Papers by Guillaume RIVIERE

IHM 2022 TeC, 2022
Many interfaces have been proposed to support environmental behavior in domestic spaces. However ... more Many interfaces have been proposed to support environmental behavior in domestic spaces. However in France, according to INSEE we spent in 2019 1680 hours working on average, often in a dedicated place where an environmental behavior can also be adopted. A preliminary study suggests an increase in hedonic and pragmatic qualities of a tangible eco-feedback interface in the workplace. We propose to explore this trend through a longitudinal study. We outline the theoretical and experimental motivations for this future study also introduced in this paper. RÉSUMÉ De nombreuses interfaces ont été proposées afin d'accompagner un comportement environnemental dans les espaces domestiques. Cependant, d'après l'INSEE nous passions en 2019 1680 heures à travailler en moyenne, souvent dans un lieu dédié sur lequel un comportement environnemental peut également être adopté. Une étude préliminaire suggère une augmentation des qualités hédoniques et pragmatiques d'une interface tangible à éco-feedback sur le lieu de travail. Nous proposons d'explorer cette tendance à travers une étude longitudinale. Nous exposons les motivations théoriques et expérimentales de cette future étude également introduite dans le présent article. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in HCI; Field studies; • Social and professional topics → Sustainability.

IHM 2022, 2022
Evaluation of human-computer interfaces that aim at shaping users' pro-environmental attitudes an... more Evaluation of human-computer interfaces that aim at shaping users' pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors should consider measuring participants' affinity with nature: analyses of user studies in this context have to discriminate a possible effect on the results. This paper proposes to guide the choice between 21 questionnaires available in the literature measuring the Connectedness to Nature (CtN) construct. We thus share a review and an analysis that we made to choose one scale questionnaire for our needs of a user study recruiting in public places and a longitudinal user study aiming to evaluate the use and impact of shape-changing interfaces at workplaces to assist pro-environmental behavior. This paper analyzes questionnaires through eight criteria for Sustainable HCI user studies, reports some meta-analyses' results, illustrates two questionnaire choices, then overviews the limitations of available questionnaires for user studies in HCI.

Journal d'interaction personne-système, Nov 8, 2016
In recent years, tangible user interfaces, which imply interactions performed with one or several... more In recent years, tangible user interfaces, which imply interactions performed with one or several objects, gain more and more interest in research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The tangible object represents a subject or an action. It acts on the system, as an action in classical user interfaces (e.g,. GUI). Interaction on a table, which is a common furniture in everyday life and used in multiple activities (desktop, coffee table, kitchen table, etc.), opens a new way for research and development in HCI. In this article, we present definitions, models, and key issues elicited from the literature that enable understanding and reasoning about the couple < interactive tabletop, tangible object> within an interactive system. Then, we propose a framework that allows to characterize applications supported by the couple <interactive tabletop, tangible object> in a domain-independent manner.
Proceedings of the 29th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 2017
Ces 10 dernières années, des systèmes interactifs ont été conçus pour encourager les utilisateurs... more Ces 10 dernières années, des systèmes interactifs ont été conçus pour encourager les utilisateurs à décaler leur demande en énergie vers les moments où plus d'énergie renouvelable est disponible. Dans cet article, nous proposons de décaler la demande en énergie des ordinateurs portables au travail. À l'aide d'un outil que nous avons développé, nous définissons des consignes pour aider les employés dans cette tâche. Pour permettre aux employés d'appliquer ces consignes, nous proposons d'utiliser un histogramme physique pour visualiser des prévisions de production d'énergie renouvelable. En résultats de plusieurs études utilisateurs, nous convergeons vers un histogramme physique horizontal circulaire, interprétable par l'utilisateur peu importe sa position ___________________________

Journal d'Interaction Personne-Système, 2017
International audience Since many years, the Human-Computer Interaction community is interested i... more International audience Since many years, the Human-Computer Interaction community is interested in the tangible user interfaces (TUI). A part of these TUI focuses on the interaction performed with one or several objects. The domain is in extension by the development of contactless objects (using NFC, RFID technology, etc.). In the system, tangible objects could represent data, action, or complex part. Interaction on a table, which is a common furniture in the everyday life and used in multiple activities (desktop, coffee table, kitchen table, etc.), opens a new way for the research and development in HCI. This article proposes to use a framework, previously proposed in a conjunct article, to characterize applications supported by the couple . These applications aim at supporting complex business tasks; they are described from a technological point of view on the one hand, and from an applicative point of view on the other hand. These applications show the benefit brought by the coup...
Les interfaces utilisateur tangibles sont de formes variées et leur conception est souvent dédiée... more Les interfaces utilisateur tangibles sont de formes variées et leur conception est souvent dédiée et unique. Les spécimens se multiplient et cerner le contour des possibles est aujourd'hui difficile. Or, les approches d'innovation dite ouverte demandent d'identifier et d'être inspiré par des solutions antérieures. En considérant la filiation entre les systèmes technologiques, nous reprenons une méthode de classification systématique issue de la biologie pour l'appliquer en IHM : la classification cladistique. Le but est de proposer une approche originale pour caractériser la diversité des interfaces tangibles. Cet article présente notre démarche pour établir une liste de critères et le développement d'une application web pour un inventaire collaboratif.

Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2021
In the last decade, HCI research has proposed promising technologies for shape-changing interface... more In the last decade, HCI research has proposed promising technologies for shape-changing interfaces. The usefulness and the user experience of shape-change are, however, still to be explored and understood. This paper extends the understanding of the potential utility and usability of axisymmetric shape-change. First, we present 16 potential use cases for a cylindrical shape-changing display. Second, we present a two-month comparative field study in the workplace. Six participants had to shift energy consumption by using energy storage. To do so, they were notified about local energy forecasts. Compared with flat-screen animations, early results show that cylindrical shape-change animations keep a better attractiveness over time. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Displays and imagers; User studies.
Actions to sensibilize the population to renewable energies are more often limited to inform the ... more Actions to sensibilize the population to renewable energies are more often limited to inform the persons. An effective tool would be to make production and consumption data accessible and understandable. We propose a tangible and tactile interface allowing the simplified modeling of a micro-grid. This article presents the conception of the first prototype.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2019
We present CairnFORM, a shape-changing cylindrical display that physicalizes forecasts of renewab... more We present CairnFORM, a shape-changing cylindrical display that physicalizes forecasts of renewable energy availability. CairnFORM aims at creating and encouraging new sociallyshared practices by displaying energy data in collective and public spaces, such as public places and workplaces. It is 360˚readable, and as a dynamic physical ring chart, it can change its cylindrical symmetry with quiet motion. We conducted two user studies. The first study clearly revealed the attractiveness of CairnFORM in a public place and its usability for a range task and for a compare task. Consequently, this makes CairnFORM useful to analyze renewable energy availability. The second study revealed that a non-constant motion speed is the better visualization stimulus at a workplace.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2018
Data physicalizations are growing popular in many societal domains which indicates a strong poten... more Data physicalizations are growing popular in many societal domains which indicates a strong potential for fostering public engagement thanks to public exhibition (e.g. in train stations, in airports, on roundabouts, and in enterprises). We focus on dynamic physical charts for visualizing renewable energy forecasts in public spaces. To get charts readable from any point of view around, we propose a physical ring chart inspired by stone cairns. To build this physical chart, we designed an expandable and stackable illuminated ring. In this paper, we describe the design process and the limitations of the first prototype of such a ring.
Actes de la 28ième conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine on - IHM '16, 2016
Certains systèmes interactifs persuasifs, conçus ces dernières années, ont pour objectif d'aider ... more Certains systèmes interactifs persuasifs, conçus ces dernières années, ont pour objectif d'aider à la gestion de l'énergie. Les interfaces tangibles semblent une opportunité pour interfacer ces systèmes sur les espaces sociaux. Nous examinons leurs propriétés de conception au regard du modèle transthéorique du changement de comportement, émettons deux hypothèses sur leur supériorité pour deux étapes de persuasion en particulier, et proposons une démarche expérimentale afin de le mesurer.
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine on - IHM '07, 2007
Nous nous intéressons à la sélection d'une ligne de coupe dans un modèle 3D. Nous nous situons do... more Nous nous intéressons à la sélection d'une ligne de coupe dans un modèle 3D. Nous nous situons donc dans le paradigme des interfaces utilisateurs 3D (3DUI). Dans ce contexte, il est intéressant pour adresser un problème général d'expérimenter sur des applications métiers complexes porteuses de contraintes et d'exigences, ici les géosciences. Dans le cadre de l'interface proposée, table interactive et interface tangible, nous étudions les différentes métaphores d'interaction possibles et déterminons le meilleur interacteur pour la tâche ciblée.
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM), 2008
In this paper we describe the design and the development of two specific tangible user interface ... more In this paper we describe the design and the development of two specific tangible user interface (TUI) platforms. The aim of the first one is to support computer aided design (CAD) parts assembly operations in the mechanical product domain. The aim of the second one is mainly designed to help stakeholders during the task of validation of subsoil model in the field of geosciences. In this paper, we propose a design methodology of the tangible parts (also called props) based on our previous experiences in TUI development. This methodology is mainly based on multidisciplinary work and user tests and we assume that this process is reproducible. Keywords Tangible user interface (TUI) • Experiences feedback • Multidisciplinary design methodology • CAD parts assembly • Geosciences

SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2009, 2009
Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) are widely used for interacting with complex geosciences software... more Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) are widely used for interacting with complex geosciences software such as interpretation tools or 3D model visualization programs. Despite their well designed protocol of interaction, through the mouse or the keyboard, the user is absent-minded from the main task of interpretation or visualization when applying the protocol. Furthermore collaborative work of more than two users is difficult with a standard computer configuration. As an alternate way of interacting with software, Tangible User Interfaces (TUI) are designed to simplify the actions of the user by utilizing common props (i.e. physical objects) such as rulers or pucks. Actions take place in front of a camera whose images are interpreted by software and the desired result is rendered on a desk by a projector. The user manipulates props on the projected images in front of the camera to interact with the geosciences software. Finally the collaboration of several users is made very comfortable around the desk. The GeoTUI system is developed to combine the working practice of geoscientists on desk with the use of graphical workstation. Several experiments on a workplace allowed to evaluate the advantages of TUI over GUI through the manipulation of different props.
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Virtual reality software and technology - VRST '08, 2008
In this demonstration, we present ArcheoTUI, a new tangible user interface for the efficient asse... more In this demonstration, we present ArcheoTUI, a new tangible user interface for the efficient assembly of the 3D scanned fragments of fractured archeological objects. The key idea is to use tangible props for the manipulation of the virtual fragments. In each hand, the user manipulates an electromagnetically tracked prop, and the translations and rotations are directly mapped to the corresponding virtual fragments on the display. For each hand, a corresponding foot pedal is used to clutch the movements of the hands. Hence, the hands of the user can be repositioned, or the user can be switched. The software of ArcheoTUI is designed to easily change assembly hypotheses, beyond classical undo/redo, by using a scene graph.
Papers by Guillaume RIVIERE