Media to Imprint is a lightweight WordPress plugin that enhances your media library by adding a “Source” field to media items. Once filled, this source information can be displayed effortlessly on your Imprint page using the [media_sources_list]
- Simple Integration: Seamlessly add a “Source” field to your media items.
- Effortless Display: Use the
shortcode on your Imprint page to showcase the list of media sources. - Copyright Options: Easily add copyright, trademark (TM), or registered (R) symbols to your media sources.
- Pin to Top: Prioritize specific media items by pinning them to the top of the list.
Coming soon
- Install and activate the plugin.
- Navigate to your media library.
- Edit a media item, and you’ll find a new “Source for Imprint” field.
- Fill in the necessary information, including image title, ID, author name, and platform domain.
- Optional: Use the buttons below to add copyright, TM, or R symbols.
- Optional: Check the box to pin the media item to the top of the list.
- Save your changes.
- Paste the
shortcode on your Imprint page to showcase your media sources effortlessly.
You can customize the code to suit your requirements or suggest improvements on GitHub. The code is transparent and easy to understand.
- Install the plugin
- Activate the plugin
Feel free to ask your questions here or through GitHub..
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