Ray Enterprise Translation


Ray Enterprise Translation offers convenient cloud-based localization and translation for WordPress by simplifying the process of creating and maintaining your multilingual website. Features include machine, professional, and community translation solutions that ease the manual burden of launching in new markets while improving language consistency, cutting costs, and enabling you to deliver your brand to consumers abroad in the quickest and most effective way possible.

Haz que el contenido de tu web de WordPress sea realmente multilingüe. ¡La capacidad de traducir se encuentra ahora dentro de WordPress!

Flujos de trabajo de traducción personalizables

Los administradores de WordPress usan perfiles de traducción para categorizar el contenido por su valor relativo. Asocias cada tipo de contenido con un perfil de traducción, y el plugin lleva a cabo el flujo de trabajo adecuado:

  • Professional – The plugin enables you to use your own translation agency or tap into Ray Enterprise’s marketplace of more than 5,000+ in-country translators. Don’t have time to manage your own translation project? Let Ray Enterprise take care of it for you. The plugin fully automates file transfer between WordPress and Ray Enterprise. You’ll have full visibility into the translation process every step of the way. And once the translations are completed, they’ll automatically download and publish to your website according to the preferences you’ve set.

  • Community – If you’re looking to save money by avoiding professional translation, you can take the do-it-yourself approach and have your bilingual employees, partners and/or users perform translations right within WordPress. The plugin integrates with and provides use of the Ray Enterprise Workbench, a professional-grade text editor used for translating, reviewing, and post-editing multilingual content.

  • Free Automatic – Machine translation is an excellent option if you’re on a tight budget, looking for near-instant results, and are okay with less-than-perfect quality. The plugin allows you to automatically translate your site by providing the commercial API for Microsoft Translator. You can upload up to 20,000 processed words in the Ray Enterprise system for free (we calculate processed words by multiplying the source word count by the number of requested translations). Machine translations can be post-edited at any time using the Ray Enterprise Workbench.

Sistema de gestión de traducciones basado en la nube

Need access to an enterprise level Translation Management System designed to work directly with WordPress and other content management systems, allowing you complete transparent access with all your translation projects? The cloud-based Ray Enterprise Translation Management Systems helps your business access new markets and customers. Contact [email protected] for more information and pricing of these features.


  • Ahorro de costes
  • Tiempos de traducción más reducidos
  • Más calidad
  • Monitorización en tiempo real
  • Elimina el método copia/pega a la hora de traducir
  • Mayor implicación y lealtad
  • Revisión en contexto


Ray Enterprise works in conjuction with the Polylang plugin (the plumbing to make WordPress multilingual ready) allowing you to create a bilingual or multilingual WordPress site. You write posts, pages, and create categories and post tags as usual, and then define the language for each of them.

  • Puedes usar tantos idiomas como quieras. Se admiten scripts de lenguaje RTL. Los paquetes de idioma de WordPress se descargan y actualizan automáticamente.
  • Puedes traducir entradas, páginas, medios, categorías, etiquetas, menús, widgets…
  • Se admiten tipos de contenido personalizados, taxonomías personalizadas, entradas fijas y formatos de entrada, feeds RSS y todos los widgets predeterminados de WordPress.
  • El idioma se establece por el contenido o por el código de idioma dentro de la URL, o bien puedes usar un subdominio o dominio diferente por idioma.
  • Las categorías, las etiquetas y otros metadatos se copian automáticamente al añadir una nueva traducción de una entrada o página.
  • Se proporciona un conmutador de idioma personalizable como widget o en el menú de navegación.
  • Por supuesto, la interfaz de administración también es multilingüe y cada usuario puede establecer el lenguaje de administración de WordPress en su perfil.
  • We now support localization of pages created with Elementor
  • We maintain the privacy of free automatic users by deleting all completed content from our TMS older than one month and active content older than two months. To ensure this does not affect your translated content, please download your translation soon after they are complete, or set your download settings to automatic. Enterprise customers should coordinate with client success about their community’s archive and deletion timeframes.


Dondequiera que se haya usado código de terceros, se ha otorgado crédito en los comentarios del código.

Do you like Ray Enterprise?

No dudes en dejar tus comentarios. Esto ayudará a que el plugin sea mejor. Otras contribuciones (ayudando a otros usuarios en el foro de soporte) son bienvenidas!

Third-Party Services

This plugin relies on the following third-party services:

  1. Lingotek API

  2. Lingotek GMC

  3. Lingotek Marketplace

  4. Lingotek Project

  5. Straker Translations Insight

  6. Polylang Plugin

  7. Gravatar


This plugin is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0.
License URL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Additional Information

Description: This plugin includes SVG files that contain metadata related to the Sketch design tool:
Sketch Metadata URL: http://www.bohemiancoding.com

Description: This plugin references the W3C for SVG standards.
Service URL: http://www.w3.org

GitHub Repository
Description: The source code for this plugin is hosted on GitHub.
Repository URL: https://github.com/lingotek/lingotek-translation

PHP Manual
Description: This plugin references the PHP manual for the include function.
Service URL: http://php.net/manual/en/function.include.php

WordPress Profile
Description: This plugin references the WordPress profile of a contributor.
Service URL: https://profiles.wordpress.org/chouby


  • El escritorio de traducción te permite ver los idiomas de tu sitio, añadir y eliminar nuevos idiomas, consultar el progreso general de la traducción de tu sitio y ver estadísticas del sitio.
  • Polylang and Ray Enterprise work together seamlessly. Continue to use Polylang for content that you want to translate inside WordPress, while sending other content to be translated by Ray Enterprise. The orange icons indicate Ray Enterprise statuses/actions while the blue icons continue to represent Polylang actions.
  • Usa perfiles de traducción. Una de las actividades que más tiempo lleva en cualquier proyecto web multilingüe es la gestión del flujo continuo de cambios y adiciones en el contenido y las configuraciones del sitio. Se han creado los perfiles de traducción para permitirte crear y guardar y reutilizar tus ajustes de traducción.
  • Perfiles de tipo de contenido. Elegir de forma manual qué contenido subir y descargar no es algo que un administrador de contenido quiera hacer, y automatizar la subida de cada cambio no es viable porque existen varios tipos de contenido. Cada tipo de contenido traducible se puede asignar a un perfil personalizable. Por ejemplo, de forma predeterminada, nos gusta que las entradas usen un perfil automático para que el contenido se suba automáticamente para ser traducido y las traducciones resultantes se descarguen automáticamente en WordPress.
  • The Ray Enterprise Translation plugin provides the ability to Copy, Translate, and Ignore each specific custom field. Our plugin supports Wordpress custom fields and advanced custom fields.


  1. Make sure you have Polylang installed as it provides the framework for the Ray Enterprise plugin.
  2. Sube la carpeta lingotek-translation al directorio /wp-content/plugins/.
  3. Activate the Ray Enterprise plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Accede al menú Traducción que aparece en el menú de administración.
  5. From here you can create a new Ray Enterprise account if you do not have one, or you can connect to an existing Ray Enterprise account.
  6. After creating a new account or connecting with your existing account you will be redirected to the Ray Enterprise Translation tutorial and admin pages.
  7. For more information and help visit Getting Started in the Ray Enterprise Translation Documentation or contact [email protected]


What does the Ray Enterprise plugin do?

Ray Enterprise has teamed up with Polylang to offer a simple way to make your WordPress site truly multilingual. Manage all your multilingual content in the same site. No need to have a different site for each language!

Why won’t the plugin connect to my Ray Enterprise account?

The Ray Enterprise plugin requires access to a third party API server. Your hosting provider may have a firewall in place that could be blocking those requests to outside servers. Please check with your host to allow access to Ray Enterprise’s API server. Contact [email protected] for more help.

¿Cómo puedo añadir un idioma?

En el escritorio de traducción, haz clic en el campo de texto Traducir mi sitio a… y elige una opción de la lista o empieza a escribir para encontrar un idioma rápidamente.

¿Cómo puedo eliminar un idioma?

En el escritorio de traducción, haz clic en la marca azul del idioma que quieras eliminar. Nota: Si has traducido contenido a un idioma, no podrás eliminar ese idioma hasta que dicho contenido se haya eliminado.

Why can’t I upload my existing content to Ray Enterprise?

You must assign a language to content that existed before you installed the Polylang and Ray Enterprise plugins. You can do this manually or use the Ray Enterprise Language Utility to set all content that doesn’t have an assigned language to the default language. This will allow you to upload your existing content to Ray Enterprise.

Can I use my own translation agency with Ray Enterprise?

Use your own translation agency or tap into Ray Enterprise’s network of more than 5,000+ in-country translators. Content transfer is fully automated between WordPress and Ray Enterprise. You’ll have full visibility into the translation process every step of the way. And once the translations are completed, they’ll automatically download and publish to your website according to the preferences you’ve set.

¿Cómo puedo ver el progreso general de traducción de mi sitio?

En el escritorio de traducción, las barras bajo Porcentaje completado muestran el progreso de traducción del contenido para cada idioma. Puedes filtrar por tipo de contenido o mostrar el progreso de todo el contenido.

¿Por qué hay dos tonalidades diferentes de azul en la barra de progreso?

El escritorio de traducción no solo muestra la cantidad de contenido ya traducido, sino que también indica el idioma en el que se creó el contenido origen.

  • Azul oscuro: Indica que se trata de un idioma origen en el que se creó el contenido.
  • Azul claro: Indica que se trata de un idioma destino al que se ha traducido el contenido.

¿Qué ocurre cuando desvinculo traducciones?

When content is disassociated, the connection between WordPress and Ray Enterprise is safely removed so that translations can be solely managed inside of WordPress.

For more, visit the Ray Enterprise documentation site.


24 de enero de 2023
I tried to use Lingotek with Polylang for a while. The free trial was nice. But now it is not possible to upgrade anymore, they just don’t respond. Too bad.
20 de octubre de 2022 2 respuestas
This idea is great, but this plugin doesn’t work. I wanted to use it with Polylang, but when try to connect my Lingotek account in Wordpress dashboard, it is unable to do this. I saw that other people also have similar problem for more than 1 year…
8 de octubre de 2022
Two stars for the fact that it actually translates as it is supposed to. Had to knock off three stars, though, because the plugin disrupted Wordpress in these ways when deployed: 1. strips the featured image from the post/page it has translated 2. alters image permissions of every image within the media library 3. renders site pages/posts uneditable. Changes appear to be saved but don’t publish. These are permanent alterations; in other words, they still persist after disabling the plugin. Have to manually find and fix for each issue.
14 de mayo de 2022 1 respuesta
I used this plugin with elementor, polylang and it is awful, It mix translation by polylang and dont do seperate job. Woocommerce products image, prices ets all removed. nope!
Leer todas las 46 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

«Ray Enterprise Translation» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.


«Ray Enterprise Translation» está traducido en 3 idiomas. Gracias a los traductores por sus contribuciones.

Traduce «Ray Enterprise Translation» a tu idioma.

¿Interesado en el desarrollo?

Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.

Registro de cambios

1.7.0 (2025-03-13)

  • Fixed bulk translation actions.
  • Fixed incorrect ajax modal display.
  • Fixed authentication of connect token.

1.6.9 (2025-02-25)

  • Fixed Elementor’s breadcrumbs, custom text of post-info widget translation issue.

1.6.8 (2024-11-27)

  • Added the ‘Update Token’ capability to update the Enterprise API5 token in the WordPress connector.
  • Fixed localization issue for elementor slider and templates
  • Make category uploads/download compatible with Polylang Pro version 3.6.4

1.6.7 (2024-10-10)

  • Removed unwanted file inclusion from the distribution archive.
  • Moved remote scripts into the plugin code
  • Improved Internationalization
  • Added escaped functions for variables and options
  • Avoided direct file access to plugin files

1.6.6 (2024-10-09)

  • Removed unwanted file inclusion from the distribution archive.
  • Used enqueue script to access jss, css
  • Declared remote service URL(s) under third party services in readme.txt
  • Improved Internationalization
  • Improved the data sanitization and validation
  • Added escaped functions for variables and options
  • Avoided direct file access to plugin files

1.6.5 (2024-09-27)

  • Added nonce validations and permission check to improve security
  • Removed deprecated code/functions
  • Removed invalid URL(s).
  • Declared GPL-compatibility license
  • Updated file permissions
  • Declared remote service URL(s) under third party services in readme.txt
  • Fixed text domain doesn’t match with plugin slug
  • Improved the data sanitization and validation
  • Added escaped functions for variables and options
  • Updated generic function/option names
  • Avoided direct file access to plugin files

1.6.4 (2024-08-29)

  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 6.6.1
  • Fixed the «Issue new token» link

1.6.3 (2023-12-07)

  • Access token improvements/new auth flow

1.6.2 (2023-03-17)

  • EOL for trial accounts

1.6.0 (2023-02-17)

  • Fixed missing changes of Rebranding

1.6.0 (2023-02-17)

  • Custom fields empty search bug fixed
  • Rebrand wordpress plugin with «Ray Enterprise»
  • Fixed the bug where we were unable to move between pages of custom fields search

1.5.9 (2022-09-09)

  • Fixed issue with not having view-translation dropdown option

1.5.8 (2022-06-23)

  • Fixed issue with properly downloading interim translations

1.5.7 (2022-06-06)

  • Fixed handling of undefined Polylang constants

1.5.6 (2022-05-19)

  • WordPress Elementor: Widget Typography should not be translated
  • WordPress – completed translations cannot be downloaded, source and translation status is not updated

1.5.5 (2022-04-20)

  • WordPress: Paginate the custom field type page.

1.5.4 (2022-04-12)

  • WordPress: Translations are auto uploaded after edit.
  • WordPress: Change when translations are auto requested
  • WordPress – Custom content types have no Bulk Actions menu
  • WordPress enhancement: Completed Target Lock Feature
  • WordPress: Remove the payment method link in account settings

1.5.3 (2022-03-01)

  • ELEMENTOR: Uploading Metadata content
  • WP: Add ‘Ready-Interim’ Status
  • WordPress: Update the «Mailto:» link for subscription terms
  • ELEMENTOR: Group elementor fields in Custom Field Configuration
  • ELEMENTOR: Apply hooks for when elementor content is updated
  • ELEMENTOR: Add support for embedded content
  • WP: Accept the 20,000 words exceeded response
  • WordPress: Transition to Ready to Download

1.5.2 (2021-11-05)

  • Removed the cancel action from the target dropdown
  • Fixed duplicated message «Your Ray Enterprise account has been successfully connected.»
  • Unable to add language-only locale if same language code already exists
  • Fixed Cancel translation for specific targets from bulk action displays an irrelevant message

1.5.1 (2021-08-19)

  • Compatibility issues with PolyLang 3.1
  • Add check for the Document Status
  • PHP Notice when actions don’t include locale

1.5.0 (2021-08-05)

  • New UI
    • The source and translation icons have been replaced with chips. This makes it easier to view which stage the translations are in.
    • Added dropdown actions to the source and target chips.
    • Added Cancel option for specific targets in the action dropdown.
      *New Gone status
    • This will give you a visual indicator when a document or target has been archived or deleted.

1.4.16 (2021-07-22)

  • Fixed small whitespace bug

1.4.15 (2021-07-20)

  • Ensure compatibility with WordPress 5.8
  • WordPress: Warning when authenticating in new clean installation
  • WordPress: When strings are not enabled, there’s a link to set up content types and enable them, but it’s broken
  • WordPress – Components missing after translation

1.4.14 (2021-07-07)

  • Fixed WordPress: consume the download_interim_translation callback

1.4.13 (2021-6-14)

  • Updated code base to be compatible with PHP 8
  • Updated cancel action behavior to be more consistent.

1.4.12 (2021-5-6)

  • Changed deprecated Polylang method

1.4.11 (2021-5-4)

  • Fixed bug that re-uploaded documents instead of patching them
  • Removed unsupported content type custom field settings
  • Changed method to track content changes for patching documents
  • Removed flag that prevented uploading certain untracked documents

1.4.10 (2021-4-15)

  • Fixed bug that slowed down the download and upload process

1.4.9 (2021-2-05)

  • Fixed major bug that prevented users from authenticating with Ray Enterprise

1.4.8 (2021-1-29)

  • Updated patching logic to reference the translation profile
  • Changed access token to be sent with bearer

1.4.7 (2020-5-13)

  • Changed workebench URL to allow for In-Context translation using the new workbench
  • Returns more descriptive error message on delete and cancel translation

1.4.6 (2020-1-28)

  • Fixed issue that caused duplicate uploads to Ray Enterprise TMS
  • Enabled in-context translation for WordPress using the new Workbench

1.4.5 (2019-12-3)

  • Removed Translation Modal
  • Changed API to be compatible with new Ray Enterprise Update Document
  • Updated delete functionality

1.4.4 (2019-11-7)

  • Changed upload process to allow user to select targets on source upload

1.4.3 (2019-7-23)

  • Fixed issue where Ray Enterprise plugin would not refresh custom fields
  • Cancel and Delete implementation working for standard content types
  • Bulk actions now differentiate between target and source documents
  • Added enhanced logging for api and callbacks
  • Corregidos otros fallos menores

1.4.2 (2019-5-9)

  • Fixed issue where Polylang translations would not save when Ray Enterprise plugin was activated

1.4.1 (2019-1-2)

  • Se corrigió un problema de compatibilidad con Polylang

1.4.0 (2018-11-2)

  • Fixed bug where automatic downloads only show up as interim

1.3.9 (2018-11-2)

  • Cambios agregados de campos personalizados
  • Corregidos otros fallos menores

1.3.8 (2018-7-11)

  • Se agregaron campos de metadatos del documento a los perfiles de traducción.
  • Añadida copia manual de categorías y etiquetas.
  • Corregidos otros fallos menores

1.3.7 (2018-2-23)

  • Added ability to download translations at any point of the content’s workflow

1.3.6 (2018-2-9)

  • Removed option to connect to Ray Enterprise Sandbox environment

1.3.5 (2018-2-8)

  • Added option to the Preferences page to change the auto updater interval (Thanks to Soluto for contributing this)
  • Fixed errors caused by bulk action menus

1.3.4 (2017-12-1)

  • Updated URLs for redirection to the Ray Enterprise Marketplace and Payment Portal

1.3.3 (2017-9-15)

  • Fixed issue that prevented slugs from being translated
  • Added better error logging (Thanks to Soluto for contributing this feature!)
  • Fixed minor CSS issues
  • Added the option to use your project’s default workflow

1.3.2 (2017-8-8)

  • Updated string group action links to support multi-word titles
  • Stabilized the relationship between the auto-updater and the Ray Enterprise Professional Workflow UI
  • Added tutorial for the Ray Enterprise Professional Translation workflow

1.3.1 (2017-7-13)

  • Added the ability to trigger auto-uploading of custom post statuses (Thanks to Soluto for contributing this feature!)
  • Added a filter hook, lingotek_is_post_valid_for_upload, that allows users to provide custom logic to determine where a document should be auto-uploaded (Thanks to Soluto for contributing this feature!)
  • Fixed a caching issue that was loading an outdated JavaScript file
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Professional Translation Quote Calculator to fail if a language rate had not been set on the API side
  • Fixed an auto-updater issue that was marking disabled languages as enabled
  • Added several styling updates

1.3.0 (2017-7-10)

  • Added the Ray Enterprise Professional Translation workflow
  • Fixed a bug that was showing the incorrect profile type

1.2.9 (2017-6-15)

  • Fixed a bug that displayed an error upon installing the plugin
  • Fixed a bug that was breaking the String Groups page
  • The real-time status updater has been fixed
  • Statuses are saved correctly when callbacks are received quickly

1.2.8 (2017-4-17)

  • Fixed code that got released that was not compatible with older versions of PHP which broke the plugin for some users

1.2.7 (2017-4-14)

  • Added Ray Enterprise bulk actions to custom content types
  • Fixed incorrect number display on the Translation Dashboard when content was disabled for translation
  • Fixed a bug that created empty content if trying to download translations before they were finished
  • Fixed the String Groups page
  • Code refactoring to meet WordPress coding standards

1.2.6 (2017-3-3)

  • Increased API timeout

1.2.5 (2017-1-4)

  • Added option to select the default behavior of new Custom Fields
  • Added option to enable deleting single translations
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the translation of taxonomy slugs and descriptions

1.2.4 (2016-10-10)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the saving of Translation Profiles when the content type list was paginated
  • Fixed a bug that allowed premature status updates after uploading which caused errors when requesting translations

1.2.3 (2016-8-24)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the removal of target languages from the Dashboard
  • Updated code for compatibility with Polylang version 2.0
  • Fixed CSS conflict with other plugins

1.2.2 (2016-7-8)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented translation of content into Japanese
  • Fixed the In-Context Review redirect
  • Added support for content download during intermediate workflow steps

1.2.1 (2016-5-26)

  • Added support for the Share Slugs feature in Polylang Pro
  • Minor fix for status icons

1.2 (2016-3-29)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the language of translated taxonomies to be set
  • Other minor fixes

1.1.11 (2016-2-16)

  • Improved the copy source feature by allowing manual copying when using a manual Translation Profile
  • Fixed a bug that prevented synchronization of translation taxonomies

1.1.10 (2016-1-21)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented images from being uploaded to the Media Library

1.1.9 (2016-1-19)

  • Updated code to be compatible with Polylang 1.8 structural changes
  • Minor bug fixes

1.1.8 (2015-11-19)

  • Simplified authentication to Ray Enterprise

1.1.7 (2015-11-2)

  • Increased timeout for GET requests to 30 seconds

1.1.6 (2015-10-30)

  • Removed debugging code that was causing conflicts with other plugins and themes
  • Other minor bug fixes

1.1.5 (2015-10-9)

  • Fixed some minor bugs related to error reporting

1.1.4 (2015-10-5)

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the ability to add new Translation profiles

1.1.3 (2015-10-2)

  • Greatly improved API error reporting
  • Fixed a bug that caused existing profiles to be overwritten
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from being notified that existing translations would be overwritten
  • Fixed a bug that caused blank posts being created upon download of translations

1.1.2 (2015-09-18)

  • Fix for copy feature
  • Fix for content status displays
  • Other minor fixes

1.1.1 (2015-09-11)

  • Added better logging and display of Ray Enterprise API errors
  • New Translation Profile option to copy content from source language to target languages
  • Fixes for display of selected Profile
  • Minor fixes for real-time translation status updates

1.1 (2015-08-28)

  • Added the option to set a Translation Profile per Post/Page which will override the Content Type default Translation Profile
  • The selected Translation Profile is now displayed on bulk display of Posts/Pages
  • Minor fixes for real-time translation status updates
  • Fixed a bug that prevented updating of content
  • Custom fields enhancements and fixes
  • Moved Content Type Configuration, Translation Profiles, and Custom Fields tabs from the Settings Page to the Manage Page
  • Fixed Ray Enterprise Dashboard counting error

1.0.9 (2015-08-19)

  • Fixed error with YouTube videos not displaying in translations
  • Fixed a minor bug which prevented real-time translation status updates
  • Fixed custom fields settings page error

1.0.8 (2015-08-19)

  • Fixed custom fields error upon saving or updating posts

1.0.7 (2015-08-18)

  • Enhanced custom field support including compatibility with user created custom fields, the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin, and the use of language configuration files (i.e., wpml-config.xml) for default settings
  • Fixed issue with sub-category translation

1.0.6 (2015-07-30)

  • Enhanced String Groups functionality and removed unecessary statuses
  • Fixed incorrect counting and extra term_taxonomy creation when importing content

1.0.5 (2015-07-23)

  • Fixed dashboard reporting issue, reduced workflow select options for new users, and other usability improvements

1.0.4 (2015-07-21)

  • Plugin and PHP compatability improvements

1.0.3 (2015-07-20)

  • Minor usability improvements

1.0.2 (2015-07-16)

  • Real-time translation status updates!

1.0.1 (2015-07-14)

  • Added pointer, updated FAQs, and minor content updates

1.0 (2015-07-06)

  • Initial release on July 6, 2015