Accessibility by UserWay


Web accessibility can seem complex and overwhelming if you don’t know where to start.

Let us make it easier, and, to coin a phrase, more accessible for everyone. UserWay’s Accessibility Widget creates a simpler and more accessible browsing experience for your users while increasing compliance with WCAG 2.1, ATAG 2.0, European EN 301 549, ADA, & Section 508 requirements.

UserWay’s Accessibility Widget will strengthen any weak areas that could cause accessibility issues on your site. We are proud to say that a significant number of websites are more accessible today thanks to UserWay.

UserWay’s Accessibility Widget makes smart modifications to elements on your site that are identified as being non-compliant, that may prevent keyboard-only navigation, or are in violation of ADA regulations.

Install UserWay’s Accessibility Widget today.
After installing UserWay’s Accessibility Widget, you will receive login instructions to the widget via email.

ADA & WCAG 2.1 Compliance
UserWay’s best-in-class accessibility solutions move your site towards ADA and WCAG 2.1 compliance.

Shield Against Lawsuits
Increasing your accessibility provides real, sustainable improvement for all users, and protects you from accessibility-related lawsuits.

Improve SEO, Boost Traffic
Make your commitment clear: a more inclusive site for everyone expands your demographic and boosts your SEO.


  • Plugin Check
  • Plugin page on the site.


  1. Install the plugin into your WordPress project
  2. Go to website control panel
  3. Go to the “plugins” webpage
  4. Activate the plugin “UserWay Accessibility Widget”
  5. Sign-up plug-in on Settings-> UserWay page

For more details please visit


2025(e)ko urtarrilaren 17(a)
Awesome plugin functionality Professional and quick support 100% recommended to buy a pro plan
2024(e)ko abenduaren 12(a)
We were looking for an accessibility solution for our corporate website, with a good look&feel for smartphones and all kind of devices, easy to install and use, and reasonable price, to improve the web user experience. UserWay has overexceeded our expectations, the installation and configutaion has been really simple and the support team completely disposed, answering inmediately any question. Very happy with the decision.
2024(e)ko abenduaren 5(a)
I installed it on my website and had some problem with stretch my website. I contacted support, first of all, reaching them was too fast and easy. they listened to issue and resolve it very fast (actually it was my fault!). I’m going to buy this plugin and recommend it to all who want to make their website easy for all specially for whom which is working with disable people or elderlies.
2024(e)ko azaroaren 22(a)
The accessibility plugin is working great, there is an option to manage the settings from the userway dashboard, change the colors and the size of the widget and more.There is an area on the dashboard where ALT texts can be added for the images, and the plugin knows how to solve almost all of the accessibility issues.
2024(e)ko urriaren 19(a)
Userway is the only ADA plugin we use for our agencies clients. It is simple to use and even easier to setup. Customer support is always quick and easy. We love Userway!
Irakurri 54 berrikuspenak

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“Accessibility by UserWay” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


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