Send mails throught SMTP server. Simplest option to send mail when hosting or server do not permits send mail or is missconfigured.
We also could to check the SMTP options and check the native PHP mail.
1 – CL Simplest SMTP can be installed directly through your WordPress Plugins dashboard.
2 – Click “Add New” and Search for “CL Simplest SMTP”
3 – Install and Activate
This plugin adds any options to my database?
If you configure the plugin with constants in your
file (see next FAQ), this plugin does not add any data to your database. This is the fastest option because the mail does not need to check data from your database.If you configure the options from the WordPress admin panel, the plugin will save only one array of options in your database with all the SMTP parameters. The options array saved in your database (
table) iscl_simplest_smtp_options
. -
Configure plugin with constants.
Configure plugin with constants is the fastest option and also avoids database queries.
We must set these constants in our
file:define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_HOST', 'your-smtp-host' ); // SMTP server define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_AUTH', true ); // enable SMTP authentication define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_PORT', 587 ); // set the SMTP port define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_USER', 'your-smtp@user' ); // SMTP account username define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_PASS', 'your-smtp-password' ); // SMTP account password define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_SECURE', 'tls' ); // To use STARTTLS: 'tls'; To use SSL: 'ssl'; define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_FROM', 'your-smtp-sender@email' ); // SMTP from email define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_NAME', 'Your Sender Name' ); // SMTP from name
This option is the optimal for security.
This plugin will slow down my WordPress?
No. This plugin is very lightweight and only adds one CSS file and one JS file if you are in the WordPress SMTP options page
and does not add anything to any other pages or on the frontend.Only adds one database option (first FAQ) with an array of 8 short values and nothing if you configure it with constants in your
file (the best option for speed and security). -
Yes, of course. You must to define the constant
in yourwp-config.php
file and the button will fly out 😉define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_HIDE_DONATE', true );
But you can invite me to that coffee at any time from
Can I change the log file name?
Yes, the default mail log file name is
and is located inuploads
folder. You can’t change the location, but you can change the file name if you define the constantCL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_LOG_FILENAME
with the file name at yourwp-config.php
define( 'CL_SIMPLEST_SMTP_LOG_FILENAME', 'my-cl-simplest-smtp-log-dec-2025.txt' );
Keep in mind that if the default log file was previously created, it won’t be deleted, only the new file will be created and the file that will be deleted on plugin uninstall will be the new defined file.
How can I tell you about a bug, ask for a functionality or contribute to the plugin?
The plugin development of this plugin is managed in this GitHub repository
You can send us issues, requests or any comments to or create a pull request to contribute with any new bug fix, functionality or any other code change.
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1.2.1 – 2025-01-23
Fixed: Fixed info messages about configurations on config file and database.
Improved: If you set data in constants, settings options are disabled. You need to change or disable constants.
1.2.0 – 2025-01-21
- Improved: Added log tab to show mail error log files
- Improved: Added options to show 10, 100, 1000 or 10000 log items
- Improved: Added options to delete 10, 100, 1000 or 10000 log items
- Improved: Added a new option to configure log file name with a constant definition
1.1.1 – 2025-01-20
- Info: Updated plugin page screenshots
1.1.0 – 2025-01-20
- Improved: Added sections with tabs.
- Improved: Added a Help tab with FAQs and external tools for checking mail validity and configurations.
1.0.9 – 2025-01-19
- Improved: Refactorized send_test_mail function.
1.0.8 – 2025-01-18
1.0.7 – 2025-01-18
1.0.6 – 2025-01-18
- Info: Version upgrade for deploy= 1.0.5 – 2025-01-17 =
- Improved: Changed selectors to option fields on the test mailing page.
1.0.4b – 2025-01-04
- Improved: New screenshot on WordPress website and added two new FAQs
1.0.4 – 2025-01-04
- Improved: Added airmail envelope border appearance to settings.
- Improved: Delete options from the database on plugin uninstall.
- Improved: Show error messages when sending fails in the Check Mail option.
- Improved: Added default mail to send in tests, obtained from WordPress admin email.
- Fix: Added charset on text/plain test mails and MIME version.
1.0.3 – 2025-01-04
- Improved: Show the mail test options in a details HTML tag and added CSS to the options screen to improve presentation.
1.0.2 – 2024-12-31
- Fix: readme.txt typo error.
1.0.1 – 2024-12-31
- Info: Updated readme.txt file.
1.0.0 – 2024-12-31
- Info: Initial release.