Papers by Luis Zambrano Palma
1.-Después de un largo día de viaje, tarde por la noche, usted nada en la piscina del hotel donde... more 1.-Después de un largo día de viaje, tarde por la noche, usted nada en la piscina del hotel donde se hospeda. Cuando se retira a su habitación, se da cuenta de que perdió la llave en la alberca. Consigue una linterna potente y camina alrededor de la alberca dirigiendo la luz hacia ella. La luz ilumina la llave, que yace en el fondo de la alberca, cuando sostiene la linterna a 1.2 m de la superficie del agua y dirigida hacia la superficie a una distancia horizontal de 1.5 m desde el borde. Si el agua en ese punto tiene 4.0 m de profundidad, ¿a qué distancia del borde de la alberca se encuentra la llave?
The process of titanium&#... more The process of titanium's machining in the aerospace industry today is by trial and error, it produce non efficient results, because this material is classified by the high chemical reaction with other materials and its low thermal conductivity such as a difficult to machine, so the process of finding the correct parameters for machining are hard to determine, and today
European Physical Journal C, 2011
Jet cross sections have been measured for the first time in proton-proton collisions at a centre-... more Jet cross sections have been measured for the first time in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV using the ATLAS detector. The measurement uses an integrated luminosity of 17 nb−1 recorded at the Large Hadron Collider. The anti-k t algorithm is used to identify jets, with two jet resolution parameters, R=0.4 and 0.6. The dominant uncertainty comes from the jet energy scale, which is determined to within 7% for central jets above 60 GeV transverse momentum. Inclusive single-jet differential cross sections are presented as functions of jet transverse momentum and rapidity. Dijet cross sections are presented as functions of dijet mass and the angular variable χ. The results are compared to expectations based on next-to-leading-order QCD, which agree with the data, providing a validation of the theory in a new kinematic regime.
Dijet angular distributions from the first LHC pp collisions at center-of-mass energy √ s = 7 TeV... more Dijet angular distributions from the first LHC pp collisions at center-of-mass energy √ s = 7 TeV have been measured with the ATLAS detector. The dataset used for this analysis represents an integrated luminosity of 3.1 pb −1 . Dijet χ distributions and centrality ratios have been measured up to dijet masses of 2.8 TeV, and found to be in good agreement with Standard Model predictions. Analysis of the χ distributions excludes quark contact interactions with a compositeness scale Λ below 3.4 TeV, at 95% confidence level, significantly exceeding previous limits.
Papers by Luis Zambrano Palma