Pluginaren Etiketa: oembed
(1 balorazioak)This plugin allows you to copy and paste a Soundcloud URL onto a page and it will display the Soundcloud player.
oEmbed Manager
(3 balorazioak)Manage oEmbed capabilities of your website and take a new step in the GDPR compliance of your embedded content.
Google Docs oEmbed
(0 balorazioak)Embed Google documents, spreadsheets and presentations in your posts or pages.
SlideShare Embeds for WordPress
(0 balorazioak)Enables you to embed a SlideShare presentation just by putting its link in your WordPress post.
Gabfire Media Module
(0 balorazioak)Gabfire Media Module extends the functionality of WordPress Featured Image to support Videos and Default Post Images.
Better Core Video Embeds
(9 balorazioak)A plugin which enhances the core embed block for Youtube, Daily Motion and Vimeo videos by not loading unnecessary scripts until they are needed.
Qualtrics Survey Embeds
(0 balorazioak)Adds a Qualtrics Embed Handler to WordPress allowing for quick survey embeds.
oEmbed in Comments
(14 balorazioak)WordPress supports oEmbed, but only in post content. This adds oEmbed support to comments.
TEDTalks Embedder
(0 balorazioak)Helps you to embed TED Talks videos on your self hosted WordPress by simply pasting the URL or using a shortcode.
Responsive oEmbed
(3 balorazioak)Makes oEmbed elements with fixed aspect ratio (like YouTube, Vimeo or SoundCloud) scale responsively.
LS oEmbed support for Scratch Mit
(0 balorazioak)Adds oEmbed support for projects in WordPress posts, pages and custom post types.
(1 balorazioak)TrimPress optimizes and trims some of the cruft from WordPress for a lighter, more secure theme!
glomex oEmbed
(0 balorazioak)WordPress plugin that acts as a bridge between our oEmbed endpoint and internal WP oEmbed service.
Simple Wistia Embed
(2 balorazioak)The simplest Wistia OEmbed plugin ever. Simply paste the URL and it works!
oEmbed styling
(2 balorazioak)This plugins wraps oEmbed generated HTML with divs that allow for styling them with CSS (style sheet of the theme).