Escuela Superior de Guerra "General Rafael Reyes Prieto"
Military Science
For more than one century Carl von Clausewitz's theory of war has formed a major pillar of the U.S. military doctrine. However, once the iron curtain fell and the Soviet Union came to demise triggering possibly more problems than... more
For more than one century Carl von Clausewitz's theory of war has formed a major pillar of the U.S. military doctrine. However, once the iron curtain fell and the Soviet Union came to demise triggering possibly more problems than solutions in the newly emerged bipolar world, the old doctrines became highly obsolete. With the rapid rise of unconventional skirmishes including civil wars, genocide, terrorist attacks etc. the classical war paradigm fell like a house of cards. Instead both academia and the military circles produced numerous conceptual frameworks in attempt to capture the complexity of so-called "new threats". 1 This led to the claim that the age of conventional, or as Martin van Creveld put it "Trinitarian", wars was over. 2 By "Trinitarian" he explicitly referred to Clausewitz's wondrous trinity consisting of violence, chance and policy, 3 which is precisely the subject of Thomas Waldman's book titled War, Clausewitz and the Trinity. This very subject is the element that is not only the most central feature of Clausewitz's writings, but also the most understudied and the most misunderstood.
This article takes the current debate between the enemy-centric and the population-centric approaches as a point of departure to make its contribution by shifting the focus from the operational and tactical to the strategic realm. To this... more
This article takes the current debate between the enemy-centric and the population-centric approaches as a point of departure to make its contribution by shifting the focus from the operational and tactical to the strategic realm. To this end, it traces the meanings of each approach to its historical origins, discussing the theoretical underpinnings as to distill the basic tenets and to evaluate to what extent each is suitable to counter an insurgency. The central argument of this article is that while both approaches have different ‘philosophies,’ they are two sides of the same coin. Thus, what needs to be taken into account is the strategic dimension and, logically enough, the political, when referring to counterinsurgency as the two will be determinant in which approach is employed.
Este artículo toma el debate actual entre los enfoques centrados en el enemigo y los centrados en la población como un punto de partida para hacer su contribución, cambiando el enfoque del ámbito operacional y táctico al estratégico. Con... more
Este artículo toma el debate actual entre los enfoques centrados en el enemigo y los centrados en la población como un punto de partida para hacer su contribución, cambiando el enfoque del ámbito operacional y táctico al estratégico. Con este fin, rastrea los significados de cada enfoque desde sus orígenes históricos, discutiendo los fundamentos teóricos para destilar los principios básicos y evaluar hasta qué punto cada uno es adecuado para contrarrestar una insurgencia. El argumento central de este artículo es que, si bien ambos enfoques tienen “filosofías” diferentes, son dos caras de la misma moneda. Por lo tanto, lo que se debe tener en cuenta es la dimensión estratégica y, lógicamente, la política, al referirse a la contrainsurgencia ya que los dos serán determinantes en el enfoque que se emplee.
Recent experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq served as an impetus to create a new doctrinal approach suited to conduct expeditionary counterinsurgency operations in accordance with the exigencies of the contemporary operational environment.... more
Recent experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq served as an impetus to create a new doctrinal approach suited to conduct expeditionary counterinsurgency operations in accordance with the exigencies of the contemporary operational environment. These arguably new tenets for operational design—enshrined in the U.S. Army/Marine Corps Field Manual 3-24 Counterinsurgency—are, as demonstrated, carbon copies of the intellectual products of earlier thinkers and practitioners. This book, therefore, seeks to illuminate the canon of thought and practice on counterinsurgency that stretches back to the 18th century, critically assessing writings from different parts of the world, including Spain, France, Great Britain, present-day Germany, the United States and China, to name but a few. The purpose of this intellectual exercise is two-fold. The first aim is to show that counterinsurgency thinking and practice are cyclical. Theorists and practitioners such as those of the 20th century and onwards have only repeated what their predecessors had already discovered. The second is to provide a rational understanding of how and why different practices came about and in what context. Finally, the review throws a critical glance at the contemporary publications, arguing that much of the effort dedicated to devising the ultimate guide to counterinsurgency remains trapped on the operational level, sidelining not only other hierarchically superior levels such as that of policy and strategy but also some critical works such as those written by Carl von Clausewitz and Charles E. Callwell which could both expand and enrich the current understanding of what is perceived as an insurgency.
- by Sello Editorial Escuela Militar de Cadetes and +1
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Too often states have faced internal threats from violent non-state actors seeking to overthrow the government and replace it with their own. Too often have states’ efforts fallen short in overcoming such an internal menace. This begs the... more
Too often states have faced internal threats from violent non-state actors seeking to overthrow the government and replace it with their own. Too often have states’ efforts fallen short in overcoming such an internal menace. This begs the question: is successful counterinsurgency possible? This question took the centre stage in light of the United States’ involvement in Afghanistan (2001) and Iraq (2003). Quickly it became evident that superior military strength did not translate into military success. The American way of war could not mitigate the escalating situation on the ground. The descent into chaos in Iraq has perpetuated the need for a new approach to counter the insurgents. This approach came to be known as “population-centric” counterinsurgency. By 2006, it appeared in the form of the US Army/Marine Corps joint publication entitled Field Manual 3-24 Counterinsurgency. The new manual offered an arguably new way of addressing insurgencies, shifting the focus from the enemy to the key population. For the US Army and Marine Corps, this ‘new’ thinking presented a radical departure from previous practices. However, was the initial success in Iraq, indeed, indebted to the implementation of the manual? And how ‘new’ was this new approach the manual laid out? In this book, the author closely examines the situation in Iraq and assesses in how far the new manual could be said to have contributed to the reduction of violence in Iraq in 2007. In addition, the core elements are examined in detail and contrasted with previous manuals in order to highlight that the ‘new’ thinking might not have been that new after all.
- by Sello Editorial Escuela Militar de Cadetes and +2
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Este reporte compila los aportes académicos de la Revista Científica General José María Córdova (Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos), durante la última década, a la investigación y el debate sobre el uso legítimo del... more
Este reporte compila los aportes académicos de la Revista Científica General José María Córdova (Revista colombiana de estudios militares y estratégicos), durante la última década, a la investigación y el debate sobre el uso legítimo del poder y su adecuado ejercicio en relación con los intereses nacionales, para el beneficio de la formulación de políticas y la gestión pública.
This working paper deals with the concept of globalization and what it encompasses. To understand the full complexity of the often-nebulous phenomenon, the authors apply the most prominent theories in international relations in order to... more
This working paper deals with the concept of globalization and what it encompasses. To understand the full complexity of the often-nebulous phenomenon, the authors apply the most prominent theories in international relations in order to demonstrate that each of them describes only a limited number of aspects of globalization. The authors, thus, conclude that a more multidimensional of understanding of the phenomenon is necessary to ensure that all complexities are taken into account.
This working paper examine the neo-liberal theory of free trade. First, they discuss core concepts of the theory. Further, they look at several historical examples, including those concerning third world countries and critically assess in... more
This working paper examine the neo-liberal theory of free trade. First, they discuss core concepts of the theory. Further, they look at several historical examples, including those concerning third world countries and critically assess in how far free trade is beneficial and for whom. Finally, the authors conclude that there is a significant discrepancy between what the theory dictates and what happens in practice, calling into question the benefits of the practical application of the free trade theory, especially, in more economically disadvantage countries.
- by Escuela de Aviación del Ejército (ESAVE) and +1
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Este reporte compila los aportes académicos de la RCGJMC a la investigación y el debate sobre el uso legítimo del poder y su adecuado ejercicio en relación con los intereses nacionales, para el beneficio de la formulación de políticas y... more
Este reporte compila los aportes académicos de la RCGJMC a la investigación y el debate sobre el uso legítimo del poder y su adecuado ejercicio en relación con los intereses nacionales, para el beneficio de la formulación de políticas y la gestión pública.
The war in Syria, given its complexity and geopolitical importance, has received much recent analytical attention. Although many perspectives have been covered, there is still a need in Western sources to view the conflict more through... more
The war in Syria, given its complexity and geopolitical importance, has received much recent analytical attention. Although many perspectives have been covered, there is still a need in Western sources to view the conflict more through Russia's lens. This article thus looks at how Russia has designed and executed its military strategy in Syria to fit into its overall grand strategy. It examines exactly how the Russian 'strategy of limited actions' has been employed and why Russia has now been proclaimed as the one true 'victor' in the whole Syrian imbroglio.
Los artículos publicados por la Revista Científica General José María Córdova son de acceso abierto bajo una licencia Creative Commons: Atribución-No Comercial-Sin Derivados.
- by Marina Miron
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