Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
Learning Sciences
This symposium is a venue for discussing the implications of embodied cognition research for mathematics and computing education. Our goal is to bring five themes together that we think are complementary in understanding what embodiment... more
Learning scientists are only beginning to appreciate the potential of synergy between two concurrent developments—theory of embodied cognition and technology of embodied interaction. We characterize and evaluate this prospective synergy... more
Mathematics education designers and researchers are beginning to appreciate the pedagogical potential of embodied interaction (EI) instructional activities, yet little theory is available to understand its historical roots, sociocognitive... more
The recent proliferation of technological devices with natural user interfaces (e.g., touchscreen tablets) is regenerating scholarship on the role of sensorimotor interaction in conceptual learning. Some researchers of mathematical... more
Recent theories of cognition model human reasoning as tacit simulated action. Implications for the philosophy, design, and practice of mathematics instruction may be momentous. We report on findings from a pioneering design-based research... more
The design and selection of pedagogically effective problem situations is a critical yet undertheorized facet of reform-oriented mathematics education. Drawing on instructional-design frameworks and cognitive-science theory, we propose a... more
When instructional designers develop content-targeted pedagogical situations, their practice can be theorized as engineering students' development of conceptual schemes. To account for the contributions of students' prior schemes... more
The design and selection of pedagogically effective problem situations is a critical yet undertheorized facet of reform-oriented mathematics education. Drawing on instructional-design frameworks and cognitive-science theory, we propose a... more
Abstract: Learning scientists are only beginning to appreciate the potential of synergy between two concurrent developments—theory of embodied cognition and technology of embodied interaction. We characterize and evaluate this prospective... more
Inspired by Enactivist philosophy yet in dialog with it, we ask what theory of embodied cognition might best serve in articulating implications of Enactivism for mathematics education. We offer a blend of Dynamical Systems Theory and... more
This conceptual paper considers what it would mean to take seriously Freudenthal's suggestion that mathematics should be taught like swimming. The general claim being made is that "direct instruction" and "discovery" are not opposite but... more
Community" has become a commonplace term in the learning sciences. Alongside this popularization comes the view that communities are, in general, something to strive towards. We draw on contemporary trends to problematize this assumption... more
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