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—Text clustering or document clustering is the task of identifying and grouping text documents by their content or topic. This is especially important for the ever growing Web where textual documents are plenty and keep increasing. News... more
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      Linked DataDocument Clustering
Kalman filtreler (KF) özyineli kestiriciler olup, pek çok uygulama alanÕna sahiplerdir. Bu makalede KF kullanÕmÕnÕn tehdit (emiter) izleme amacÕyla bir grup ayrÕk olaylÕ iúlev üzerine kullanÕlmasÕndan bahsedilmektedir. Sistem ve zamanlama... more
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      Low Noise Measurement SystemsNoise MeasurementTiming Jitter
COVID-19 is the most common infectious disease of the last few years and has caused an outbreak all around the world. The mortality rate, which was earlier in the hundreds, increased to thousands and then to millions. Since January 2020,... more
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      EconometricsExponential SmoothingAutoregressive Integrated Moving Average
In recent years, the use of machine learning and data mining technologies has drawn researchers’ attention to new ways to improve the performance of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). These techniques have proven to be an effective method... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningMultilayer Perceptron
❖ Employment of TF.IDF for transformation of network packet data for Machine Learning algorithms. ❖ An efficient model for distinguishing malicious network packets through the C4.5 algorithm. ❖ Remarkable improvements in the accuracy and... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningMultilayer Perceptron
A new hybrid machine learning method for the prediction of type 2 diabetes is introduced and explained in detail. Also outcomes are compared with the similar researches. Early prediction of diabetes is crucial to take necessary measures... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine Learning
COVID-19 is the most common infectious disease of the last few years and has caused an outbreak all around the world. The mortality rate, which was earlier in the hundreds, increased to thousands and then to millions. Since January 2020,... more
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      EconometricsExponential SmoothingAutoregressive Integrated Moving Average
Drinking water is becoming a crucial problem all over the world because of global warming. In crowded metropolises such as Istanbul, the problem of drinking water is a serious problem. In this study, it is aimed at developing a... more
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In pursuit of better energy efficiency and enhanced network lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), two crucial factors are data packet size and the transmission power level. Smaller packet size reduces the overall impact of bit... more
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❖ A novel Deep Learning-based model is proposed for detection of different types of fabric defects. ❖ Numerous models have tested and compared in the study in terms of both time and accuracy. ResNet50 and KNN outperform other models in... more
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      GeographyGeodesyComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are widely used in various fields, and their deployment is critical to ensure area coverage and full network connectivity to achieve the maximum network lifetime. In this study, we present a mixed-integer... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine Learning
The text classification task has a wide range of application domains for distinct purposes, such as the classification of articles, social media posts, and sentiments. As a natural language processing application, machine learning and... more
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In this parametric study, the effects of coal and oxidiser type, air-to-fuel ratio, steam-to-fuel ratio, reactor temperature, and pressure on H2 and CO amounts at the gasifier output, H2/CO, and higher heating value of the syngas produced... more
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k-means is the most widely used clustering algorithm due to its fairly straightforward implementations in various problems. Meanwhile, when the number of clusters increase, the number of iterations also tend to slightly increase. However... more
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Choosing good candidates for the initial centroid selection process for compact clustering algorithms, such as k-means, is essential for clustering quality and performance. In this study, a novel hybrid evolutionary model for k-means... more
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    • Technology
The use of optimal ATM menu structuring for different customer profiles is essential because of usability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Especially in competitive industries such as banking, having optimal user interface (UI) is... more
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The use of optimal ATM menu structuring for different customer profiles is essential because of usability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Especially in competitive industries such as banking, having optimal user interface (UI) is... more
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k-means is the most widely used clustering algorithm due to its fairly straightforward implementations in various problems. Meanwhile, when the number of clusters increase, the number of iterations also tend to slightly increase. However... more
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