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Badira bi urte baino gehiago Itxura hau ez dela eguneratzen . Baliteke gehiago ez mantentzea edo onartzea, eta WordPress-en bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

  • Bertsioa 1.0.2
  • Last updated 26 ekaina, 2013
  • Active installations 50+

Tuesday is responsive and customizable theme. It’s inspired from minimal and flat design. Choose between three available layouts and add blog logo. The theme allows you to control your typography. With font settings you can choose the font you like from Google Web Fonts, and use it instantly on your blog. Tuesday supports header images and background settings.The theme also adds two new widgets, and it’s optimized for phones and tablets.

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Instalazio Aktiboak: 50+