Webyx for Gutenberg is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to create amazing fullpage fullscreen scrollable websites quickly and easily.
If you want to see and try something made with Webyx, go to our DEMO website!
With the PRO version you will also be able to create landing, single or multi page websites, manually shape the view appearance you want to show.
⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTE: after having installed the PRO version you can convert directly from the FREE version to the PRO version.
Are you also Elementor users and enthusiasts?
We have the version of Webyx explicitly built for Elementor.
Download and try the Webyx for Elementor Free version of our dedicated plugin!
- Sections
- Slides
- Slide content position
- Panel style
- Template design
- Animation easings and speeds
- Navigation arrows
- Navigation bullets
- Navigation mouse wheel
- Navigation keyboard
- Fullscreen button
- Loading splash screen
- Mobile settings
- Custom CSS
- WordPress Full Site Editing Theme compatibility
- Built-in responsive menu
- Responsive
- Touch support
- Clean and minimized code
- Compatible with all modern browsers
- No jQuery
- Easy to use with hundreds of configurable options
- …and much more
- View design
- Customizable header with menu
- Anchors
- Scrolling content
- Continuous horizontal
- Continuous vertical
- Horizontal animation
- Horizontal scrolling
- Horizontal scrolling smooth animation and duration
- Card style
- Parallax effect
- Navigation Drag and Move (BETA)
- Indipendent animation types on X and Y axes
- Fade and toggle animations
- Normal scrolling website
- Slide height autofill
- Lockable vertical movement
- Lockable horizontal swipe
- Mobile movement threshold
- Switchable foregrounds for each Slide background
- Different backgrounds for each device type
- Background audio
- Background video
- Event hooks
- Visible or hidden Slides on the fly
- Automatic updates management
- Rollback to previous versions
- …and much more
For a more complete documentation visit our website at Webyx.
How to add the block in Gutenberg
- Create a new page or go to the page you would like to add the block.
- Enable Webyx Template page or Custom Template page.
- Find Webyx for Gutenberg block on the Gutenberg blocks and add it to the page.
IMPORTANT: you can add only one Webyx for Gutenberg block as the only root element of the page.
You should not add any other block to the page at the same level of the Webyx for Gutenberg block. - Inside the root level Webyx for Gutenberg block you must only add Section blocks that will contain exclusively Slide blocks.
IMPORTANT: remember to give different titles to Sections and Slides inside the same Section to allow a correct functioning of Navigation Bullets. - Create your layout inside every single Slide.
⚠️ IMPORTANT: Sometimes with the update of Gutenberg, WordPress or other third party plugins, Webyx for Gutenberg block might generate this error: “Webyx for Gutenberg block contains unexpected or invalid content”.
If you see this error instead of the Webyx for Gutenberg block use “attempt block recovery” button.
Do NOT use “Convert to classic block” option. We may introduce major changes that fix bugs or simply add new features which could lead to an attempt block recovery.
Check your pages after each update.
Enable Webyx template
- Click on the Page tab in the right side of Gutenberg editor.
- In pages attributes find the Template select and choose webyx.
- In Appearance > Menus create your new menu and enable in Menu Settings > Display location: Webyx Menu.
Important note: Webyx for Gutenberg template provides a responsive, scrollable, multi-level, with logo custom menu (Webyx Menu) that could be created with the WordPress Menus internal management.
Webyx For Gutenberg Plugin Settings
To customize general plugin settings just go to Settings > Webyx Plugin Settings.
- Hide WP admin top bar: hide WP admin top bar in Webyx pages preview.
- Enable Webyx menu: enable Webyx menu “Display location” in Appearance/Menus/Menu structure/Menu settings.
- English
- Italian
Documentation and Support
- For documentation visit our website at Webyx.
Minimum Requirements
- WordPress 5.7 or greater
- PHP version 7.2 or greater
- MySQL version 5.0 or greater
To install Webyx for Gutenberg is very easy:
- Install using the WordPress built-in Plugin installer, or Extract the zip file and drop the contents in the
directory of your WordPress installation. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
From now on you will be able to access and use Webyx for Gutenberg!
To uninstall Webyx for Gutenberg you just need to:
- Deactivate the plugin via the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Choose the ‘Delete plugin’ action you can find in the same menu.
Este plugin proporciona 3 bloques.
- Webyx Fg Webyx Wrapper
- Webyx Fg Webyx Section
- Webyx Fg Webyx Slide
Preguntas frecuentes
Q. Why should I use Webyx for Gutenberg?
A. You should try and use Webyx if you feel like creating a smooth and engaging fullpage and fullscreen website.
Q. Can Slides have any type of content?
A. Yes, Slides are container elements in which you can add anything inside.
Q. Can Sections have any type of content?
A. No, Sections are container elements that can have only Slides. If you want to add some content you should put it inside a Slide.
Q. Can I create any number of pages in my website with Webyx for Gutenberg block?
A. Yes, you can create as many pages as you need.
Q. Can I use more than one Webyx for Gutenberg block inside the same page?
A. No, you can add only one Webyx for Gutenberg block.
Q. I have put Webyx for Gutenberg block inside a page but I can’t see it correctly. What should I do?
A. Check that you have selected the webyx template in page attributes of the Page tab.
Q. Can I use a page created with Webyx for Gutenber block inside a theme?
A. Yes, but to see the header and footer correctly you might need to know CSS and JavaScript to change the behaviour of the page (Template Design)
Q. Is Webyx for Gutenberg block supported on all browsers?
A. Yes, it is supported on all modern browsers.
Q. Are there any requirements to install Webyx for Gutenberg?
A. You should have at least a 5.7 WordPress version and Gutenberg should be active on the WordPress website.
Q. Can I ask for a new custom feature not present in Webyx for Gutenberg at the moment?
A. For any request please contact us using the appropriate form.
Colaboradores y desarrolladores
Este software es de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han contribuido a este plugin.
Colaboradores“Webyx” ha sido traducido a 2 idiomas locales. Gracias a los traductores por sus contribuciones.
¿Interesado en el desarrollo?
Revisa el código, echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.
Registro de cambios
- New: Added 31 easing types
- Tweak: Full screen button offset increased from 100 to 5000 pixels
- Tweak: Arrows custom offset increased from 100 to 5000 pixels
- Tweak: Updated readme
- Tweak: Updated readme with new 💥Video tutorial to create fullscreen scrollable website in Twenty Twenty-Four block theme with Full Site Editing
- Fix: Added condition for custom logo in to the wrapper
- New: 💥Added compatibility for WordPress Full Site Editing Theme
- Fix: Global scope variable for integrated menu
- New: 💥Added ‘Convert block to Webyx Pro’ button in the Gutenberg block option navbar (it will be only visible if you have installed the Webyx Pro plugin)
- Tweak: Updated readme
- Tweak: Updated readme
- Fix: Navigation arrows vertical (mouseenter onload event)
- Fix: Gutenberg range component layout on WordPress panel editor
- Tweak: Updated readme
- Tweak: Updated links to Webyx documentation
- Fix: Fixed the malfunction on get custom logo
- Tweak: Links to Webyx website updated
- Fix: Minor issues
- Tweak: Unlocked internal use for any third-party blocks (i.e. Kadence, etc.)
- Tweak: Improved the insertion of menu scripts inside the header template
- Fix: Default value of Slide content position correctly set to “middle”
- Fix: No more double vertical scrolling on trackpad
- Fix: Fixed the malfunction on the reviews admin panel, now it disappears after the selection
- Fix: Admin header hook filter was throwing an unexpected error
- Fix: Removed cumulative layout shift (CLS) as reported on Pagespeed insight or Lighthouse. Thanks @kiggundu for reporting on support forum: webyx causing cumulative layout shift
- New: 💥Added force desktop mode on mobile devices
- New: Improved loading splash screen features
- New: 💥Added margin and padding in the Slide’s wrapper content
- Tweak: The title label has been changed to name in Slides and Sections
- Tweak: Minor changes to interface layout
- Fix: Adjusted the overflow of Sections and Slides boxes to the container in Gutenberg’s Editor
- Tweak: Added info texts on every option
- Tweak: Minor changes to interface layout
- New: Save hide/show Slide background in the editor
- New: Enable/disable Slide background
- New: Enable/disable Slide content management position
- New: Added media file name where applicable and check icon
- New: Added custom splash screen option
- Fix: Removed P tag type selection in both Sections and Slides
- Tweak: Improved block edit layout
- New: Webyx Plugin Settings admin page
- New: Hide/show WP admin top bar
- New: Enable/disable Webyx menu
- Tweak: 💥Improved Webyx menu management and layout (scrollable, multi-level, responsive, website logo)
- Tweak: Added opacity to Arrows
- Tweak: Added opacity to Bullets
- Tweak: introduced range for Slide Easings speed with more granular values
- Tweak: introduced range for Mobile Devices Easings speed with more granular values
- Tweak: Added opacity to Loading Splash Screen background colour and spinner colour
- New: Arrows light colour
- New: Bullets and Tooltips light colour
- New: Bullets tooltips background area colour
- New: Fullscreen Button background area colour
- New: Mouse Wheel Icon colour and background area colour
- New: Mouse Wheel Icon fixed (can be always visible)
- Tweak: Added new tab for navigation mouse wheel
- Tweak: Added info text on some options
- Tweak: Added AceEditor for custom CSS/JS
- Tweak: 💥Improved interface for managing options
- Tweak: Minimized bullets wrapper area
- New: Section/Slide tag type parameter
- New: Wrapper Slide content with user’s custom CSS class name
- New: 💥Slide horizontal continuous
- New: Hide scrollbar
- New: Arrows custom offset for desktop/mobile
- New: Arrows dimension area, background area and area colour
- New: Bullets custom offset for desktop/mobile
- New: Bullets background area and area colour
- New: Bullets tooltips text colour
- New: Navigation keyboard
- New: Fullscreen button dimension thickness
- New: Fullscreen button custom offset for desktop
- New: Added navigation arrows that can be switched on/off
- New: Added navigation arrows can now be vanishing
- New: 💥Added template Design
- New: 💥Added navigation bullets
- Tweak: Improved webyx menu management
- Tweak: Improved block edit layout
- Initial Public Release