Website by Hannah L Hofheinz
More information about my work, writing, teaching, and interests.
Dissertation by Hannah L Hofheinz

Marcella Althaus-Reid sought wherever language or meaning might shift or exceed their possibiliti... more Marcella Althaus-Reid sought wherever language or meaning might shift or exceed their possibilities. To do so, she pushed theology from the light into the dark. In the spaces of political, economic, and sexual struggle, she proposed that we encounter the transformative embraces of God’s indecent love. The intimacies of bodies matter in the illicit encounters of dark alleys. Caresses of flesh undress illusions; desires imagine alternatives; and bodies hunger for the unthinkable. Put differently: love and desire disregard boundaries, including the boundaries of knowledge, law, economy, and self. To write of God’s love and our love—to write of God, humanity, and world—we must recognize, refute, and resist the ideological dependencies in dominant modes of doing and communicating theology, because these dependencies constrain the possibilities of bodies in love. We must interrupt academic complacency with (what she called) “Totalitarian” theological languages. We must transform the doing of theology itself.
This dissertation offers five studies of theological writing arising from Althaus-Reid’s experiments with indecency. Each considers one of her provocations in conversation with her interlocutors, paying careful attention to both the substance and performance. Study one engages with Paul Ricoeur, Jorge Luis Borges, and Umberto Eco to imagine writing in the shape of a hermeneutical labyrinth. The second questions the temporality of theological writing in conversation with Gustavo Gutiérrez, José María Arguedas, and Michel Foucault. The third examines how Althaus-Reid holds Jean Paul Sartre’s concept of obscenity together with Jean Baudrillard’s idea of reversibility, in order to press against illusions of writing that veil the materiality of lives lived in written pages. The fourth pursues the possibilities of writing bodies with Karl Marx, Jacques Derrida, Kathy Acker, and Lisa Isherwood. The fifth study extends Althaus-Reid’s reading of Pierre Klossowski’s meditation on radical hospitality as imperative for kenotic theological writing. Individually, the studies expand our imagination of what theological writing can or ought to be. Taken together, the studies provide a chronologically ordered view on Althaus-Reid’s complex engagement with liberationist, feminist, and queer theoretical and theological traditions in the context of her ongoing dialogue with continental philosophy.
Book Reviews by Hannah L Hofheinz
The Syndicate -, Dec 29, 2014
A contribution to the symposium on Theology after Postmodernity
Conference Presentations by Hannah L Hofheinz
We invite submissions of abstracts for a panel at the 2017 Society for the Anthropology of Religi... more We invite submissions of abstracts for a panel at the 2017 Society for the Anthropology of Religion meetings, “When the Gods Read What We Write.” This panel examines the unstable nexus between theological and anthropological practices of reading and writing. Our starting point is the investigation of what happens when scholars take divine beings seriously as subjects (and not only objects) of anthropological and theological reading and writing.
Delivered November 20, 2015 at the North American Paul Tillich Society Annual Meeting in Atlanta,... more Delivered November 20, 2015 at the North American Paul Tillich Society Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Paul Tillich’s death.
Calls for Papers/Articles by Hannah L Hofheinz

Monday 9:30-11:30a - CC 2015
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting
San Antonio, TX
All AA... more Monday 9:30-11:30a - CC 2015
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting
San Antonio, TX
All AAR and SBL members are invited to an open and participatory forum discussing our work as Scholars of Religion at this particular time. The dynamics of race, gender, economics, and exclusion that characterize this election are not at all new, but Donald Trump’s successful campaign and resulting election have undoubtedly both tapped into and increased their intensity and effects. The forum will be facilitated to promote meaningful participation and conversation by all who attend on topics such as: 1) What is our role as Scholars of Religion in this context? Does this context place demands on our work? What communities or structures do we need to support the work before us? 2) How do we as teachers of religion, history, and bible educate students within this context? What resources do we need to do so effectively?
AAR & SBL Cosponsoring Groups and Sections:
Bible in Racial, Ethnic, and Indigenous Communities
Black Theology
Class, Religion, and Theology
Interreligious and Interfaith Studies
Latina/o Religion, Culture, and Society
Lesbian Feminist Issues in Religion
Liberation Theologies
Martin Luther and Global Lutheran Traditions
Men, Masculinities and Religions
Religion and Economy
Religion and Politics
Religion and Sexuality
Religion, Colonialism, and Postcolonialism
Religion, Holocaust & Genocide
Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean
Teaching Religion Section
Latino/a and Latin American Biblical Interpretation
Bible and Cultural Studies
Islands, Islanders, and Scriptures
Minoritized Criticism and Biblical Interpretation
The Institute for Theological Partnerships at the University of Winchester invites proposals for ... more The Institute for Theological Partnerships at the University of Winchester invites proposals for papers that illumine current work in theology or ethics that substantively engages, extends, or stretches Marcella Althaus-Reid's multifaceted legacy. Whether exegetical, ethnographic, constructive, polemical, or creative, we welcome all methods and approaches. We especially invite papers that push toward future directions for indecent, queer, feminist, or liberation theologies. Proposal Deadline: March 7, 2016 // Conference: July 8, 2016, University of Winchester
The Liberation Theologies Group of the American Academy of Religion invites proposals for papers ... more The Liberation Theologies Group of the American Academy of Religion invites proposals for papers for a session titled: “Revolution, Not Love.” The 2016 American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting will be held November 19-22 in San Antonio, TX. Paper proposals should be submitted through the PAPERS system. More information is available here:
The Liberation Theologies Group invites proposals that engage knowledge, its production, institut... more The Liberation Theologies Group invites proposals that engage knowledge, its production, institutions of knowledge, and the role of education in the 21st century. We encourage broad interpretation of the terms of the call and creative, constructive proposals for liberation theologies in the 21st century. Papers could engage topics such as the following:
Teaching Documents by Hannah L Hofheinz
The centuries have witnessed a varied set of theological arguments with respect to art, including... more The centuries have witnessed a varied set of theological arguments with respect to art, including its meaning, purpose, and place in Christian worship and life. Theology undergirds aesthetic considerations of beauty just as theology structures the design of liturgically attuned monastic spaces. This tutorial explores the relationship between theology and art, paying particular attention to the ways in which theological ideas are manifested in various artistic images, gestures, or performances and the ways in which theological claims do or do not provide a meaningful basis for the interpretation or analysis of art. Over the course of the semester we will look closely at theological arguments pertaining to images, architecture, and performances.
Website by Hannah L Hofheinz
Dissertation by Hannah L Hofheinz
This dissertation offers five studies of theological writing arising from Althaus-Reid’s experiments with indecency. Each considers one of her provocations in conversation with her interlocutors, paying careful attention to both the substance and performance. Study one engages with Paul Ricoeur, Jorge Luis Borges, and Umberto Eco to imagine writing in the shape of a hermeneutical labyrinth. The second questions the temporality of theological writing in conversation with Gustavo Gutiérrez, José María Arguedas, and Michel Foucault. The third examines how Althaus-Reid holds Jean Paul Sartre’s concept of obscenity together with Jean Baudrillard’s idea of reversibility, in order to press against illusions of writing that veil the materiality of lives lived in written pages. The fourth pursues the possibilities of writing bodies with Karl Marx, Jacques Derrida, Kathy Acker, and Lisa Isherwood. The fifth study extends Althaus-Reid’s reading of Pierre Klossowski’s meditation on radical hospitality as imperative for kenotic theological writing. Individually, the studies expand our imagination of what theological writing can or ought to be. Taken together, the studies provide a chronologically ordered view on Althaus-Reid’s complex engagement with liberationist, feminist, and queer theoretical and theological traditions in the context of her ongoing dialogue with continental philosophy.
Book Reviews by Hannah L Hofheinz
Conference Presentations by Hannah L Hofheinz
Calls for Papers/Articles by Hannah L Hofheinz
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting
San Antonio, TX
All AAR and SBL members are invited to an open and participatory forum discussing our work as Scholars of Religion at this particular time. The dynamics of race, gender, economics, and exclusion that characterize this election are not at all new, but Donald Trump’s successful campaign and resulting election have undoubtedly both tapped into and increased their intensity and effects. The forum will be facilitated to promote meaningful participation and conversation by all who attend on topics such as: 1) What is our role as Scholars of Religion in this context? Does this context place demands on our work? What communities or structures do we need to support the work before us? 2) How do we as teachers of religion, history, and bible educate students within this context? What resources do we need to do so effectively?
AAR & SBL Cosponsoring Groups and Sections:
Bible in Racial, Ethnic, and Indigenous Communities
Black Theology
Class, Religion, and Theology
Interreligious and Interfaith Studies
Latina/o Religion, Culture, and Society
Lesbian Feminist Issues in Religion
Liberation Theologies
Martin Luther and Global Lutheran Traditions
Men, Masculinities and Religions
Religion and Economy
Religion and Politics
Religion and Sexuality
Religion, Colonialism, and Postcolonialism
Religion, Holocaust & Genocide
Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean
Teaching Religion Section
Latino/a and Latin American Biblical Interpretation
Bible and Cultural Studies
Islands, Islanders, and Scriptures
Minoritized Criticism and Biblical Interpretation
Teaching Documents by Hannah L Hofheinz
This dissertation offers five studies of theological writing arising from Althaus-Reid’s experiments with indecency. Each considers one of her provocations in conversation with her interlocutors, paying careful attention to both the substance and performance. Study one engages with Paul Ricoeur, Jorge Luis Borges, and Umberto Eco to imagine writing in the shape of a hermeneutical labyrinth. The second questions the temporality of theological writing in conversation with Gustavo Gutiérrez, José María Arguedas, and Michel Foucault. The third examines how Althaus-Reid holds Jean Paul Sartre’s concept of obscenity together with Jean Baudrillard’s idea of reversibility, in order to press against illusions of writing that veil the materiality of lives lived in written pages. The fourth pursues the possibilities of writing bodies with Karl Marx, Jacques Derrida, Kathy Acker, and Lisa Isherwood. The fifth study extends Althaus-Reid’s reading of Pierre Klossowski’s meditation on radical hospitality as imperative for kenotic theological writing. Individually, the studies expand our imagination of what theological writing can or ought to be. Taken together, the studies provide a chronologically ordered view on Althaus-Reid’s complex engagement with liberationist, feminist, and queer theoretical and theological traditions in the context of her ongoing dialogue with continental philosophy.
American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting
San Antonio, TX
All AAR and SBL members are invited to an open and participatory forum discussing our work as Scholars of Religion at this particular time. The dynamics of race, gender, economics, and exclusion that characterize this election are not at all new, but Donald Trump’s successful campaign and resulting election have undoubtedly both tapped into and increased their intensity and effects. The forum will be facilitated to promote meaningful participation and conversation by all who attend on topics such as: 1) What is our role as Scholars of Religion in this context? Does this context place demands on our work? What communities or structures do we need to support the work before us? 2) How do we as teachers of religion, history, and bible educate students within this context? What resources do we need to do so effectively?
AAR & SBL Cosponsoring Groups and Sections:
Bible in Racial, Ethnic, and Indigenous Communities
Black Theology
Class, Religion, and Theology
Interreligious and Interfaith Studies
Latina/o Religion, Culture, and Society
Lesbian Feminist Issues in Religion
Liberation Theologies
Martin Luther and Global Lutheran Traditions
Men, Masculinities and Religions
Religion and Economy
Religion and Politics
Religion and Sexuality
Religion, Colonialism, and Postcolonialism
Religion, Holocaust & Genocide
Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean
Teaching Religion Section
Latino/a and Latin American Biblical Interpretation
Bible and Cultural Studies
Islands, Islanders, and Scriptures
Minoritized Criticism and Biblical Interpretation