Mana Symbols replaces shortcodes with Magic: The Gathering mana symbols.
Text in curly braces will be replaced with appropriate mana symbols. For example: {3W}, {T}, {R/W}, {2/W2/W2/W}, {1WP}.
Magic: The Gathering, the mana symbols, the tap symbol and all other related images are owned by Wizards of the Coast.
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- What symbols are supported?
Regular mana: {W}, {10}, {XR}, {WUBRG}
Hybrid mana: {W/U}, {2B/R}
Monocolored hybrid mana: {2/R}, {2/W2/W2/W}
Phyrexian mana: {GP}, {1BPBP}
Tap/untap symbols and snow mana: {T}, {Q}, {S}
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- First release