With the launch of version 4.4, WordPress added metadata capabilities for taxonomy terms. Advanced Term Fields leverages this new capability by providing developers an easy-to-use, yet powerful framework for adding custom meta fields to taxonomy terms.
Through the use of hooks and filters, it’s completely customizable for your project requirements, while also providing a standardized way of building a UI for managing term metadata.
Use it for tags, categories, even custom taxonomies. Advanced term meta, your way!
This is a parent framework, meant to be extended by child classes. See any one of the following extensions for examples:
- Advanced Term Fields: Colors Color-code your terms!
- Advanced Term Fields: Icons Icons for categories, tags, and custom taxonomy terms.
- Advanced Term Fields: Featured Images Featured images for terms!
From the plugin repository:
- Download and install using the built in WordPress plugin installer.
- Activate in the “Plugins” area of your admin by clicking the “Activate” link.
- No further setup or configuration is necessary.
From GitHub:
- Download the latest stable version.
- Extract the zip folder to your plugins directory.
- Activate in the “Plugins” area of your admin by clicking the “Activate” link.
- No further setup or configuration is necessary.
- Non aurkitu dezaket dokumentazioa?
The plugin’s official page:
- Does this plugin depend on any others?
- Does this create/modify/destroy database tables?
This leverages the term meta capabilities added in WordPress 4.4. No database modifications needed!
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Aldaketen loga
- WP 4.5 Compatibility updates: added ‘load-term.php’ action hook.
- Bug fix: on quick edit form when $taxonomy is not defined.
- Added
property for localizing js files and HTML attributes for form fields. - Added check for update functionaliy to test for latest version.
- Lehen bertsioa