Edukira joan


Gehitu atala
  • eu: Ongi etorri euskarazko Wikiesanaken txokora.

    Orri hau mota guztietako hizketaldi eta galdera orokorrak egiteko da; orri jakin bati buruz edo beste lankide batekin eztabaidatzeko, erabili bere eztabaida orria. Hizketaldi zaharkituren baten bila bazabiltza eta ez baduzu behean aurkitzen, begiratu txokoaren artxibategian. Norbaitek artxibategiko hizketaldiren baten falta nabaritzen badu eta garrantzitsua dela iruditzen bazaio, hona ekar dezake eta berriz zabaldu eztabaida.

    Egin klik hemen txokoan hizketaldi berri bat sortzeko. Hasitako bati erantzuteko, ordea, erabili atal bakoitzeko aldatu lotura. Horrela, hari horretan besterik ez dituzu egingo aldaketak eta Aldaketa berriak orrian atal horretan erantzun duzula ikusiko da.

Txokoaren artxibategia

Upcoming Language Community Meeting (Feb 28th, 14:00 UTC) and Newsletter


Hello everyone!

An image symbolising multiple languages

We’re excited to announce that the next Language Community Meeting is happening soon, February 28th at 14:00 UTC! If you’d like to join, simply sign up on the wiki page.

This is a participant-driven meeting where we share updates on language-related projects, discuss technical challenges in language wikis, and collaborate on solutions. In our last meeting, we covered topics like developing language keyboards, creating the Moore Wikipedia, and updates from the language support track at Wiki Indaba.

Got a topic to share? Whether it’s a technical update from your project, a challenge you need help with, or a request for interpretation support, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reply to this message or add agenda items to the document here.

Also, we wanted to highlight that the sixth edition of the Language & Internationalization newsletter (January 2025) is available here: Wikimedia Language and Product Localization/Newsletter/2025/January. This newsletter provides updates from the October–December 2024 quarter on new feature development, improvements in various language-related technical projects and support efforts, details about community meetings, and ideas for contributing to projects. To stay updated, you can subscribe to the newsletter on its wiki page: Wikimedia Language and Product Localization/Newsletter.

We look forward to your ideas and participation at the language community meeting, see you there!

MediaWiki message delivery 08:29, 22 otsaila 2025 (UTC)Reply

Universal Code of Conduct annual review: proposed changes are available for comment


My apologies for writing in English. Mesedez, lagun gaitzazu zure hizkuntzara itzultzen.

I am writing to you to let you know that proposed changes to the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) Enforcement Guidelines and Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) Charter are open for review. You can provide feedback on suggested changes through the end of day on Tuesday, 18 March 2025. This is the second step in the annual review process, the final step will be community voting on the proposed changes. Read more information and find relevant links about the process on the UCoC annual review page on Meta.

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is a global group dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the UCoC. This annual review was planned and implemented by the U4C. For more information and the responsibilities of the U4C, you may review the U4C Charter.

Please share this information with other members in your community wherever else might be appropriate.

-- In cooperation with the U4C, Keegan (WMF) 18:51, 7 martxoa 2025 (UTC)Reply