Papers by Fernando Lámbarry

Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research
Esta investigación propone un modelo de resiliencia para las empresas de alojamiento turístico en... more Esta investigación propone un modelo de resiliencia para las empresas de alojamiento turístico en la Riviera Maya, a consecuencia del cambio climático. A partir de estudios realizados de esta región de México sobre la vulnerabilidad de este destino turístico que geográficamente se extiende desde la localidad de Puerto Morelos hasta Punta Allen en el Estado de Quintana Roo, se determinó que la actividad turística se ha visto afectada por la variación del nivel del mar y diferentes fenómenos hidrológicos1, así también existen afectaciones como la degradación medioambiental debido a la urbanización desmedida. Aunque en la revisión documental realizada existen diversos modelos sobre el diagnóstico de la resiliencia, para este caso particular no hay evidencia empírica para el sector hotelero de Quintana Roo, por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar las dimensiones, de la resiliencia organizacional, que afectan a las partes interesadas mediante un análisis documental, ...
Diversos tratados de integración han ocurrido en la historia de Latinoamérica. El más reciente de... more Diversos tratados de integración han ocurrido en la historia de Latinoamérica. El más reciente de ellos es la Alianza del Pacífico, que representa una oportunidad de unificación regional con el Mercado Común del Sur. Los estudios sobre este tema e intercambios comerciales son recurrentes en integraciones con estructuras centrales y bloques de países en la periferia que fomentan asimetrías regionales. Consecuente conesto, el objetivode este estudio es analizar estructuralmente la centralidaddelintercambio económico comercial de ambos bloques y de una eventual integración. El método de investigación implicó calcular métricas de centralidad fundamentadas en la teoría de redes. A partir de lo anterior, se concluye que los bloques tienen una estructura estratificada y que una eventual integración eficaz debe transitar hacia un regionalismo estratégico.
Corporate responsibility is still a secondary issue in most companies anywhere in the world. Howe... more Corporate responsibility is still a secondary issue in most companies anywhere in the world. However, corporate responsibility and sustainability are increasingly common among businessmen, so that literature has emerged on various approaches to this type of case identifying the factors that compose them, which is the objective of this study, to the Mexican context. The research method is based on the documentary analysis of the main models of social responsibility and sustainability, and a hierarchical decision making analysis. The results provide a first theoretical approach to the management of companies
in Mexico, allowing them to guide their operational strategies, and similarly for public administrators, the development of public policies of responsibility and sustainability.

Stress is one of the occupational diseases that affect workers worldwide, affecting their own pro... more Stress is one of the occupational diseases that affect workers worldwide, affecting their own productivity and performance (as well as that of the organizations where they work), and even their physical and mental health. According to the International Labour Organization, Mexican workers suffer from stress the most all over the world, since theirs is one of the most stressful professions. With this in mind, the aim of this research is to study the work stress in bus rapid transit drivers and minibus in Mexico City. The method used is based on an exploratory statistical factorial analysis. It is concluded that the factors which a higher influence in the onset of stress are organizational, environmental (physical/individual), inherent to the position, extra organizational and individual. Although divergent among drivers, minibus drivers are the workers who suffer the most from stress. El estrés desde una perspectiva administrativa en los conductores de transporte público en la Ciudad de México: minibús y metrobús El estrés es una de las enfermedades laborales que más afectan a los trabajadores en todo el mundo, perjudicando su productividad y rendimiento tanto propio como de las organizaciones donde laboran, e incluso su salud física y mental. Según la Organización Internacional del Trabajo son los trabajadores mexicanos quienes mayormente lo padecen a nivel mundial, toda vez que una de las profesiones más estresantes es ser conductor de transporte público. Es por ello que el objetivo de esta investigación es estudiar el estrés laboral en los conductores de autobuses de tránsito rápido y microbuses de la Ciu-dad de México. El método empleado se fundamenta en el análisis estadístico factorial exploratorio. A partir de lo anterior, se concluye que los factores que más inciden en la aparición de estrés son organi-zacionales, ambientales (físico/individual), intrínsecos del puesto, extraorganizacionales e individuales. Aunque divergentes entre los conductores, son los de minibús los que más lo padecen.

Cuantificación de mobbing en el sector financiero mexicano desde la perspectiva de género Abstrac... more Cuantificación de mobbing en el sector financiero mexicano desde la perspectiva de género Abstract: Mobbing is a gradual and progressive process in organizations that affects the efficiency and health of their workers. Its incidence and prevalence has been of an increasing interest in the specialized literature, in order to take organizational measures to prevent, control and eradicate this phenomenon. The objective of this research, with a descriptive-explanatory cutting, is to quantify mobbing through the mvr model, in an organization of the Mexican financial sector from the perspective of gender. We conclude that high levels of mobbing exist in the institution, being situational factors and identity the ones that most influence on mobbing; it was verified that feminine gender is the most affected. Key words: quantification of mobbing, financial sector, gender perspective. Resumen: Mobbing es un proceso gradual y progresivo en las organizaciones que afecta su eficacia y la salud de sus trabajadores. Su incidencia y prevalencia ha sido de creciente interés en la literatura especializada, con el fin de adoptar medidas organizacionales para evitarlo, controlarlo y erradicarlo. El objetivo de esta investigación de corte descriptiva explicativa es cuantificarlo a través del modelo mvr en una organización del sector financiero mexicano, desde la perspectiva de género. Se concluye que existe mobbing con niveles altos en la institución, siendo los factores situacionales y los de identidad los que más inciden en él y se confirma que es el género femenino en mayor grado el afectado. Palabras clave: cuantificación de mobbing, sector financiero, perspectiva de género.
The business sector is at the frontier of a new paradigm that entails assuming social responsibil... more The business sector is at the frontier of a new paradigm that entails assuming social responsibility for its activities from an increasing social pressure to operate sustainably. Despite a growing literature regarding this topic, is barely analyzed how consumers perceive the social responsibility of corporations, which is the purpose of this study in the company Danmex de México. The research method is based on the linear regression and correlational analysis. The results show discretionary and environmental factors with the highest incidence in the perception of the image in the corporate social responsibility at Danmex, followed by ethical and community factors.

There are about 80 000 Community Water Boards (CWB) operating in Latin America and the Caribbean ... more There are about 80 000 Community Water Boards (CWB) operating in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), showing that community management is an alternative to supply water and sanitation services, primarily in rural areas. In Mexico, this form of management is latent but has not been subject to a consolidated recognition. The descriptive documentary research analyzes community management models applied in LAC countries according to the categories described in the Triple–S Model (Sustainable Services at Scale), to interpret its structure according to the particularities of the different levels of government (local, regional and national) it is concluded with challenges and opportunities of a federal state, such as Mexico, for the implementation of community water management. Keywords: community water management in Latin America and the Caribbean, community water management in Mexico, community water management models

From a comprehensive review of the state of the art about mobbing, the models used on its quantif... more From a comprehensive review of the state of the art about mobbing, the models used on its quantification were identified. The data analysis concluded that there is a variety within variables used to measure the phenomenon; it stands out that none of them considers the emotional intelligence variable, nor the models' little gender orientation in organizations, particularly in public higher education institutions, despite being a notorious sector with a high rate incidence of the phenomenon. A diagnosis was made at Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) Higher Education Institutions (HEI) which revealed that there are some variables that could be mobbing causes. The research field analysis allows proposing a theoretical model about mobbing among IPN civil servant women. This is a descriptive explanatory research. This model integrates emotional intelligence and victims' and bullies' personality as determining variables.
Water management is a topic written in a lot of books and papers, due to the growing world concer... more Water management is a topic written in a lot of books and papers, due to the growing world concern for the shortage of the resource; however, few studies have scientific rigor. The purpose of this paper is to integrate a water management model with an administrative approach. From documentary research, concepts and models are established on this topic. The results show that the integration of the proposed model is feasible, and it is suggested further scientific research in this kind of models because they are scarce in the literature.
This is a review paper which describes "Burnout", its concept evolution, Burnout models, which is... more This is a review paper which describes "Burnout", its concept evolution, Burnout models, which is divided into two types: comprehensive models and process models, identification of varying quantification instruments and application area, it is also analysed, described, and discussed the models and instruments weaknesses. Finally is described the research made in Mexico. The main finding of the paper is that burnout is contingent with the environment and a phenomenon is important and the empirical evidence is too strong for to consider as occupational disease in the design of public policies to face the problem.
The profile based on competencies established by the Federal Council of the Judiciary of Mexico f... more The profile based on competencies established by the Federal Council of the Judiciary of Mexico for the position of court clerk (acting as assistant to judges and magistrates) has an inchoate definition that limits the eventual management of their jurisdictional function.
With the purpose of contributing to the solution of this problem, the purpose of this research is to propose a model of the profile by competencies of court clerks of the judicial circuit court and district court in Mexico. With this in mind, a qualitative documentary
research method is used. The results allow us to define five key competencies (relational, functional, analytical, personal and technical) that court clerks should develop to fill that position.
Insecurity is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon that has become a perennial debate in all so... more Insecurity is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon that has become a perennial debate in all societies. However, the process of certification of personnel of public security institutions is built as a response to combat insecurity worldwide and especially in Mexico, where the authorities of police corporations have failed to resolve the dilemma of improving its efficacy and safety that is constantly claimed and required by the citizenship, which is the subject of this study. The research method of mixed type is based on the study of five categories of analysis of the certification process and contrast the hypothesis of the relationship on the perception of security and police certification. The results reveal that there is no evidence to reject it although it exist a relationship between the two inverse distributions.

This article is about the planningprocess of a bus rapid transit system in Mexico City, called Me... more This article is about the planningprocess of a bus rapid transit system in Mexico City, called Metrobus.It is a qualitative research that describes the two consolidated models of BRT planning, the one from the Research Board of Transportation based in North America developed cities; and the one from the Institute of Policy for Transportation and Development applied in Latin American cities. Also the study describethe BRT system of the Mexico´s Cityin which fieldwork was done based on in-depth interviews to themanagers of the operating carrier companies of the 4 current BRT corridors. The Mexican case shows two variables that are not strongly considered in the studied models and should be incorporated in similar context: the BRT environmental impact and the strategy of consensus withthe BRT operators. The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) known in México as Metrobus have gained enormous popularity since they contribute to give a modern and orderly image in the cities where the implementation is achieved. In the case of Latin America there are several cities that have this kind of massive transportation, but the available literature agrees with the lack of planning of the transportation systems in general in this region (Rivas et al., 2007). However, the importance of planning are taken up in different kinds of studies, for exampleLevinson et al., (2003) who after studying 26 cases of study developed a guide for the implementation of a BRT system. A work of great interest not only to academics but to public policy makers, managers, directors of transportation and planners. A review of the characteristics of the Bus Rapid Transit projects made by Jarzab, Lightbody and Maeda (2002) they compare the costs and complexity between implementing light rail system versus BRT and conclude that the cost and the determination depend on the context.Polzin, Baltes, and Vuchic (2002) made a critical study of BRT systems as a viable alternative compared to urban trains. They conclude that the BRT is an initial step where there is a possibility of consolidating, later on, urban rail systems which are more expensive and therefore the BRT is a step forward in the urban renewal strategy and in the image of public transportation of a city. There is an extensive literature on the Latin American experience it highlights the work of: Menckhoff (2005) who after knowing and comparing the experience of different countries including the cities of Quito (Ecuador), Bogota, (Colombia), Santiago (Chile) Leon (Mexico) concluded that BRT systems are a great improvement over traditional bus systems often linked to integral reform processes of public transportation that are much less expensive than light train system and subway but its implementation is complex and requires competent planners and strong political leadership.In another important research Graftieaux and Hidalgo (2009) after comparing 11 cities in Asia and Latin America found that implantation resulted in a reduction of pollution and accidents. Implemented BRT corridors have generally been well received by users, with a relatively low capital investment (1.4 million / km to 8.2 million euros / km). Systems have faced problems related to planning, implementation and operations, mainly as a result of institutional and financial limitations. The case of Bogota Colombia, as the first one, has been extensively studied; there are 2510 papers that analyze from multiple operatic approaches, financial, from the quality of service, logistics, among others. Example of this is the work of Ardila (2004), in his research concluded about the planning process and implementation of the BRT systems in Curitiba and Bogotá (which can be interpreted as the consensus reached): institutional

In most of the emerging cities there is an insecure, inefficient
and obsolete transportation syst... more In most of the emerging cities there is an insecure, inefficient
and obsolete transportation system, which begins to evolve into a bus
rapid transit system (BRT) of high quality, and user oriented. Although
scales to measure perceptions of the quality of service in different sectors have been developed previously, due to its characteristics, is necessary to construct a specific scale applicable to BRT, being this the objective of this study. The research method is based on factorial and psychometrical analysis. The results show that the quality of the service perceived by BRT users is a multidimensional construct composed of the following variables: comfort, condition of the vehicles and stations, accessibility and ease of use, and reliability. These results provide a first theoretical approach for the managers of the BRT operating companies that will allow them to guide their operation strategies, and likewise for public administrators for guiding the development of public policies on transportation.
Water management and quality in its service are topics written in a lot of books and papers, due ... more Water management and quality in its service are topics written in a lot of books and papers, due to the growing world concern for the shortage of the resource; however, few studies have scientific rigor. The purpose of this paper is to integrate a water management model with quality in its service with an administrative approach. From documentary research, concepts and administrative models are established on these topics. The results show that the integration of the proposed models is feasible,
and further scientific research in this kind of models is suggested because they are scarce in the literature.

Esta investigación realiza una análisis del concepto de servidor público, describe y diferencia l... more Esta investigación realiza una análisis del concepto de servidor público, describe y diferencia los servicios civiles y los profesionales de carrera y realiza un diagnóstico documental del estado del sistema profesional de carrera en México. Asimismo, diagnostica la operación del servicio profesional de carrera en la Consejería Jurídica de la Presidencia de México, a partir de un análisis documental y entrevistas focales realizadas a los responsables de su Administración, así como a candidatos aspirantes. A partir de lo anterior, se detectó una falta de congruencia de los instrumentos de evaluación, por lo que se propone un nuevo modelo de competencias para los servidores públicos en México, para evaluarlos y garantizar la congruencia con los principios rectores. A B S T R A C T This research performs an analysis of the concept of public servant, describes and differentiates the civil services and career services professionals, and makes a documental diagnosis of the state of professional career system in Mexico. The operation of the professional service career in the Legal Department of the President of Mexico is also diagnosed, using a documental analysis and focus interviews with those responsible for its administration and with aspiring candidates. From the above, a lack of consistency of evaluation instruments was found, thus a new competency model for public servants in Mexico is proposed with the aim of assessing and ensuring consistency with the guiding principles. Esta investigação realiza uma análise do conceito de funcionário público, descreve e diferencia os serviços civis e os serviços profissionais de carreira e realiza um diagnóstico documental do estado do sistema profissional de carreira no México. Também diagnostica a operação do serviço profissional de carreira no Conselho Jurídico da Presidência do México, a partir de uma análise documental e entrevistas focais aos responsáveis da administração, assim como a candidatos. A partir do mencionado anteriormente, detectou-se uma falta de congruência dos instrumentos de avaliação, pelo que se propõe um novo modelo de competências para os funcionários públicos no México, de modo a avaliá-los garantindo a congruência com os princípios orientadores.

The decisions on concessioned transportation in relation to the implementation of a new alternati... more The decisions on concessioned transportation in relation to the implementation of a new alternative to the existing one, especially in developing countries are a cause of debate and disagreement. In the absence of measures for solving these differences, the result is a lack of action that delays important decisions on this matter. In light of the international literature, the rapid transit bus systems planning models, agree that for political purposes it is advisable to involve, the existing licensees that operates on what it will be the stroke of the corridor, the new transport system but they also refer as critical the way they will be included, if they are not included at all, they will politicallly resist the system. However, these models make little emphasis on the establishment of agreements between the key groups involved, while the consensus building models are not documented despite the prominence and importance that public transport has on the international agenda and the growing popularity and implementation of BRT. The purpose that guided this documental-reflexive research consisted on proposing a consensus building model within two of the principal interested: the affected dealers and government officials responsible for the implementation of the BRT system.

resumen Los sistemas autobuses de tránsito rápido (BRT) han sido implementados en numerosas ciuda... more resumen Los sistemas autobuses de tránsito rápido (BRT) han sido implementados en numerosas ciudades de todo el mundo; sin embargo, existen pocos estudios que analicen y comparen los procesos de planeación y los consensos alcanzados entre los concesionarios afectados y las autoridades de gobierno encargados de la implementación de estos sistemas. En este estudio, se decidió analizar y comparar los procedimientos de planeación y consensos pactados en la instrumentación del Metrobús de la Ciudad de México y del Mexibús del Estado de México. Este estudio es de corte documental y utilizó el método de casos, además de entrevistas semiestructuradas con expertos en el campo y autoridades gubernamentales. Entre los hallazgos encontrados, se evidencia la escasa importancia en los modelos de planeación de BRT hacia los consensos establecidos entre estos dos actores claves mencionados, además de la elaboración de diversos estudios técnicos y proyectos ejecutivos en el caso de Metrobús y la ausencia de ellos para el caso de Mexibús, aunque en cuestión de acuerdos muy similares entre sí. Palabras clave: Autobús de tránsito rápido, consensos, Metrobús, Mexibús, modelos de planeación BRT. abstract BRT systems planning and consensus reached between carriers and government officials during its implementation: The case of Metrobus and Mexibus The bus rapid transit systems (BRT) have been implemented in many cities around the world, but there are few studies that analyze and compare the planning processes and consensus reached among the affected transport operators and government officials responsible for implementing these systems. In this study, it was decided to analyze and compare the procedures of planning and consensus reached in the implementation of the Metrobús in Ciudad de México and Mexibús in Estado de México. This is a cualitative study and used the case method, as well as semi-structured interviews with experts in the field and government officials. Among the findings, there is evidence of the lack of importance in BRT planning models to the consensus established between these two key players mentioned, as well as the findings shows the development of various technical studies and projects in the case of Metrobús and the absence of them to Mexibús case, although agreements in question were very similar between them.
RESUmEn Los ejecutivos deben caminar en una fina línea entre dos extremos: por una parte, la toma... more RESUmEn Los ejecutivos deben caminar en una fina línea entre dos extremos: por una parte, la toma de decisiones arbitrarias sin un estudio riguroso de la situación problemática, basándose en cora-zonadas o intuición; por otra parte, apoyarse demasiado en análisis racionales y cuantitativos. Las decisiones por lo general no las toma un solo ejecutivo, requiere de la participación de determinados grupos involucrados en la problemática y en ciertos casos, entre organizaciones, coexistiendo por un lado, conflicto de intereses que frustran la colaboración o bien, por otra parte, soluciones consensuadas bajo un contexto participativo y colaborativo. Palabras clave: proceso de toma de decisiones, conflicto, consensos.
Papers by Fernando Lámbarry
in Mexico, allowing them to guide their operational strategies, and similarly for public administrators, the development of public policies of responsibility and sustainability.
With the purpose of contributing to the solution of this problem, the purpose of this research is to propose a model of the profile by competencies of court clerks of the judicial circuit court and district court in Mexico. With this in mind, a qualitative documentary
research method is used. The results allow us to define five key competencies (relational, functional, analytical, personal and technical) that court clerks should develop to fill that position.
and obsolete transportation system, which begins to evolve into a bus
rapid transit system (BRT) of high quality, and user oriented. Although
scales to measure perceptions of the quality of service in different sectors have been developed previously, due to its characteristics, is necessary to construct a specific scale applicable to BRT, being this the objective of this study. The research method is based on factorial and psychometrical analysis. The results show that the quality of the service perceived by BRT users is a multidimensional construct composed of the following variables: comfort, condition of the vehicles and stations, accessibility and ease of use, and reliability. These results provide a first theoretical approach for the managers of the BRT operating companies that will allow them to guide their operation strategies, and likewise for public administrators for guiding the development of public policies on transportation.
and further scientific research in this kind of models is suggested because they are scarce in the literature.
in Mexico, allowing them to guide their operational strategies, and similarly for public administrators, the development of public policies of responsibility and sustainability.
With the purpose of contributing to the solution of this problem, the purpose of this research is to propose a model of the profile by competencies of court clerks of the judicial circuit court and district court in Mexico. With this in mind, a qualitative documentary
research method is used. The results allow us to define five key competencies (relational, functional, analytical, personal and technical) that court clerks should develop to fill that position.
and obsolete transportation system, which begins to evolve into a bus
rapid transit system (BRT) of high quality, and user oriented. Although
scales to measure perceptions of the quality of service in different sectors have been developed previously, due to its characteristics, is necessary to construct a specific scale applicable to BRT, being this the objective of this study. The research method is based on factorial and psychometrical analysis. The results show that the quality of the service perceived by BRT users is a multidimensional construct composed of the following variables: comfort, condition of the vehicles and stations, accessibility and ease of use, and reliability. These results provide a first theoretical approach for the managers of the BRT operating companies that will allow them to guide their operation strategies, and likewise for public administrators for guiding the development of public policies on transportation.
and further scientific research in this kind of models is suggested because they are scarce in the literature.