WordPress allows users to customize templates for webpages but, it is not so for blog posts. Post Template plug-in from IndiaNIC enables you to use the customized page templates for your blog posts also.
As soon as you install the Post Template plug-in, it appears on the sidebar of your page. You can choose your desired template from the drop-down button and then you can view your posts in that template.
If you want to know more about how to create your own page templates, then you can visit the link How to Create Page Templates
If you want to implement the custom post templates on a custom post type, you can use the cpt_post_types filter, here’s an example below of adding the custom post template selector and metabox to the Movie and Actor custom post types. This code can be added to a plugin or to the functions.php file in your theme.
- Upload the ‘wp-post-template’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
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