Custom Content


Custom Content plugin Extend the Visual Composer with ES Modules (ES Custom Content) display custom contents using shortcode, widgets and VC module. You can enable or disbale vc module and widget in settings tab.


  • Display contents by Shortcode [es_custom_content id="1"]
  • Display contents by Widget
  • Display contents by VC Module



  • screenshot-1.jpg is the widget.

  • screenshot-2.jpg is the vc module.

  • screenshot-3.jpg is the vc module setting area.

  • screenshot-4.jpg is the setting page.

  • screenshot-5.jpg is the all custom contents.


  1. Install automatically through the Plugins, Add New menu in WordPress, or upload the custom-content folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.

  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress. On the Admin screen use the Plugins side menu to select Custom Content to configure.

  3. You must add this shortcode [es_custom_content id="1"] in a Page, Post, or Text Widget. You can find this shortcode on the cuntom contents page. Here is how to add the shortcode: Log into your blog admin dashboard. Click Pages, click Add New, add a title to your page, enter the shortcode [es_custom_content id="1"] in the page. Uncheck Allow Comments, then click Publish. and also can use widget and vc module for display contents.

  4. Updates are automatic. Click on “Upgrade Automatically” if prompted from the admin menu. If you ever have to manually upgrade, simply deactivate, uninstall, and repeat the installation steps with the new version.


2021(e)ko abuztuaren 26(a)
The integration of this plugin with WP Bakery works well, but I have noticed that on every public page there is a link to the developer’s site! This is absolutely not a good thing! I will not use it anymore!
Irakurri 2 berrikuspenak

Laguntzaileak eta Garatzaileak

“Custom Content” software librea da. Ondoko pertsonek egin dizkiote ekarpenak plugin honi.


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