CardanoPress does the heavy lifting and integration to the Cardano blockchain using the Blockfrost API, allowing you to interact with the blockchain via your favourite Web3 wallet.
We’ve done all the technical and hard work so you as a builder can integrate Cardano quickly and easily. Use our Bootstrap starter and child theme or use your favourite page builder such as Divi, WPBakery or Elementor with shortcodes.
We are supporting various wallets including:
- Eternl
- Yoroi
- Typhon
- GeroWallet
- NuFi
- Lace
- Begin
The plugin is created by the team at PB Web Development.
Example Use Cases
There are many use cases that we have covered for projects that may wish to use the plugin from small DApp developers, NFT projects, stake pool operators and Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO) projects.
- Members only content. Projects looking to provide access control to pay walled content based on delegation of a wallet, tokens or NFTs that are within a users wallet. E.g, if user has an NFT from a collection with policy ID x, then assign the user permissions to access private content.
- Stake pool operators that want to build a quick and simple way to delegate to their stake pools.
- Initial Stake Pool Offerings needing a delegation point and dashboard for rewards.
- NFT projects looking for a spam controlled minting page.
- Single sign on with using a wallet instead of using a username and password across WordPress websites
Video: Installation and first steps
Video: Interview with Timmy from Cardano Ecosystem News
Follow Us
Follow us on Twitter
View all of our repos on GitHub
View all of our documentation and resources on our website
Get Support
We have community support available on our website under the CardanoPress forums. We also have an online chat support via our Discord server. We encourage you to use the forums first though as it will help others that read through the forums for support.
This plugin does not collect or process any personal user data unless you expressively opt-in.
This plugin requires your own standalone WordPress installation and access to the web server to add a line of code to your htaccess file.
- Installing the plugin
Find the plugin in the list at the backend and click to install it. Or, upload the ZIP file through the admin backend. Or, upload the unzipped tag-groups folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin
Navigate to Plugins from the WordPress admin area and activate the CardanoPress plugin.
The plugin will create the base pages for all that you need.
- Sign up for a Blockfrost
CardanoPress is dependent on the Blockfrost API to communicate to the Cardano blockchain. You can get an API key for free at Blockfrost API.
Obtain your key and paste it into the configuration screen of CardanoPress.
Once you’ve done this, you will be able to connect your WordPress website to the Cardano blockchain.
For more detailed documentation and tutorials on how to use the plugin, please visit the CardanoPress documentation website.
Can I Get Paid Support?
Yes you can, we offer subscription to support for our plugins and consultation to help get your project started and to a professional level.
Where Can I See Other Projects That Are Using CardanoPress?
If you visit our main website,, there will be a section dedicated to all the websites and projects that have built using CardanoPress.
Can I customise the look and feel of the plugin?
Yes, we’ve built the plugin and sub plugins with hooks and template layouts that can over overridden in a child theme. We’ve followed the same methods as WooCommerce where you simply need to copy the template files into your child theme to start overriding the layouts.
We’ve also taking into account page builders and created short codes for all the template parts of the theme. This will allow builders such as Divi, Elementor, WPBakery to be used with CardanoPress.
Colaboradores y desarrolladores
"CardanoPress – Cardano Blockchain Integration for WordPress" es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.
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Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.
Registro de cambios
You can follow our GitHub release for full details on updates to the plugins.
- Used CIP30 Typhon namespace
- Exposed Buffer for extensions
- Cleanup assets and fully-typed
- Use latest CSL; version 14
- Break all long texts in templates
- Show notification while verifying wallet
- Updated dependencies fixing translations loaded too early
- Handle wallets with more data during message signing
- Rebuild assets to fully bypass the local server for WASM
- Fix data/message for certain wallets
- Use the prefixed PSR/Log dependency
- Data/message signing for wallet authentication
- Minor adjustments to framework and dependencies
- Add index.php files to all folders
- Protect log files from public access
- Escape missed attributes in shortcodes
- Sanitize provided shortcode template name
- Use WP core polyfilled function
- Revamp compatibility check notices
- Ensure correct scripts loading order
- Remove server support check for WASM
- Fix handling redundant dependencies
- Add check support for HTML5 script
- Expose current running version
- Use latest version of AlpineJS
- Fix increasing wallet array size
- Remove old packages from webpack
- Load WASM remotely in the CDN
- Add the order parameter for the account history
- Revamp the delegation access check conditions
- Loop-through all history for the extensions hook
- Add a field for the required delegation amount in ADA
- Identify wallets from VESPR; add indicator in button
- A template
to show the specified type - A hook to filter the list of wallets shown in the modal
- Solve code warnings; add default fallback values
- Show the re-check button for possible issue fix
- Strip down exposed
object in JS - Pass additional relevant protocol parameters
- New exposed method to do a multi-output transaction
- Split payments form/component now with a single send
- Disable the action buttons after successful operation
- Updated assets; bundle with Vite and now pure ESM
- Only show a console error message on actual issue
- Minor cleanup; remove old and unused bits of code
- Correctly render provided templates in block themes
- Handle non-existent pool metadata json file
- Grab the latest packages and dependencies
- much slimmer assets and optimized loading
- Stop using shorthand syntax:
prefixed attributes- prevents HTML parsers from breaking JS actions
- Serve AlpineJS locally by default, instead from CDN
- cardanopress_alpinejs_cdn filter to revert
- Bump plugin headers for WP version 6.5
- Made AlpineJS script as external requirement (CDN)
- registered with handle
- registered with handle
- Adjusted dependency loading to skip on no wasm
- Print all possible issues in browser console
- A much lighter build; lazy-loaded modules
- Update selectable roles
- exclude the
in every list - customizable via filter
- exclude the
- Add a new field for managed roles (selected roles will be removed every wallet connect)
- Adjusted payment component shortcode to support custom address
- Add shortcode for showing a wallet balance
- Minor code fixes to return types and values (explicitly defined and filtered)
- Fix PHP warning introduced in 2fceb32
- Handle CIP68 asset packed name
- Prevent infinite loop on misconfigured pages
- New filter for asset collection cardanopress_collection_asset
- add a template if shortcode cardanopress_template_if
- log helpful wallet action errors during AJAX requests customizable and translate-ready cardanopress_error_messages
- improve getting pool details on settings save with fallback on the first settings page load
- include the extended pool metadata in saved details
- helper method to check already delegated account
- always check the request origin; even if logged in
- Better handling of classic themes that do not support the wp_body_open hook
- Temporarily render blank the shipped templates on block themes
- Check the server for wasm mime type support
- Warn on the incompatible themes and server setup stated
- Print readable notice on the admin dashboard
- Dump issue message on console and logs
- Expose a JS method to force refresh the status of all supported wallets
- fixed compatibility issue with some plugins Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
- Added Lace Wallet support
- Hot fix for 1.2.0 deploy
- An updated framework with prefixed dependencies
- Persist notice review dismissal; also increased timeout
- Customizable sanitization messages and made translatable
- Added "the_content" function to the default page templates
Update for new testnet; preview and preprod
Hint as a translation-ready plugin
Add info notice for a review
First stable release (exact same version as 0.40.1)