαφορετικών πλαισίων μουσικής διδασκαλίας-μάθησης, καθώς και του τρόπου που οι εμπειρίες από τη συμμετοχή σε αυτά, διαμορφώνει τη μουσική ταυτότητα κάθε συμμετέχοντα. Αντλώντας από τη θεωρία του κοινωνικού κονστρουκτιβισμού και τις αντιλήψεις ότι το κοινωνικο-πολιτισμικό πλαίσιο αποτελεί ουσιαστικό παράγοντα για την κατασκευή της μουσικής ταυτότητας των ατόμων, η παρούσα έρευνα εξέτασε τη διαδικασία κατασκευής της μουσικής ταυτότητας ενός μαθητή δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης στην Κύπρο, ο οποίος, κατά τη διάρκεια της έρευνας, συμμετείχε σε διάφορα τυπικά και άτυπα πλαίσια μουσικής διδασκαλίας-μάθησης, αναλαμβάνοντας ποικίλους μουσικούς ρόλους. Τα ερευνητικά ερωτήματα στόχευαν να εξετάσουν και να αναλύσουν τον τρόπο που ο μαθητής αντιλαμβάνεται τη σχέση του με τη μουσική, και να διερευνήσουν τις απόψεις του ως προς τον τρόπο που η συμμετοχή του στα μαθησιακά αυτά πλαίσια, διαμόρφωσαν τη μουσική του ταυτότητα. Τα ευρήματα της έρευνας κατέδειξαν, ότι ο μαθητής, μέσα από την υιοθέτηση διαφορετικών μουσικών ρόλων, εφάρμοζε ένα εύρος μουσικών πρακτικών, που πήγαζαν από τη συμμετοχή του τόσο σε τυπικές όσο και σε άτυπες διαδικασίες μουσικής μάθησης. Διαφάνηκε ότι οι μουσικές εμπειρίες στα διαφορετικά μαθησιακά πλαίσια, διαμόρφωσαν καταλυτικά τα χαρακτηριστικά της μουσικής του ταυτότητας, τόσο όσον αφορά στη σχέση του με τη μουσική, όσο και στην αξία που ο ίδιος απέδιδε στη συμμετοχή του στη μουσική στη πράξη.

Psychology of Music , 2024
This study investigates how a first-time Cypriot mother used music in caring for her infant durin... more This study investigates how a first-time Cypriot mother used music in caring for her infant during the COVID-19 pandemic. Limited research has been done about musical parenting during this time, highlighting the importance of this single case study. For 5 months, the mother-participant engaged in an online musical parenting program, which aimed to increase knowledge regarding the use of music and movement with infants and suggest ways for practical implications. Data included interviews, informal discussions, the participant's digital journals and filmed videos, and researcher field notes taken during the teaching program. Thematic analysis revealed that even without prior formal or informal musical training, and in prolonged isolation with related stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic, the mother-participant engaged extensively in musical interaction with her infant. Musical activities provided a meaningful framework for the mother to cope with the daily demands of mothering and to manage the isolation due to COVID-19. Music engagement enhanced the bond between the mother and her infant, united family members, and promoted her perceived state of well-being. The findings support previous research on the significance of musical interaction between caregivers and infants, particularly during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Stanislavski studies, Mar 10, 2024
This paper draws on the fields of music education and actor training. It describes the use of act... more This paper draws on the fields of music education and actor training. It describes the use of acting techniques based on the Stanislavsky system in music education as a means of facilitating the exploration of musical identity in young violinists. It also investigates how acting activities can enhance students’ development through the social interactions of group teaching, and how the power of language, storytelling, imagination, and fiction can trigger meaningful processes and influence behaviour by shaping and shifting young students’ beliefs about a performer’s musical identity. The focus of this article is on the application of approaches and activities, based on the Stanislavsky system, to music education, in the context of violin pedagogy.

Μουσικοπαιδαγωγικά, 2022
Proper lyric diction is an integral part of an opera singer’s well-rounded interpretation (Adams,... more Proper lyric diction is an integral part of an opera singer’s well-rounded interpretation (Adams, 2008). The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), which functions as a standard representation of the sounds of a language, is used internationally as a practical tool for explaining and teaching diction in classical singing (Mahaney, 2006· Paver, 2009· Montgomery, 2020). The absence of the application of the IPA as part of voice studies in conservatories of Greece, mobilized the researcher’s interest for the present research. The purpose of this research was to investigate the experiences of four purposefully selected voice students, when in the course of Proper Pronunciation of Foreign Texts, IPA was integrated and instructed. More specifically, the views, thoughts and perceptions of the students on the use of the IPA in their course were explored, as well as the value of its application, from their own point of view. The case study lasted four months using qualitative methods for data collection. The thematic analysis of the data revealed that despite the initial difficulties in its implementation, the participants experienced the use of the IPA for the instruction of lyric diction in a very positive manner, and noted its contribution in clarifying the articulation of sounds, in dealing with personal difficulties and in strengthening their self-confidence when approaching new works of the foreign language repertoire. The use of

Μουσικοπαιδαγωγικά, 2022
In recent decades, a strong research interest has been observed regarding integrating artifact-ma... more In recent decades, a strong research interest has been observed regarding integrating artifact-making practices and strategies in teaching-learning processes. Reflecting the philosophy of the STEAM educational approach, the design and implementation of maker culture teaching scenarios in the classroom create the conditions for transforming the music education processes, emerging a new technological-musical environment. This article presents preliminary findings from a practical intervention.utilizing the musical educational software Synth4kids. The aim was to investigate the experiences of a group of four children aged six to seven years involved in maker movement activities in the first year of the course "theory of music" in a Greek conservatory. The research questions investigate the participants’ learning process by examining their perceptions of experiences and exploring the knowledge and skills they appeared to have acquired. Educational activities seemed to offer meaningful experiences to the children, who participated actively and enthusiastically in the new musical-technological learning environment. They expressed the unique value of their involvement while, at the same time, their musical and technological knowledge and skills were expanded, achieving beyond the learning outcomes of the "theory of music" course, computational thinking cultivation, and creativity development.

Μουσικοπαιδαγωγικά, 2022
Proper lyric diction is an integral part of an opera singer’s well-rounded interpretation (Adams,... more Proper lyric diction is an integral part of an opera singer’s well-rounded interpretation (Adams, 2008). The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), which functions as a standard representation of the sounds of a language, is used internationally as a practical tool for explaining and teaching diction in classical singing (Mahaney, 2006· Paver, 2009· Montgomery, 2020). The absence of the application of the IPA as part of voice studies in conservatories of Greece, mobilized the researcher’s interest for the present research. The purpose of this research was to investigate the experiences of four purposefully selected voice students, when in the course of Proper Pronunciation of Foreign Texts, IPA was integrated and instructed. More specifically, the views, thoughts and perceptions of the students on the use of the IPA in their course were explored, as well as the value of its application, from their own point of view. The case study lasted four months using qualitative methods for data collection. The thematic analysis of the data revealed that despite the initial difficulties in its implementation, the participants experienced the use of the IPA for the instruction of lyric diction in a very positive manner, and noted its contribution in clarifying the articulation of sounds, in dealing with personal difficulties and in strengthening their self-confidence when approaching new works of the foreign language repertoire. The use of the IPA seemed to strongly support the participants’ interpretation in classical singing.
This paper draws on the fields of music education and actor training.
It describes the use of act... more This paper draws on the fields of music education and actor training.
It describes the use of acting techniques based on the
Stanislavsky system in music education as a means of facilitating
the exploration of musical identity in young violinists. It also investigates
how acting activities can enhance students’ development
through the social interactions of group teaching, and how the
power of language, storytelling, imagination, and fiction can trigger
meaningful processes and influence behaviour by shaping and
shifting young students’ beliefs about a performer’s musical identity.
The focus of this article is on the application of approaches and
activities, based on the Stanislavsky system, to music education, in
the context of violin pedagogy.

International Journal of Music Education, May 10, 2022
Recently, a growing interest from music educators and researchers has focused on the ways informa... more Recently, a growing interest from music educators and researchers has focused on the ways informal music learning practices could be integrated in schools’ classrooms, in a response to bridge the gap between the music studied at school and the hidden or private musical world of our students. This qualitative case study investigated the use of Green’s informal learning approach in three stages as derived from Musical Futures, but with some differences. Participants were 18 fifth-grade students (aged 10–11 years) in a rural school in Cyprus, along with eight parents. The findings here focus on exploring the learning process that the children underwent, derived from a larger study which also examined the benefits (musical and extra-musical) perceived by children and their parents. Despite differences in the cultural contexts, musical styles, and ages of the children, findings reveal similarities with related work on informal music learning in other cultural contexts, and with Green’s original work. However, different from Green’s work which was set in secondary schools, but similar to other research on Musical Futures in primary schools, students extensively used singing and incorporated movement throughout the learning process. Findings support the notion that young students can construct their music learning when given the opportunity to be active agents and collaborators in the learning process.
Active bodily involvement in music is a key component of musical understanding. Rudolf von Laban ... more Active bodily involvement in music is a key component of musical understanding. Rudolf von Laban developed a movement framework introducing the "effort elements" of time, space, weight, and flow. He proposed that by experiencing combinations of these elements, individuals internalize a movement vocabulary that fosters expressive music performance. In this article, I discuss findings that have confirmed the importance of active bodily engagement in enhancing musical comprehension, and share practical considerations drawn from my experience in conducting preschool music classes based on Laban's movement framework. The suggested playful activities provide music educators with a new perspective on incorporating movement in preschool music classes.

International Journal of Music Education
Recently, a growing interest from music educators and researchers has focused on the ways informa... more Recently, a growing interest from music educators and researchers has focused on the ways informal music learning practices could be integrated in schools’ classrooms, in a response to bridge the gap between the music studied at school and the hidden or private musical world of our students. This qualitative case study investigated the use of Green’s informal learning approach in three stages as derived from Musical Futures, but with some differences. Participants were 18 fifth-grade students (aged 10–11 years) in a rural school in Cyprus, along with eight parents. The findings here focus on exploring the learning process that the children underwent, derived from a larger study which also examined the benefits (musical and extra-musical) perceived by children and their parents. Despite differences in the cultural contexts, musical styles, and ages of the children, findings reveal similarities with related work on informal music learning in other cultural contexts, and with Green’s o...

Visions of research in music education, 2021
The purpose of this case study was to explore the music-making and learning practices of a male e... more The purpose of this case study was to explore the music-making and learning practices of a male elementary student from Cyprus in different settings, inside and outside school. It considers that individuals take many different pathways to become musicians. Their journeys might include contexts in a broad educational spectrum from highly structured and sequential, to informal and enculturating. The study investigated the characteristics and practices of the diverse teaching-learning contexts involving the participant, the intersection of those settings, and the student's perceptions, feelings, and thoughts about the value of music experiences in those settings for his musical growth. The study considered school music classes, private piano lessons, community choir rehearsals, traditional folk dance ensembles, drum exploration, and writing musical arrangements at home. Thematic analysis revealed the influences from others that motivated the student's attendance and continuation in music classes. Specifically, the research considered the elements inherent to the settings and the factors that affected his persistence in music learning and supported his musical growth. The participant's enjoyment and valuing of the music settings were connected to his need for active and meaningful participation through which he could express his musical ideas.
Master Thesis, Michigan State University, 2008
Διδακτορική Διατριβή ΕΚΠΑ, 2016

International Journal of Educational Innovation, 2021
Οι ταχείες αλλαγές στη σύγχρονη εποχή μετασχηματίζουν καθημερινά τους τρόπους με τους οποίους τα ... more Οι ταχείες αλλαγές στη σύγχρονη εποχή μετασχηματίζουν καθημερινά τους τρόπους με τους οποίους τα άτομα έρχονται σε επαφή με τη μουσική, διαμορφώνοντας τις εμπειρίες και τις προτιμήσεις τους. Σε αυτό το συνεχώς εξελισσόμενο ψηφιακό περιβάλλον, οι εκπαιδευτικοί μουσικής καλούνται να λάβουν σοβαρά υπόψη τις ανάγκες και τις επιθυμίες των μαθητών για δράσεις με ψηφιακά μέσα. Το παρόν άρθρο εστιάζει στη διερεύνηση των αντιλήψεων και στάσεων μιας ομάδας εκπαιδευτικών μουσικής που συμμετείχε σε μία διαδικτυακή επιμορφωτική παρέμβαση για τους τρόπους ένταξης του διεπιστημονικού μοντέλου STEAM σε μαθήματα μουσικής, αναφορικά με την αξιοποίηση των σύγχρονων τεχνολογιών στην εκπαιδευτική μουσική διαδικασία. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, στόχος της έρευνας αποτελεί η παρουσίαση των απόψεων και στάσεων των συμμετεχόντων αναφορικά με πρακτικές ενσωμάτωσης διαδικασιών προγραμματισμού στη μουσική διδασκαλία‐μάθηση, καθώς και ο τυχόν μετασχηματισμός τους με το πέρας του εργαστηρίου.
Conference Presentations by Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou

1. Papazachariou-Christoforou, M. (2024). Listening to new mothers’ perceptions for participating in an online musical parenting educational program. In J. Perez-Moreno & C. Gluschankof (Eds), Making music as we grow up. (Proceedings of the EuNetMERYC2023 Conference, Barcelona) (pp.55-62).MERYC E..., 2024
Much research has focused on investigating the different ways in which parents use music as a par... more Much research has focused on investigating the different ways in which parents use music as a parenting tool. Musical parenting includes parents' behaviours, beliefs, and attitudes toward their children's musical experiences. Research has revealed that parents intuitively incorporate music (Papoušek,1996) into daily life with their young children for many reasons: to strengthen their bond with their children, to regulate their mood, to educate the child, as part of the daily routines, and for entertainment. However, researchers suggest that educating parents about musical parenting can result raise of awareness as to the musical worlds used by young children and can thus improve musical parenting practices. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of a group of 20 new mothers engaged in a musical parenting educational program which was aimed at increasing their knowledge regarding the use of music with infants, and at suggesting practical implications. The research questions were: (1) What musical parenting attitudes and practices had formed the mothers' musical parenting prior to participating in the program? (2) How did the mothers use the program's content with their infants? (3) What structures of the program empowered mothers' musical parenting? This six-month qualitative research study was set within a constructivist paradigm. As a researcher and program facilitator, I utilized a number of qualitative data collection methods, including individual semistructured interviews, group discussions, and weekly journal entries on the part of the mothers. Findings showed that several of the participants were unaware of the many facets of musical parenting during infancy and these reported that the program enhanced their awareness of them. Participation in the program changed their perceptions, values, and beliefs regarding the use of music in the daily care of their infants; It enhanced their awareness of the use of music by means of hands-on activities and the discussions initiated between the facilitator and mothers. The program empowered mothers' self-esteem in the creative use of music as a parenting tool, unlocking any hesitation reported by them at the beginning of the program. The mothers also provided feedback as to possible improvements to the program structure and content.

Drawing on communicative musicality theory and the notion that music as a cultural practice plays... more Drawing on communicative musicality theory and the notion that music as a cultural practice plays an important role in strengthening social and emotional bonds between parents and infants, this inquiry aimed to investigate the case of a Cypriot mother who employed musical activities in the everyday care of her baby. The mother participated in an online course, Music during pregnancy and infancy, over a period of four months. The course aimed to improve knowledge and teach a group of mothers the practical implications of using music and movement with infants. Thematic analysis of qualitative data revealed that, even though the participant did not possess a musical background, she was able to employ a variety of musical activities with her infant that provided a powerful framework for coping with day to day routines, thereby improving the quality of motherhood for her. The participant stressed that music had become an essential parenting tool for her and her husband which accompanied everyday routines and bonded family members together. Further, she reported that she experienced a state of well-being which enhanced her confidence in her ability to cope with motherhood. The findings support previous research on the significance of musical interactions between mothers and infants. Because of the benefits gained, music educators should consider undertaking further studies to investigate the benefits of extending participation in such courses to more new mothers.

Παπαζαχαρίου-Χριστοφόρου, Μ. (2023). Ενσωματώνοντας μουσικές δραστηριότητες στην καθημερινή φροντίδα του βρέφους: Μελέτη περίπτωσης μητέρας. Στο Θ. Ράπτης & Ε. Περακάκη (Επιμ.), Η Μουσική Εκπαίδευση σε έναν κόσμο που αλλάζει: Ταυτότητες, Αξίες, Εμπειρίες. Πρακτικά του 9ου Συνεδρίου της Ε.Ε.Μ.Ε. (..., 2023
Αντλώντας από τη θεωρία της επικοινωνιακής μουσικότητα (communicative musicality) και τη θέση ότι... more Αντλώντας από τη θεωρία της επικοινωνιακής μουσικότητα (communicative musicality) και τη θέση ότι η μουσική ως κοινωνική-πολιτισμική πρακτική ενισχύει τη σύνδεση μεταξύ βρεφών και γονέων/φροντιστών, προάγοντας τις κοινωνικές και συναισθηματικές δεξιότητες του βρέφους, η παρούσα έρευνα στόχευε στη διερεύνηση των εμπειριών μίας περίπτωσης μητέρας από την Κύπρο που χρησιμοποίησε μουσικές δραστηριότητες κατά την καθημερινή φροντίδας του βρέφους της. Η μητέρα, για διάστημα 5 μηνών, συμμετείχε στο διαδικτυακό πρόγραμμα «Music during pregnancy and infancy», που στόχευε να επιμορφώσει τις συμμετέχουσες μητέρες, για τη χρήση της μουσικής κατά την καθημερινή φροντίδα των παιδιών τους, και να τους παρουσιάσει πρακτικές εισηγήσεις. Η θεματική ανάλυση των ποιοτικών δεδομένων που συνελέγησαν κατέδειξε ότι, παρόλο που η μητέρα δεν είχε μουσικό υπόβαθρο, ενσωμάτωσε εκτενώς μια ποικιλία μουσικών δραστηριοτήτων με το βρέφος της, οι οποίες νοηματοδότησαν ξεχωριστά την καθημερινότητα εκείνης και του βρέφους της. Η μουσική συνόδευε την καθημερινή φροντίδα του βρέφους, λειτουργώντας ως απαραίτητο εργαλείο για την ανατροφή του, και υποστηρίζοντας ταυτόχρονα τη συναισθηματική σύνδεση των μελών της οικογένειας. Η μητέρα τόνισε ότι η μουσική είχε θετικό αντίκτυπο στην ευημερία της προσφέροντάς της συναισθηματική ασφάλεια και αυτοπεποίθηση στο δύσκολο της ρόλο. Τα ευρήματα ενισχύουν προηγούμενες έρευνες σχετικά με τη σημασία της μουσικής αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ μητέρων και βρεφών.

Πρακτικά 8ου Συνεδρίου της Ε.Ε.Μ.Ε., 2019
Η κίνηση αποτελεί ουσιαστικό συστατικό της µουσικής ανάπτυξης. Η αντίληψη και κατανόηση της µουσι... more Η κίνηση αποτελεί ουσιαστικό συστατικό της µουσικής ανάπτυξης. Η αντίληψη και κατανόηση της µουσικής σε όλο της το φάσµα διαπερνά το ανθρώπινο σώµα, το οποίο συµµετέχει αδιαµφισβήτητα σε κάθε µουσική εµπειρία. Τα παιδιά σε όλους τους πολιτισµούς εµφανίζουν φυσική ροπή στην κίνηση την οποία χρησιµοποιούν στο αυθόρµητο µουσικό τους παιχνίδι για να εκφραστούν, να κοινωνικοποιηθούν και να ψυχαγωγηθούν. Η έρευνα στο πεδίο της µουσικής παιδαγωγικής επισηµαίνει ότι η ενσωµάτωση δραστηριοτήτων κίνησης στη διαδικασία µουσική µάθησης προάγει τη µουσική κατανόηση και µετατρέπει τη µουσική εµπλοκή σε ευχάριστη και απολαυστική εµπειρία για τα παιδιά. Η παρούσα περίληψη εξετάζει τη σηµασία της κίνησης στη διαδικασία µουσικής µάθησης και υποστηρίζει την αξία της στην ανάπτυξη της µουσική κατανόησης, παραθέτοντας πρακτικές εισηγήσεις που εξελικτικά αναπτύσσουν τις κινητικές δεξιότητες. Η ένταξη της κίνησης φαίνεται να αποτελεί ουσιαστική µουσικοπαιδαγωγική προσέγγιση για την αντίληψη του ρυθµού, και ενθαρρύνει την εκτέλεση µουσικής µε εκφραστικότητα.
Papers by Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou
It describes the use of acting techniques based on the
Stanislavsky system in music education as a means of facilitating
the exploration of musical identity in young violinists. It also investigates
how acting activities can enhance students’ development
through the social interactions of group teaching, and how the
power of language, storytelling, imagination, and fiction can trigger
meaningful processes and influence behaviour by shaping and
shifting young students’ beliefs about a performer’s musical identity.
The focus of this article is on the application of approaches and
activities, based on the Stanislavsky system, to music education, in
the context of violin pedagogy.
Conference Presentations by Maria Papazachariou-Christoforou
It describes the use of acting techniques based on the
Stanislavsky system in music education as a means of facilitating
the exploration of musical identity in young violinists. It also investigates
how acting activities can enhance students’ development
through the social interactions of group teaching, and how the
power of language, storytelling, imagination, and fiction can trigger
meaningful processes and influence behaviour by shaping and
shifting young students’ beliefs about a performer’s musical identity.
The focus of this article is on the application of approaches and
activities, based on the Stanislavsky system, to music education, in
the context of violin pedagogy.