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The Business WP

The Business WP

Badira bi urte baino gehiago Itxura hau ez dela eguneratzen . Baliteke gehiago ez mantentzea edo onartzea, eta WordPress-en bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

  • Bertsioa 1.7.1
  • Last updated 25 otsaila, 2021
  • Active installations 90+
  • PHP version 5.6

The Business WP is a creative multipurpose business theme ideal for Portfolio, Business, Corporate, WooCommerce shop, Travel and Creative agencies. The Flexibility and Theme Options such as Services, Woocommerce integration, Contact, Callout, Social, Team, Skills, Testimonials, Slider, Header & footer Customization, typography features provided in Pro version will amaze you. It’s built the way after customization, that you feel the theme your own. Looking for a Multi Purpose theme? Look no further!

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Instalazio Aktiboak: 90+