Universidade Estacio de Sa, Brasil
Engenharia Ambiental
Litterfall was collected in a 0.64 ha area for three months, using 25 litter traps. Resampling methods were used to calculate the total litterfall mass grand mean and coefficient of variation (CV) for each month using different numbers of... more
Individuals of Akodon cursor were collected at fragments from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil and laboratory food preference experiments were performed. A preference index for each food item and the proportions of organic nutrients... more
We studied the natural diet of two didelphid marsupial species, Didelphis aurita and Philander frenatus, at a rural area on southeastern Brazil, through fecal sample analysis. Data analysis included intraspecific comparisons (age, gender,... more
Rio de Janeiro city (Rio) with its surrounding areas is undergoing a fast and extensive ecological transformation as a result of the city's social and economical development. The urban landscape expands partly over land with Atlantic... more
One of the most important methodological problems to estimate fine litterfall is the adequate number of litter traps used. In this study we propose a pre-sampling method to determine the minimum number of litterfall traps to obtain an... more
Dentre as alterações oriundas da fragmentação florestal, o aumento do efeito de borda, a invasão de espécies exóticas, modificações na composição específica e na distribuição e abundância das espécies são particularmente importantes... more
ABSTRACT (Variations in structure, floristic composition and successional characteristics of forest fragments of the Guapiaçu river basin (Guapimirim/Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ, Brazil)). This paper presents an analysis of the composition... more
Space and diet are frequently considered the two most important dimensions of an organism niche, but in tropical forests, these two dimensions are associated, with fruits more accessible in the canopy and upper strata of the forest, and... more
O presente trabalho compara a composição e estrutura de assembléias vegetais de fragmentos florestais, com diferentes características em relação ao tipo de propriedades rurais do entorno, tamanho e histórico de uso, com uma área... more
Astrocarium aculeantissimum (Schott) Burret and Euterpe edulis Mart., belong to the same Family (Areaceae), and have high abundances at Atlantic Forest areas, achieving very high densities at some of them (near 500 ind./ha) (Pires 2006,... more
(CIP) (eDOC BRASIL, Belo Horizonte/MG) E57 Engenharia sanitária e ambiental [recurso eletrônico]: tecnologias para a sustentabilidade 3 / Organizador Alan Mario Zuffo.
Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0). O conteúdo dos artigos e seus dados em sua forma, correção e confiabilidade são de responsabilidade... more
Lena Geise (UERJ) editorA executiVA Vera de Ferran (UERJ) editor eMÉrito Rui Cerqueira Silva (UFRJ) editoreS de ÁreA
This article introduces the special volume dedicated to one of the longest wildlife monitoring programs ever carried out in Brazil: the long-term study on small mammals developed by the Laboratório de Vertebrados at UFRJ from 1996 to 2019... more