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Sacs céram. 301, 302 er 303 (voir plan) 3004 Creusement tranchée de fondation 3004 Blocs de fondation débordante 3004 Mur nord du bâtiment quadrangulaire 3006 Aménagement semi-circulaire conservé sur 2 assises Niveau indéterminé au... more
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyIslamEthiopia
T he Scientific Publishing Committee has approved Hypertension to receive a limited number of electronic pages. These electronic pages will be used to help increase the number of referenceable pages for the journal by allowing us to... more
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This ethnographic article explores the changes and continuities of indigenous Qoollee Deejjoo ritual practice, and its role in forest resource management among Kafecho peoples. The Kafecho people, who live in Southwestern Ethiopia have... more
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      Cultural HistoryEthnohistoryCultureIndegenous Knowledge
The present article attempts to reconstruct the fascinating nature of the indigenous defense system and means of military mobilization of the kingdom of Kafa prior to 1897. Kafa, located in today’s Southwestern Ethiopia, was historically... more
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In 2010, UNESCO listed the Kafa Biosphere Reserve (KBR) in southwest Ethiopia based on the concept of landscape multifunctionality and the need to reconcile local community values and needs with conservation pressures. Understanding the... more
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      GeographySocial SciencesEnvironmental StudiesGender