Michal Kravec
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Papers by Michal Kravec
scaling and cluster analysis in steel industry in 2013. Factor
analysis has been performed for 2003-2013 in order to
conduct cluster analysis.
industry. Crisis started in 2008 and in 2009 it had a major negative impact on the industry. In
2010 a mild recovery was spotted. Product line should be analyzed because it makes a slight
difference when a company produces steel products, products of steel such as lifts or it mines
raw materials. Also other indicators should be observed and taken in consideration in order to
avoid bias.
impacts. The existing evaluation of profitability of production only through selected economic indicators is also in
relation to European strategic development documents unsustainable. The authors of the paper introduce a concept of
next more exact technical - economic - environmental assessment of steel production in general based on the analysis of
the evolution of world steel production and its profitability in the years 2003-2014 and analysis of strategic documents -
2020 and OECD - Sustainable production. They formulate system, technology, energy and institutional measures for
economic - environmental optimization and guiding steel production on a global and regional perspective within the
purview of the projected emission limits by 2020 with a perspective to 2050.
stable supply of production required range of
materials and parts to the desired location and for
economic costs. The economic criterion is
particularly important because payment to suppliers
represents more than 80% sometimes from
payments of companies. A successful procurement
strategy can be a source of competitive advantage
of company.
Inventories represent for a company an
important part in terms of the production process,
but also substantial assets and related operating
capital. A measure of inventory management is
their impact on the profitability of the company. A
company needs to have and maintain a certain
inventory size within its program and market
orientation. Inventories are a resource that helps
implement the technological production process
without interruptions, dampen fluctuations in the
supply process, equalize demand and supply in the
upstream and downstream opportunities and
achieve economies of scale for the company.
not a concept without problems. These problems include the lack of a universally accepted definition of SCM, the
existence of several different and competing frameworks for SCM, issues with terminology and the relative lack
of empirical evidence supporting the benefits attributed to SCM. However, the concept of supply chain
management is not without problems. One major problem is the relative lack of empirical evidence supporting
the benefits attributed to supply chain management. Another major problem for SCM is the lack of a universally
accepted definition of SCM. The apparent lack of empirical research supporting benefits of SCM is,
unfortunately, logical when a generally accepted definition does not exist .The Supply Chain Management
Program integrates topics from manufacturing operations, purchasing, transportation, and physical distribution
into a unified program. Successful supply - chain management, then, coordinates and integrates all of these
activities into a seamless process. It embraces and links all of the partners in the chain. In addition to the
departments within the organization, these partners include vendors, carriers, third - party companies, and
information systems providers.
Therefore a logistics system has to be designed and operated considering its impact on revenue contribution that comes through the quality of customer service provided and cost of logistics facilities, system and operation. Costs of logistics function include capital costs are operating costs. Wages, public warehousing expenses, public transport expenses, financial expenses related to inventory investment, other administrative expenses are examples of operating costs. Capital costs are one time costs, own warehouse, own trucks are examples of capital costs.
research and thus approaches. Distribution of data searching secondary and primary can be considered for basic sorting.
Primary data should be collected in a field, are current and relevant. Secondary data is known data, which often also
have been used where appropriate for other purposes and are usually available in statistical offices, archives, and similar
organizations. They are often outdated and less relevant. Their informative value is not guaranteed, yet they are used in
financial ratios (FPU) analysis. These suggestions were supported by quantitative research in
steel industry that is crucial from global aspect. Potential shortcomings were pointed out by
time series analysis of some FPUs. An analyst should perform more in-depth analysis of
values of individual FPUs.
scaling and cluster analysis in steel industry in 2013. Factor
analysis has been performed for 2003-2013 in order to
conduct cluster analysis.
industry. Crisis started in 2008 and in 2009 it had a major negative impact on the industry. In
2010 a mild recovery was spotted. Product line should be analyzed because it makes a slight
difference when a company produces steel products, products of steel such as lifts or it mines
raw materials. Also other indicators should be observed and taken in consideration in order to
avoid bias.
impacts. The existing evaluation of profitability of production only through selected economic indicators is also in
relation to European strategic development documents unsustainable. The authors of the paper introduce a concept of
next more exact technical - economic - environmental assessment of steel production in general based on the analysis of
the evolution of world steel production and its profitability in the years 2003-2014 and analysis of strategic documents -
2020 and OECD - Sustainable production. They formulate system, technology, energy and institutional measures for
economic - environmental optimization and guiding steel production on a global and regional perspective within the
purview of the projected emission limits by 2020 with a perspective to 2050.
stable supply of production required range of
materials and parts to the desired location and for
economic costs. The economic criterion is
particularly important because payment to suppliers
represents more than 80% sometimes from
payments of companies. A successful procurement
strategy can be a source of competitive advantage
of company.
Inventories represent for a company an
important part in terms of the production process,
but also substantial assets and related operating
capital. A measure of inventory management is
their impact on the profitability of the company. A
company needs to have and maintain a certain
inventory size within its program and market
orientation. Inventories are a resource that helps
implement the technological production process
without interruptions, dampen fluctuations in the
supply process, equalize demand and supply in the
upstream and downstream opportunities and
achieve economies of scale for the company.
not a concept without problems. These problems include the lack of a universally accepted definition of SCM, the
existence of several different and competing frameworks for SCM, issues with terminology and the relative lack
of empirical evidence supporting the benefits attributed to SCM. However, the concept of supply chain
management is not without problems. One major problem is the relative lack of empirical evidence supporting
the benefits attributed to supply chain management. Another major problem for SCM is the lack of a universally
accepted definition of SCM. The apparent lack of empirical research supporting benefits of SCM is,
unfortunately, logical when a generally accepted definition does not exist .The Supply Chain Management
Program integrates topics from manufacturing operations, purchasing, transportation, and physical distribution
into a unified program. Successful supply - chain management, then, coordinates and integrates all of these
activities into a seamless process. It embraces and links all of the partners in the chain. In addition to the
departments within the organization, these partners include vendors, carriers, third - party companies, and
information systems providers.
Therefore a logistics system has to be designed and operated considering its impact on revenue contribution that comes through the quality of customer service provided and cost of logistics facilities, system and operation. Costs of logistics function include capital costs are operating costs. Wages, public warehousing expenses, public transport expenses, financial expenses related to inventory investment, other administrative expenses are examples of operating costs. Capital costs are one time costs, own warehouse, own trucks are examples of capital costs.
research and thus approaches. Distribution of data searching secondary and primary can be considered for basic sorting.
Primary data should be collected in a field, are current and relevant. Secondary data is known data, which often also
have been used where appropriate for other purposes and are usually available in statistical offices, archives, and similar
organizations. They are often outdated and less relevant. Their informative value is not guaranteed, yet they are used in
financial ratios (FPU) analysis. These suggestions were supported by quantitative research in
steel industry that is crucial from global aspect. Potential shortcomings were pointed out by
time series analysis of some FPUs. An analyst should perform more in-depth analysis of
values of individual FPUs.