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For more than one century Carl von Clausewitz's theory of war has formed a major pillar of the U.S. military doctrine. However, once the iron curtain fell and the Soviet Union came to demise triggering possibly more problems than... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)International RelationsInternational StudiesClassical Literature
This article takes the current debate between the enemy-centric and the population-centric approaches as a point of departure to make its contribution by shifting the focus from the operational and tactical to the strategic realm. To this... more
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      Insurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Contemporary WarfareMilitary and strategic studies
Este artículo toma el debate actual entre los enfoques centrados en el enemigo y los centrados en la población como un punto de partida para hacer su contribución, cambiando el enfoque del ámbito operacional y táctico al estratégico. Con... more
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      Insurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Contemporary Warfare
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    • Military Science
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      Military ScienceMilitary and Politics
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    • Military Science
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      Military EthicsEthics
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      Military EthicsEthics
Recent experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq served as an impetus to create a new doctrinal approach suited to conduct expeditionary counterinsurgency operations in accordance with the exigencies of the contemporary operational environment.... more
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Too often states have faced internal threats from violent non-state actors seeking to overthrow the government and replace it with their own. Too often have states’ efforts fallen short in overcoming such an internal menace. This begs the... more
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Este reporte compila los aportes académicos de la Revista Científica General José María Córdova (Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos), durante la última década, a la investigación y el debate sobre el uso legítimo del... more
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This working paper deals with the concept of globalization and what it encompasses. To understand the full complexity of the often-nebulous phenomenon, the authors apply the most prominent theories in international relations in order to... more
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      Globalisation and DevelopmentNeoclassical realism
This working paper examine the neo-liberal theory of free trade. First, they discuss core concepts of the theory. Further, they look at several historical examples, including those concerning third world countries and critically assess in... more
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Este reporte compila los aportes académicos de la RCGJMC a la investigación y el debate sobre el uso legítimo del poder y su adecuado ejercicio en relación con los intereses nacionales, para el beneficio de la formulación de políticas y... more
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The war in Syria, given its complexity and geopolitical importance, has received much recent analytical attention. Although many perspectives have been covered, there is still a need in Western sources to view the conflict more through... more
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      Doctrine (Military Science)Strategy (Military Science)Russian Military PolicyRussia’s military intervention in Syria
Los artículos publicados por la Revista Científica General José María Córdova son de acceso abierto bajo una licencia Creative Commons: Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivados.
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