Badira bi urte baino gehiago Itxura hau ez dela eguneratzen . Baliteke gehiago ez mantentzea edo onartzea, eta WordPress-en bertsio berriagoekin erabiltzen denean, bateragarritasun arazoak izan ditzake.

StoreZ is a WordPress WooCommerce theme that helps you start sales online quickly. it is the perfect free theme designed for your WooCommerce shop based on bootstrap. it supports the WooCommerce shop. install recommended plugins and you will get a fantastic store. you will be able to use it for Clothing, Electronics, Mobile, Foods and Restaurants Store, interior Store, Gadgets Store, Home Appliances Shop, automobiles, Books Store, Photo Store, Movies Store, Jewellery, and almost any kind of store. nicely designed FromPage template for the storefront. This theme supports popular plugins like Elementor Page Builder, Contact Form 7, Jetpack by, One Click Demo Import, WooCommerce, and many more. View Demo at
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