Leli Deswindi merupakan dosen tetap yang bergabung dengan jurusan teknik industri universitas Bun... more Leli Deswindi merupakan dosen tetap yang bergabung dengan jurusan teknik industri universitas Bundamulia sejak akhir tahun 2007. Keseriusannya bergelut dalam dunia pendidikan telah mendorong beliau untuk melakukan penelitian dan penulisan artikel yang telah diterbitkan pada beberapa jurnal UBM. Aktivitas penelitian dijalankan dengan mendapat dukungan dari pihak universitas.
Leli Deswindi adalah staf pengajar di Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta d... more Leli Deswindi adalah staf pengajar di Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta dan menjadi koordinator bidang ilmu Manajemen Industri. Bidang peminatan: manajemen jasa, manajemen pemasaran, manajemen keuangan dan manajemen operasional.
Leli Deswindi adalah staf pengajar di Universitas Bunda Mulia. Beberapa mata kuliah yang diampu a... more Leli Deswindi adalah staf pengajar di Universitas Bunda Mulia. Beberapa mata kuliah yang diampu adalah manajemen pemasaran, psikologi industri. Bidang Peminatan: Manajemen Industri Increased competition in the educational institutions in attracting prospective students demanding the education providers to evaluate and improve. Various advantages offered by such excellence of lecturer and guarantee jobs for graduates and facilities, supporting infrastructure owned. In this study, researchers took the object of a university in Jakarta to translate the desire of consumers to one of the supporting facilities of the library as a medium of information through the availability of textbooks, student and faculty research and reading reference materials. With the method of Quality Function Development (QFD) obtained the final results of this study of 10 major things that are important to consumers and has the best service performance as well as 10 high priorities to library development in accordance with the wishes of consumers.
This study discusses the improvement and continuous quality program through the implementation of... more This study discusses the improvement and continuous quality program through the implementation of the philosophy of Six Sigma using the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control). From the analysis concluded the primary cause of these defects is men and methods. Given the proposed improvements are the methods of production processes, such making reference standard for "Best Practice Guide", to check and do the trial on the mold, the plunger cylinder schedule and training for the operator. To achieve the target company's efficiency by 87% required an increase in the value of sigma until 4.27 and suppresses COPQ to Rp 315. 749. 415,
Leli Deswindi merupakan dosen tetap yang bergabung dengan jurusan teknik industri universitas Bun... more Leli Deswindi merupakan dosen tetap yang bergabung dengan jurusan teknik industri universitas Bundamulia sejak akhir tahun 2007. Keseriusannya bergelut dalam dunia pendidikan telah mendorong beliau untuk melakukan penelitian dan penulisan artikel yang telah diterbitkan pada beberapa jurnal UBM. Aktivitas penelitian dijalankan dengan mendapat dukungan dari pihak universitas.
Leli Deswindi adalah staf pengajar di Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta d... more Leli Deswindi adalah staf pengajar di Jurusan Teknik Industri, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Jakarta dan menjadi koordinator bidang ilmu Manajemen Industri. Bidang peminatan: manajemen jasa, manajemen pemasaran, manajemen keuangan dan manajemen operasional.
Leli Deswindi adalah staf pengajar di Universitas Bunda Mulia. Beberapa mata kuliah yang diampu a... more Leli Deswindi adalah staf pengajar di Universitas Bunda Mulia. Beberapa mata kuliah yang diampu adalah manajemen pemasaran, psikologi industri. Bidang Peminatan: Manajemen Industri Increased competition in the educational institutions in attracting prospective students demanding the education providers to evaluate and improve. Various advantages offered by such excellence of lecturer and guarantee jobs for graduates and facilities, supporting infrastructure owned. In this study, researchers took the object of a university in Jakarta to translate the desire of consumers to one of the supporting facilities of the library as a medium of information through the availability of textbooks, student and faculty research and reading reference materials. With the method of Quality Function Development (QFD) obtained the final results of this study of 10 major things that are important to consumers and has the best service performance as well as 10 high priorities to library development in accordance with the wishes of consumers.
This study discusses the improvement and continuous quality program through the implementation of... more This study discusses the improvement and continuous quality program through the implementation of the philosophy of Six Sigma using the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control). From the analysis concluded the primary cause of these defects is men and methods. Given the proposed improvements are the methods of production processes, such making reference standard for "Best Practice Guide", to check and do the trial on the mold, the plunger cylinder schedule and training for the operator. To achieve the target company's efficiency by 87% required an increase in the value of sigma until 4.27 and suppresses COPQ to Rp 315. 749. 415,
Papers by Leli Deswindi