Political Economy by Joonas Vättö
In the summer of 2017, the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel decided to introduce a minimum wage in its d... more In the summer of 2017, the Swiss canton of Neuchâtel decided to introduce a minimum wage in its domain. This paper gives a rudimentary overview of some economic theories regarding minimum wage. Subsequently, the case study of Neuchâtel is analysed in more detail.
International Relations by Joonas Vättö
The aim of this paper is to give functionalist and liberal-intergovernmentalist approaches to ana... more The aim of this paper is to give functionalist and liberal-intergovernmentalist approaches to analyse the circumstances that lead to Mexican and Canadian endorsement of the USMCA despite their concessions compared to the status quo ante.
In their paper, Follesdal and Hix present an analysis and partial rebuttal to the acclaimed defen... more In their paper, Follesdal and Hix present an analysis and partial rebuttal to the acclaimed defences of the degree of democratisation in the European Union, brought forth by both Majone and Moravcsik. This paper shall consider the critiques of Follesdal and Hix and evaluate them in a broader European perspective.
This paper is in response to Hix and Høyland and their analysis of the overall theory and current... more This paper is in response to Hix and Høyland and their analysis of the overall theory and current quantitative understanding of the European Union’s judicial politics. In their work, the authors aimed to give a brief theoretical overview of judicial politics, courts, and constitutions, subsequently moving on to a focus on the European judicial system and the European Court of Justice in particular.
Philosophy by Joonas Vättö
Heinrich Böll war sich in seinem Leben des Wertes und der Empfindlichkeit des Ideals 'Freiheit' ... more Heinrich Böll war sich in seinem Leben des Wertes und der Empfindlichkeit des Ideals 'Freiheit' bewusst; so war ihm doch seine eigene Freiheit gewaltvoll entnommen worden während der Schreckensherrschaft des Dritten Reichs in Deutschland. Diese Arbeit fasst Bölls Philosophie zur Freiheit zusammen.
The aim of this paper is to give a psycho-philosophical embedding of a Fuchsian understanding of ... more The aim of this paper is to give a psycho-philosophical embedding of a Fuchsian understanding of interpersonal time and the nature of time in general, as proposed by Thomas Fuchs. In the course of this paper, such an understanding of time will simply be referred to as Fuchsian Interpersonal Time or simply Fuchsian Time.
Political Economy by Joonas Vättö
International Relations by Joonas Vättö
Philosophy by Joonas Vättö