Papers by Simona Esposito
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Proceedings of 15WCEE – 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
This paper presents the seismic risk assessment of L'Aquila gas distribution network in a perform... more This paper presents the seismic risk assessment of L'Aquila gas distribution network in a performance-based earthquake engineering framework. The study was structured in three basic activities: (1) seismic hazard characterization both in terms of ground motion and permanent ground deformation; (2) characterization of system's vulnerability via fragility curves available in literature; (3) performance evaluation in terms of connectivity. In the paper all issues involved in seismic risk analysis of this kind of systems are discussed with respect to a selected part of the whole network. In particular, the importance of modelling spatial correlation of ground motion and geotechnical hazard on risk assessment was investigated. Results indicate that the system performance may be underestimated when spatial correlation and ground failure are ignored. Moreover, the implications of using fragility curves for compressor stations for the reduction cabins, as suggested in literature, were also addressed, and the necessity of developing specific fragilities was pointed out.

Chapter (DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-8835-9_3) in book Pitilakis K., Franchin P., Khazai B. & Wenzel H. (ed.) “SYNER-G: Systemic Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Complex Urban, Utility, Lifeline Systems and Critical Facilities” (pp. 57-88), Online ISBN: 978-94-017-8835-9, Jun 2014
The analysis of seismic risk to multiple systems of spatially distributed infrastructures present... more The analysis of seismic risk to multiple systems of spatially distributed infrastructures presents new challenges in the characterisation of the seismic hazard input. For this purpose a general procedure entitled “Shakefield” is established, which allows for the generation of samples of ground motion fields for both single scenario events, and for stochastically generated sets of events needed for probabilistic seismic risk analysis. For a spatially distributed infrastructure of vulnerable elements, the spatial correlation of the ground motion fields for different measures of the ground motion intensity is incorporated into the simulation procedure. This is extended further to consider spatial cross-correlation between different measures of ground motion intensity. In addition to the characterisation of the seismic hazard from transient ground motion, the simulation procedure is extended to consider secondary geotechnical effects from earthquake shaking. Thus the Shakefield procedure can also characterise the effects site amplification and transient strain, and also provide estimates of permanent ground displacement due to liquefaction, slope displacement and coseismic fault rupture.

Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30(7), 508–523, DOI: 10.1111/mice.12105, Jul 2015
The basic function of a gas distribution system, essentially composed of buried pipelines, reduct... more The basic function of a gas distribution system, essentially composed of buried pipelines, reduction stations, and demand nodes, is to deliver gas from sources to end users. The objective of the article is to discuss the evaluation of seismic risk of gas networks in compliance with the performance-based earthquake engineering framework adapted to spatially distributed systems. In particular, three issues are addressed: (1) spatial seismic hazard characterization in terms of ground shaking and permanent ground deformation; (2) analysis of system's vulnerability via fragility curves; (3) seismic performance evaluation via computer-aided simulation. As an application, the seismic risk analysis of L'Aquila (central Italy) gas distribution network, a 621-km mid- and low-pressure pipeline system was considered. The analyses were performed with reference to the mid-pressure part of the network, through an object-oriented software, specific for risk assessment of lifelines, developed by the authors. Results in terms of connectivity-based performance indicators are presented and discussed, along with a performance disaggregation analysis carried out to evaluate the contribution of the components of the system to the risk.

Proceedings of 15WCEE – 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
A new approach for modeling demand for emergency shelter and housing caused by earthquake damage ... more A new approach for modeling demand for emergency shelter and housing caused by earthquake damage which integrates social vulnerability into the modelling approaches is presented. The focus here is to obtain shelter demand as a non-linear consequence of building habitability and social vulnerability of the affected population rather than building damage states alone. The shelter model simulates households' decision-making and considers physical, socio-economic, climatic and spatial factors in addition to modelled building damage states. Social vulnerability conditions are integrated into the framework using Multicriteria Decision Analysis whereby factors including tolerance to loss of utilities (water, gas or electricity) given climatic conditions and a number of socio-economic characteristics influencing the desirability of the building occupants to seek public shelter is accounted for. To operationalize the shelter model, appropriate indicators from the EU Urban Audit Database have been selected using principal component analysis combined with expert judgment. Vulnerability factors deduced from the EU Urban Audit have been validated by applying the model using data from the M 6.3 earthquake that struck L' Aquila, Italy in April 2009.

The SYNER-G project aims at developing a methodology to evaluate the seismic vulnerability to ear... more The SYNER-G project aims at developing a methodology to evaluate the seismic vulnerability to earthquakes of a complex system of interconnected infrastructural systems of regional/urban extension. This report summarizes the application of the SYNER-G methodology and tools to selected case studies of regional and urban extension: the city of Thessaloniki; the city of Vienna; the gas system of L’Aquila in Italy; the road network of Calabria region in Southern Italy; the electric power network of Sicily; a hospital facility in Italy; the harbor of Thessaloniki. For each case study the following items are given: general description of the test site, seismic hazard issues, systemic vulnerability methodology, software developments and implementation, system topology and characteristics, description of the input, results of the application. Through these studies the different steps of the SYNER-G methodology are validated and demonstrated.

Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2015
Both the April 6, 2009 L'Aquila (Italy) earthquake, and the 2010-2011 Canterbury (New Zealand) ea... more Both the April 6, 2009 L'Aquila (Italy) earthquake, and the 2010-2011 Canterbury (New Zealand) earthquake sequence provided unprecedented opportunity to enhance the understanding on earthquake performance of infrastructure systems, and to analyse still-opened issues affecting the post-earthquake assessment and management of infrastructure. This paper provides a succinct and holistic overview on the physical and functional performances of the gas, water, waste water, road and electric networks (this one to a limited extent for the L'Aquila case-study), following the moment magnitude (M w ) 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake, and two main events of the Canterbury earthquake sequence, namely: the M w 7.1 September 4, 2010 Darfield and the M w 6.2 February 22, 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. A structured format, based on internationally recognised taxonomies and damage descriptors, is introduced to present the assets and to report on the earthquake-induced physical impacts for both above-ground and underground components. Functional impacts, interdependency issues and resilience attributes observed during the emergency management and recovery phases for the same infrastructure systems are furthermore discussed in the paper. It is envisaged that the data and overview on the seismic performance and management of infrastructure systems presented in the paper can be used to test the effectiveness of existing models and to inform the development of new models for seismic risk assessment and resilience analysis. Also, the structured framework presented within this paper can form the basis for defining specific and standardised survey tools for post-earthquake assessment of infrastructure systems.

N el corso degli ultimi decenni, è emerso come in alcuni casi attività tecnologiche intraprese da... more N el corso degli ultimi decenni, è emerso come in alcuni casi attività tecnologiche intraprese dall'uomo per reperire fonti energetiche possano avere una influenza sui campi di sforzi tettonici, generando quindi terremoti. Esempi di tali attività includono lo sbarramento di fiumi per la formazione di un bacino idrico (energia idroelettrica), fratturazione di rocce per lo sfruttamento di risorse geotermiche (energia geotermica), estrazione di idrocarburi, estrazione mineraria (carbone), iniezione di fluidi di processo, stoccaggio di biossido di carbonio. I terremoti antropogenici possono essere suddivisi in due categorie [1]: 1) terremoti indotti, nei quali uno sforzo esterno, prodotto dalle attività antropiche, è sufficientemente grande da produrre un evento sismico in una regione che non era necessariamente sottoposta a un campo di sforzi tale da poter generare un terremoto; 2) terremoti innescati, per i quali una piccola perturbazione generata dall'attività umana è sufficiente a spostare il sistema da uno stato quasi-critico ad uno stato instabile. L'evento sismico sarebbe comunque avvenuto prima o poi, ma probabilmente in tempi successivi e non precisabili. Generalmente i terremoti provocati da queste attività hanno magnitudo bassa (inferiore a 3) quindi non tale da provo-care danni. Tuttavia esistono casi ben documentati nei quali l'attività umana è stata associata alla generazione di terremoti anche di elevata magnitudo. Davies et al. [2] descrivono circa 140 casi verificatosi dal 1929 (Figura 1) e caratterizzati da magnitudo comprese tra M 3 e M 7,9. Le principali cause di terremoti antropogenici sono [3]: -Estrazione mineraria: dove le variazioni di stress prodotte sono paragonabili allo stress ambientale. Il terremoto di intensità maggiore associata ad attività minerarie, M 5,6, si è verificato in Germania (Völkershausen) nel 1989. Anche l'attività di estrazione d'oro in Sud Africa ha indotto terremoti a volte anche di intensità elevata (M > 5). L'estrazione di rame e carbone in Polonia negli ultimi anni è stata caratterizzata da attività sismica relativamente frequente (1-2 eventi annui) e di media intensità (M < 4). -Iniezione/Estrazione: questa categoria comprende l'attività sismica prodotta da sfruttamento di giacimenti gas e petrolio sia con tecniche convenzionali che non convenzionali (i.e. shale gas), e l'attività sismica associata allo stoccaggio sotterraneo di liquidi e gas. Terremoti di elevata magnitudo (M > 6) sono stati osservati in prossimità di giacimenti di idrocarburi convenzionali (ad esempio, M 6,1 Kettleman Nord,
... Simona Esposito, Iunio Iervolino Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Università degli Stu... more ... Simona Esposito, Iunio Iervolino Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II ... A rule of thumb is to choose the maximum bin size as a half of the maximum distance between sites in the dataset, and to set the number of bins so that there are at ...

This paper presents the seismic risk assessment of L'Aquila gas distribution network in a perform... more This paper presents the seismic risk assessment of L'Aquila gas distribution network in a performance-based earthquake engineering framework. The study was structured in three basic activities: (1) seismic hazard characterization both in terms of ground motion and permanent ground deformation; (2) characterization of system's vulnerability via fragility curves available in literature; (3) performance evaluation in terms of connectivity. In the paper all issues involved in seismic risk analysis of this kind of systems are discussed with respect to a selected part of the whole network. In particular, the importance of modelling spatial correlation of ground motion and geotechnical hazard on risk assessment was investigated. Results indicate that the system performance may be underestimated when spatial correlation and ground failure are ignored. Moreover, the implications of using fragility curves for compressor stations for the reduction cabins, as suggested in literature, were also addressed, and the necessity of developing specific fragilities was pointed out.

Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, 2014
The analysis of seismic risk to multiple systems of spatially distributed infrastructures present... more The analysis of seismic risk to multiple systems of spatially distributed infrastructures presents new challenges in the characterisation of the seismic hazard input. For this purpose a general procedure entitled "Shakefield" is established, which allows for the generation of samples of ground motion fields for both single scenario events, and for stochastically generated sets of events needed for probabilistic seismic risk analysis. For a spatially distributed infrastructure of vulnerable elements, the spatial correlation of the ground motion fields for different measures of the ground motion intensity is incorporated into the simulation procedure. This is extended further to consider spatial cross-correlation between different measures of ground motion intensity. In addition to the characterisation of the seismic hazard from transient ground motion, the simulation procedure is extended to consider secondary geotechnical effects from earthquake shaking. Thus the Shakefield procedure can also characterise the effects site amplification and transient strain, and also provide estimates of permanent ground displacement due to liquefaction, slope displacement and coseismic fault rupture.

Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2014
The basic function of a gas distribution system, essentially composed of buried pipelines, reduct... more The basic function of a gas distribution system, essentially composed of buried pipelines, reduction stations, and demand nodes, is to deliver gas from sources to end users. The objective of the article is to discuss the evaluation of seismic risk of gas networks in compliance with the performance-based earthquake engineering framework adapted to spatially distributed systems. In particular, three issues are addressed: (1) spatial seismic hazard characterization in terms of ground shaking and permanent ground deformation; (2) analysis of system's vulnerability via fragility curves; (3) seismic performance evaluation via computer-aided simulation. As an application, the seismic risk analysis of L'Aquila (central Italy) gas distribution network, a 621-km mid-and low-pressure pipeline system was considered. The analyses were performed with reference to the mid-pressure part of the network, through an object-oriented software, specific for risk assessment of lifelines, developed by the authors. Results in terms of connectivity-based performance indicators are presented and discussed, along with a performance disaggregation analysis carried out to evaluate the contribution of the components of the system to the risk.
Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, 2014
This chapter, after an introduction presenting the general framework for the seismic risk assessm... more This chapter, after an introduction presenting the general framework for the seismic risk assessment of a gas network according to the SYNER-G methodology (Chap. 2), describes the case study of L'Aquila (central Italy) gas distribution system, a 621 km pipeline network managed by Enel Rete Gas s.p.a. and operating at medium-and low-pressure. Subsequently, the main features regarding the implementation of the application study within the SYNER-G framework are reported, and the process for the seismic performance characterization is summarized. Then, the risk analysis of the system is described, and results in terms of connectivity-based performance indicators are presented. 283 284 S. Esposito and I. Iervolino

Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2011
Spatial modeling of ground motion intensity measures (IMs) is required for risk assessment of spa... more Spatial modeling of ground motion intensity measures (IMs) is required for risk assessment of spatially distributed engineering systems. For example, when a lifeline system is of concern, classical site-specific hazard tools, which treat IMs at different locations independently, may not be adequate to accurately assess the seismic risk. In fact, in this case, modeling of ground motion as a random field is required; it basically consists of assigning a correlation structure to the IM of interest. This work focuses on semiempirical estimation of the correlation coefficient, as a function of intersite separation distance, between residuals with respect to ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) of horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) and peak ground velocity (PGV). In particular, subsets of the European Strong-Motion Database (ESD) and the Italian Accelerometric Archive (ITACA) were employed to evaluate the intraevent residual correlation based on multiple earthquakes, considering different GMPEs fitted to the same records. The analyses were carried out through geostatistical tools, which enabled results to be found that are generally consistent between the two datasets. Correlation for PGV appears to attenuate more gradually with respect to PGA. In order to better understand the dependency of the results on the adopted estimation approach and dataset, some aspects related to the working hypotheses are critically discussed. Finally, estimated correlation models are used to develop illustrative applications of regional probabilistic seismic-hazard analysis.
Papers by Simona Esposito