Convert pages from WPBakery to Elementor by just one click.
External services
This plugin uses an external service at “” to perform the shortcode conversion.
The WPBakery shortcode data is securely transmitted to the service, where it is processed and returned as Elementor-compatible code. No personal user data is collected or stored by the service, and the transmission is secure.
This service is provided by Alia ApS, Denmark, D.U.N.S: 310516575
– Terms of Use:
– Privacy Policy:
How to use
- Both WPBakery and Elementor must be installed.
- Go to Pages or Posts.
- Use action link “Create Elementor copy” below the Page title.
The action link only shows on pages and posts that have been edited with WPBakery.
Minimum requirements for WPBakery to Elementor
- WordPress 3.4+
- PHP 5.x
- MySQL 5.x
- Upload the folder “convert-wpbakery-to-elementor” to the directory “/wp-content/plugins/”.
- Activate the plugin using the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
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= 1.0 (7. march, 2025)
* Initial release