University of Essex
Department of Philosophy
This essay follows the development of the novel as it goes through its many different stages in an attempt to redefine itself. By tracing the progress of this medium through archetypal manifestations that best represent it, the essay... more
In Frank Herbert’s Dune Saga, we find a transhumanist and Nietzschean argument about the evolution of humans achieved as a result of the triggering effect of the Butlerian Jihad against thinking machines. I claim that the metamorphoses of... more
Narcissus - themythological character whose self-obsession resulted in his undoing - providedthe namesake for a series of personality disorders that have become synonymouswith our modern culture. The description of Narcissus lamenting his... more
- by Kiti Misha
News media is viewed to have a similar role like propaganda. The task of newspapers and other news producers is to communicate what happens, in a language that is as neutral as possible. Interrelated with it, their personal stands are... more
By analyzing modernity’s shift from the monopoly of consciousness and the spirit to the increasingly more prominent focus on the body as our anchor to reality, this study wants to assert that the damage done by the ‘spirit’ cannot be... more
“Who am I?”, is probably one of the oldest questions each member of the human species has asked themselves or tried to solve collectively through philosophy, science, and since the 19th century through psychology. There seems to be an... more
While there have been in our history various attempts to aid in a better understanding of ourselves, none have had a more remarkable effect on the development of the modern human than Freud’s linking of consciousness to its hidden... more
In Love’s Knowledge, Martha Nussbaum defends the claim that literary works are essential to moral philosophy through her account of perceptive equilibrium. Perceptive equilibrium pro- vides for Nussbaum a maximally inclusive conception of... more
In this paper, I argue that the ethical significance of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations can be articulated through Stanley Cavell’s notion of Moral Perfectionism. Moral Perfectionism defines, for Cavell, a register of the... more
Introduzione alla traduzione italiana di "Conditions Handsome and Unhandsome" di Stanley Cavell ("Condizioni Ammirevoli e Avvilenti", Roma, Armando, 2014)
In his paper "The Problem of Domination by Reason and its Non-Relativist solution" Oskari Kuusela describes a problem about our conception of rationality, which he labels the problem of "domination by reason". This problem has contributed... more
In his paper “The Problem of Domination by Reason and its NonRelativist solution” Oskari Kuusela describes a problem about our conception of rationality, which he labels the problem of “domination by reason”. This problem has contributed... more
In his paper "The Problem of Domination by Reason and its Non-Relativist Solution" Oskari Kuusela describes a problem about our conception of rationality, which he labels the problem of “domination by reason”. This problem has... more