

In conjunction with the Faust.js™ NPM packages, the Faust.js™ WordPress plugin enables a decoupled front-end to authenticate with WordPress through GraphQL mutations and REST API endpoints. It is the bridge between a Faust.js™ powered front-end application, and a WordPress backend.

The plugin also provides useful options for headless sites, such as the ability to:

  • Hide “theme” admin pages.
  • Redirect public route requests to the front-end application.
  • Rewrite WordPress URLs to front-end URLs in queried content.


  • The settings page
  • Portfolio, blog, and basic blueprints for headless sites built with Faust.js
  • A code snippet


  1. Search for the plugin in WordPress under “Plugins -> Add New”.
  2. Click the “Install Now” button, followed by “Activate”.

That’s it! For more information on getting started with headless WordPress, see Getting Started with Faust.js.


If I need more support, where should I ask questions?

Use one of the channels below to contact the Faust.js team for support.
GitHub – Faust.js GitHub documentation and codebase.
Discord – Interactive chat support on Discord.

Where can I find more information about development and future features for this plugin?

Great question! The development team posts weekly summaries of sprints related to Faust.js, here.

Why the name “Faust.js”?

Johann Faust was a German printer and was instrumental in the invention of the printing press, along with his partner Johann Gutenberg. In the same way the printing press democratized the spread of information, the mission of Faust.js is to support and further the vision of WordPress to democratize publishing on the web.


July 26, 2023
Reduces the complexity of building headless WordPress frontends for the web tenfold. Addition of Apollo helps the user flexibly perform declarative queries to manipulate and structure data too.
October 16, 2022
This plugin makes all cms management much more efficient, simple, and fast. It is highly recommended
Read all 7 reviews



Minor Changes

  • aedd100: chore: Updated FaustWP to create a preview link for all draft post types.

    Removed actions rest_prepare_post and rest_prepare_page from the callback functions.
    Added a new action for rest_api_init to add rest_prepare_{$post_type} action for all publicably queryable post types including custom post types.


Patch Changes

  • 413fe9a: Added tested up to WordPress 6.7.2 for the FaustWP plugin.


Patch Changes

  • 3bf8104: Added author for FaustWP plugin.

View the full changelog