

Build custom video / audio player on for FREE and place it on your website.


  • Player shortcode
  • Plugin settings


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/playerjs directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen in WordPress.
  3. Build your own player at and replace the default file playerjs_default.js to yours or upload separately and change the URL on the Settings page of the plugin.
  4. Use the button PlayerJS in the WP 4 or simple place a [playerjs] shortcode in WP 5. Below is the list of accepted parameters:
  • file: path to the video (mostly MP4) / audio (mostly MP3) / HLS / DASH / YouTube / Vimeo / JSON playlist
  • title: text inscription (optional)
  • subtitle: path to .srt .ass .ssa or .vtt file (optional)
  • poster: path to image (optional)
  • thumbnails: path to thumbnails .vtt file (optional)
  • width: player width in percentage (50%) or pixels (500), default 100% (optional)
  • autoplay: 0/1 (optional)
  • start: start playback from the specified second
  • end: end playback on the specified second
  • align: left, right, center (optional)
  • margin: in pixels (optional)

All other settings can be configured in the builder.

Sample shortcode:

[playerjs file="//"]


How can i add quality selection?

Sample shortcode with quality selection:

[playerjs file="[480]//,[720]//"]

How can i add a protective watermark?

You can show in the player invisible username in a random place to protect against screen recording. Enable watermarks plugin in the builder, update your player and pass to shortcode watermark=1.

[playerjs file="URL" watermark=1]

How can i use playlists?

Sample shortcode with JSON playlist:

[playerjs file="[{'title':'1','file':''},{'title':'2','file':''}]"]


[playerjs file="//"]

Where can i find documentation for all player features?

You can find complete documentation here:
* Quality
* Google Analytics
* Javascript API
* Playlist
* Logo
* Aspect ratio
* Playback
* Audio tracks
* Thumbnails
* Social sharing
* YouTube
* Vimeo
* Watermarks
* HlS
* Hotlink protection
* Combining multiple players into one

How can i set the custom height of the player?

You can use option height: in shortcode (height:300), when aspect ratio is set to value container size.


2024(e)ko uztailaren 8(a)
Best HTML video player .Playlist and folder features save bandwidth . Several hundred videos on one page with a size of tens of KB !
2022(e)ko urriaren 30(a)
Just to say wahooouuu, and thanks, for this fantastic plugins, easy, free, and we can create and mod our plugins in the web site, super! Thank you.
2022(e)ko otsailaren 4(a)
Использую в связке с корпоративным Wowza media server. Вставлять VOD на сайт – одно удовольствие, вставлять лайф-стримы тоже! Теперь посетители не смотрят рекламу, как с Youtube и другими видеосервисами. Есть кучу, буквально КУЧА настроек плеера. Сделано с умом! Разработчикам респект и развития проекта. Немного позже обязательно соберемся с покупкой плеера.
Irakurri 4 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“PlayerJS” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


PlayerJS 1 eskualde-ezarpenera itzuli da. Eskerrik asko itzultzaileei beraien ekarpenengatik.

Itzul zaitez PlayerJS zure hizkuntzara.

Garapena interesatzen zaizu?

Araka kodea, begiratu SVN biltegia edo harpidetu garapen erregistrora RSS bidez.

Aldaketen loga


  • Default player script updated to the version 8.91


  • Settings page and a special button PlayerJS for WP 4


  • Minor changes for WP 5


  • Fixed bugs


  • Fixed bugs, default player updated


  • Playlist JSON inside shortcode


  • Fixed bugs, default player updated



  • Watermark support added, default player updated


  • Fixed bugs, default player updated

2.11 – 2.13

  • Fixed bugs, default player updated


  • Fixed bug with Classic Editor (TinyMCE) button

2.15 – 2.17

  • Fixed bugs, default player updated


  • Time memorization fixed



  • Bug fixed