Papers by Mustafa Serdar Palabıyık
Journal of Asian History, 2015
Turkish Studies, 2017
This article aims to analyze how history has been used as a political discourse by the current ru... more This article aims to analyze how history has been used as a political discourse by the current ruling elites of Turkey in the post-2010 period. In doing that, the article first defines what the politicization of history is and locates the Justice and Development Party’’s (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP) perception of history within the broader conservative political movements in Turkey. Then, the article focuses on the discourses of some AKP politicians and pro-AKP journalists to show how the AKP has been using history as a discourse to create a binary opposition between the Unionist/CHP mentality and the AKP mentality and to label the latter as the source of all current political troubles of Turkey.
Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri, 2014

This chapter provides an account of the evolution of the idea of 'war' in the minds of Ottoman ad... more This chapter provides an account of the evolution of the idea of 'war' in the minds of Ottoman administrators and intellectuals with the aim of revealing how their perceptions of war were transformed in line with domestic and external developments that shaped the empire in their own times. The main argument of the chapter is that there was no uniform Ottoman perception of war; instead, there were particular dominant perceptions for particular periods. While in the initial years of the Empire an understanding of war based on the mobilization of nomadic communities against the Christian 'other,' namely ghaza, prevailed, this rather religious perception was gradually replaced with a more mundane conception of war in the mid-16<sup>th</sup> century onwards. As a result of some significant defeats of Ottoman armies both in the West and in the East starting from the end of the 17<sup>th</sup> century, it came to be believed that the survival of the Empire could be ensured through diplomacy, not through war. The prevalence of diplomacy over war survived almost until the late 19<sup>th</sup> century. However, particularly after the end of the Hamidian era (1876-1909) in the first two decades of the 20<sup>th</sup> century, an idea of resorting to war to save the state developed, which would ultimately result in the Ottoman participation in World War I. In sum, this chapter examines the different representations of war that emerged in different periods of Ottoman history, such as war as a tool of motivation, war as a means of imperial expansion, war as the source of all evils and war as an opportunity to save the state.

The Ottoman encounter with European colonialism over their African territories during the ninetee... more The Ottoman encounter with European colonialism over their African territories during the nineteenth century contributed to a renewed interest in Africa and its inhabitants. This resulted in several official and non-official travels to this continent at the end of which the travelers published their memoirs. This article intends to analyze Ottoman perceptions of Africa in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century by drawing upon Ottoman travelogues. It concludes that the travelers established paradoxical accounts regarding the implications of European colonialism for Africa and the ethnic taxonomy of the African people. They perceived European colonialism as a civilizing mechanism on the one hand, and treated it as the most significant reason of African “backwardness” on the other. Similarly, while they criticized the European colonial discourse based on the superiority of the white race over others, they established similar ethnic taxonomies establishing hierarchies among African tribes.

The literature on the Ottoman Empire's position in the European states system generally considers... more The literature on the Ottoman Empire's position in the European states system generally considers the Treaty of Paris as a landmark event for the European states’ recognition of the Ottoman participation in the European concert and the advantages of European international law. This article argues that this consideration overestimates the impact of the Treaty of Paris and reveals that before 1856, the Ottoman Empire was a part of the European states system and was subject to European international law both in terms of treaty-making practices and in the utilization of European customary law. Moreover, the article argues that the Ottomans were interested in the concept of international law before the Treaty of Paris. The existence of archival documents on Ottoman dealings with the European states and the publication of two translations from the European international law treatises before the Treaty of Paris indicate that the Ottomans interest in international law was to ensure the survival of the empire.

This article analyses the teaching of international law in the late Ottoman Empire. It argues tha... more This article analyses the teaching of international law in the late Ottoman Empire. It argues that the Ottomans were interested in teaching European international law to equip Ottoman bureaucrats with the skills necessary for evaluating and regulating the complex interrelation between the Ottoman Empire and the European states, to defend the vital interests of the Empire against European legal penetration via extraterritoriality, and to understand the legal basis of the European system of which the Empire had officially been accepted as a part by the European Great Powers since the conclusion of the Treaty of Paris in 1856. The article focuses on the courses, scholars and textbooks in the field of international law in the Ottoman Empire during three periods. The preliminary period (1859–76), witnessed the emergence of the first courses, scholars and literature on international law; in the Hamidian period (1876–1908) these courses were stabilized and systematized in line with higher education reforms in the Ottoman Empire; and finally, in the post-Hamidian period, the opening of new schools of law in the countryside and the reformation of existing schools allowed the teaching and literature of international law to flourish.

Bu makale, Osmanlı Devleti’nin kuruluşundan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin ilk yıllarına kadar Türkiye’d... more Bu makale, Osmanlı Devleti’nin kuruluşundan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin ilk yıllarına kadar Türkiye’de savaş düşüncesinin gelişimini incelemektedir. Buna göre, Osmanlı Devleti’nin kuruluş yıllarında göçebe toplulukların enerjisini
Hıristiyan “öteki”ye karşı yoğunlaştıran bir savaş anlayışı olan “gaza” ön planda bulunurken, devletin merkezileşmesine ve genişlemesine paralel olarak savaş anlayışının dini boyutları geri planda kalmış ve savaş daha dünyevi bir kavram olarak algılanmıştır. 17. yüzyılın başından itibaren yenilgilerin
artması, devletin bekasının savaş yerine diplomasi ile sağlanabileceği düşüncesinin hâkim olduğu bir algının geliştirilmesine neden olmuştur. 20. yüzyılın başlarında bu kez “devletin bekası için savaş” anlayışı geliştirilmiş, bu süreç
Birinci Dünya Savaşı ile son bulmuştur. Nihayet Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Atatürk daha kısıtlı bir savaş anlayışı geliştirerek ülkenin hayati çıkarları tehdit altına girmedikçe savaşı reddetmiştir.

Bu makale modern Ortadoğu’nun ilk bölgesel güvenlik ittifakı olan ve bölgede bağımsızlıklarını ye... more Bu makale modern Ortadoğu’nun ilk bölgesel güvenlik ittifakı olan ve bölgede bağımsızlıklarını yeni ilan etmiş olan dört devlet (Türkiye, İran, Irak ve Afganistan) tarafından kurulan Sadabad Paktı’nı analiz etmektedir. Bunu yaparken de paktın kuruluşunda rol oynayan dinamikleri anlamak üzere başta gelen ittifak kuramlarını kullanmaya çalışmaktadır. Makalenin temel amacı bu ittifak kuramlarının Sadabad Paktı’nın kuruluşunu açıklamakta yetersiz kaldıklarını,
bunun da temel nedeninin bu kuramların ittifak davranışını açıklamakta tek bir
faktöre, ya iç ya da dış tehdit algılarına odaklanması olduğunu göstermektir. Bunun yerine makalede yukarıda zikredilen devletleri Sadabad Paktı’nı oluşturmaya yönelten iç ve dış etmenlerin bir arada değerlendirildiği ve ittifak davranışına
katkıda bulunan genel/bölgesel ve özel/bireysel dinamiklerin topluca incelendiği bir alternatif yaklaşım oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır.

The Ottoman interest towards the Far East has recently begun
to be examined in the literature of ... more The Ottoman interest towards the Far East has recently begun
to be examined in the literature of the disciplines of history
and international relations. This article focuses on the relatively
under-researched sources, namely the Ottoman travelogues
on the Far East in order to analyze the Ottoman perception of
this particular region. The Ottoman travellers to the Far East
classified local people with regard to their level of development,
and they perceived the Japanese, the Chinese and the
Koreans differently in terms of their physiognomy and characteristics. Moreover, they vividly described the intense colonial rivalry over the Far East and especially criticized the missionary activities in the region. Finally, the projects for establishing a “unity of the East” were mentioned in these travelogues. These projects resulted in the emergence of “Eastern-ness” as a component of Ottoman identity besides its Ottoman, Turkish and Islamic dimensions. Therefore, racial taxonomy, anticolonial mode of thinking and the emphasis on the Eastern dimension of Ottoman identity make these travelogues extremely important sources for understanding the Ottoman perceptions of the external world.
Conference Presentations by Mustafa Serdar Palabıyık
All Azimuth 8.2 by Mustafa Serdar Palabıyık

This article intends to analyze the use of comparative historical analysis (CHA) in the disciplin... more This article intends to analyze the use of comparative historical analysis (CHA) in the discipline of International Relations (IR). After describing the historical evolution and fundamental premises of CHA, the article continues with the classification of CHA. Then the strengths and weaknesses of the method as well as its utilization by various theories of IR are discussed. The second part of the article deals with the employment of CHA by the author of this article in his own research design, in order to give an idea that how CHA might contribute to a better understanding of the "international". In doing that, the advantages and disadvantages of the method are revisited in a way to show the contributions provided as well as the difficulties encountered in practice. The article concludes that CHA might contribute to the study of IR by enhancing interdisciplinary approaches and by adding a socio-historical depth to the 'international', which helps to overcome historicism and presentism at the same time.
Papers by Mustafa Serdar Palabıyık
Hıristiyan “öteki”ye karşı yoğunlaştıran bir savaş anlayışı olan “gaza” ön planda bulunurken, devletin merkezileşmesine ve genişlemesine paralel olarak savaş anlayışının dini boyutları geri planda kalmış ve savaş daha dünyevi bir kavram olarak algılanmıştır. 17. yüzyılın başından itibaren yenilgilerin
artması, devletin bekasının savaş yerine diplomasi ile sağlanabileceği düşüncesinin hâkim olduğu bir algının geliştirilmesine neden olmuştur. 20. yüzyılın başlarında bu kez “devletin bekası için savaş” anlayışı geliştirilmiş, bu süreç
Birinci Dünya Savaşı ile son bulmuştur. Nihayet Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Atatürk daha kısıtlı bir savaş anlayışı geliştirerek ülkenin hayati çıkarları tehdit altına girmedikçe savaşı reddetmiştir.
bunun da temel nedeninin bu kuramların ittifak davranışını açıklamakta tek bir
faktöre, ya iç ya da dış tehdit algılarına odaklanması olduğunu göstermektir. Bunun yerine makalede yukarıda zikredilen devletleri Sadabad Paktı’nı oluşturmaya yönelten iç ve dış etmenlerin bir arada değerlendirildiği ve ittifak davranışına
katkıda bulunan genel/bölgesel ve özel/bireysel dinamiklerin topluca incelendiği bir alternatif yaklaşım oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır.
to be examined in the literature of the disciplines of history
and international relations. This article focuses on the relatively
under-researched sources, namely the Ottoman travelogues
on the Far East in order to analyze the Ottoman perception of
this particular region. The Ottoman travellers to the Far East
classified local people with regard to their level of development,
and they perceived the Japanese, the Chinese and the
Koreans differently in terms of their physiognomy and characteristics. Moreover, they vividly described the intense colonial rivalry over the Far East and especially criticized the missionary activities in the region. Finally, the projects for establishing a “unity of the East” were mentioned in these travelogues. These projects resulted in the emergence of “Eastern-ness” as a component of Ottoman identity besides its Ottoman, Turkish and Islamic dimensions. Therefore, racial taxonomy, anticolonial mode of thinking and the emphasis on the Eastern dimension of Ottoman identity make these travelogues extremely important sources for understanding the Ottoman perceptions of the external world.
Conference Presentations by Mustafa Serdar Palabıyık
All Azimuth 8.2 by Mustafa Serdar Palabıyık
Hıristiyan “öteki”ye karşı yoğunlaştıran bir savaş anlayışı olan “gaza” ön planda bulunurken, devletin merkezileşmesine ve genişlemesine paralel olarak savaş anlayışının dini boyutları geri planda kalmış ve savaş daha dünyevi bir kavram olarak algılanmıştır. 17. yüzyılın başından itibaren yenilgilerin
artması, devletin bekasının savaş yerine diplomasi ile sağlanabileceği düşüncesinin hâkim olduğu bir algının geliştirilmesine neden olmuştur. 20. yüzyılın başlarında bu kez “devletin bekası için savaş” anlayışı geliştirilmiş, bu süreç
Birinci Dünya Savaşı ile son bulmuştur. Nihayet Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Atatürk daha kısıtlı bir savaş anlayışı geliştirerek ülkenin hayati çıkarları tehdit altına girmedikçe savaşı reddetmiştir.
bunun da temel nedeninin bu kuramların ittifak davranışını açıklamakta tek bir
faktöre, ya iç ya da dış tehdit algılarına odaklanması olduğunu göstermektir. Bunun yerine makalede yukarıda zikredilen devletleri Sadabad Paktı’nı oluşturmaya yönelten iç ve dış etmenlerin bir arada değerlendirildiği ve ittifak davranışına
katkıda bulunan genel/bölgesel ve özel/bireysel dinamiklerin topluca incelendiği bir alternatif yaklaşım oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır.
to be examined in the literature of the disciplines of history
and international relations. This article focuses on the relatively
under-researched sources, namely the Ottoman travelogues
on the Far East in order to analyze the Ottoman perception of
this particular region. The Ottoman travellers to the Far East
classified local people with regard to their level of development,
and they perceived the Japanese, the Chinese and the
Koreans differently in terms of their physiognomy and characteristics. Moreover, they vividly described the intense colonial rivalry over the Far East and especially criticized the missionary activities in the region. Finally, the projects for establishing a “unity of the East” were mentioned in these travelogues. These projects resulted in the emergence of “Eastern-ness” as a component of Ottoman identity besides its Ottoman, Turkish and Islamic dimensions. Therefore, racial taxonomy, anticolonial mode of thinking and the emphasis on the Eastern dimension of Ottoman identity make these travelogues extremely important sources for understanding the Ottoman perceptions of the external world.