Etiqueta del plugin: elegant themes
Simple Divi Shortcode
(21 valoraciones en total)Insert DIVI Library item inside module content or inside a php template by using a shortcode.
Surbma | Divi Remove Project CPT & Taxonomies
(2 valoraciones en total)Removes the Project Custom Post Type from Divi theme.
Surbma | Divi Project Shortcodes
(6 valoraciones en total)Shortcodes to display Divi's Project elements, like category and tag list.
Surbma | Divi Lightbox
(1 valoraciones en total)Adds Divi's native lightbox effect to images (jpeg, jpg, gif, png, webp).
Modify Lucid Navigation Tool
(1 valoraciones en total)Modify the navigation style of Lucid Theme from ElegantThemes.
Featured Posts Widget for Extra Theme
(0 valoraciones en total)Featured posts in Extra Theme (by Elegant Themes) is widget plugin for displaying featured posts in widget area.