(Disponible en Español | Disponível em Português | Disponible en Français | Disponibile in Italiano | In Deutsch verfügbar | Verkrijgbaar in het Nederlands)
Cab Grid is a simple fare price calculator for your WordPress website (taxi/bus/limo/train/plane/coach). It provides a simple interface for visitors to get fare prices for simple point to point journeys. It can be shown anywhere on your site via shortcode [cabGrid] or widget:
First define areas, then enter prices for journeys between each area. Prices are entered in a simple pricing table.
Cab Grid ist ein einfacher Fahrpreis-Kalkulator für Ihre WordPress Website (Taxi / Bus / Limousine / Zug / Flugzeug / Bus). Es bietet eine einfache Oberfläche für Besucher um Kosten für einfache von A-nach—B-Fahrten zu bekommen. Es kann überall auf Ihrer Website über den Shortcode [cabGrid] oder Widget gefunden werden.
Zuerst definieren Sie Bereiche, dann geben Sie Preise für Fahrten zwischen jedem Bereich ein. Die Preise sind in einer einfachen Preistabelle angegeben.
Cab Grid es un sencillo calculador de tarifas para su WordPress (taxi/autob�s/limusina/tren/avi�n/entrenador). Dispone de un sencillo interface para que sus visitantes obtengan tarifas para un sencillo trayecto punto a punto. Se puede mostrar en cualquier lugar de su website mediante un shortcode [cabGrid] o un widget.
En primer lugar, defina areas y luego introduzca precios para trayectos entre cada �rea. Los precios se introducen en una sencilla tabla de precios.
Cab Grid est un calculateur de tarif simple pour votre site WordPress (taxi/bus/limousine/train/avion /autocar). Il propose une interface facile d’utilisation où les visiteurs peuvent obtenir des tarifs pour les trajets d’un point d’arrivée à un point de départ. Vous pouvez l’afficher n’importe où sur votre site via un code [cabGrid] ou un widget.
Définissez d’abord les zones, puis entrez les tarifs pour les trajets entre chaque zone. Les tarifs sont inscrits dans un tableau tarificaire simple.
Semplice calcolatore di prezzi per taxi da punto A a punto B.
Cab Grid is een eenvoudige prijs calculator voor ritprijzen voor uw WordPress website (taxi / bus / limousine / trein / vliegtuig / auto). Het biedt een eenvoudige interface voor bezoekers om ritprijzen te ontvangen voor eenvoudige punt naar punt ritten. Het kan overal op uw site worden weergegeven via een verkorte code [cabGrid] of widget.
Bepaal eerst de gebieden, voer dan de prijzen voor het reizen tussen elk gebied in. Prijzen worden ingevoerd in een eenvoudige prijzentabel.
- Customisable currency (set your own symbol $/£/€/¥/etc.)
- Customisable CSS (styling)
- Customisable booking message
- Can be displayed on your site via a shortcode: [cabGrid] or as a widget in your sidebar
- Translation ready
More info…
No external requirements
Admin screen: AREAS tab where areas/places are entered (1-cab-grid-places) Admin screen: PRICES tab – enter journey prices (2-cab-grid-price-table) Admin screen: OPTIONS tab – configure currency, CSS & custom message (3-cab-grid-options) Initial appearance on your website (4-cab-grid-shorcode-plugin-display) Price display after pick up and drop off locations selected (5-cab-grid-shorcode-plugin-display-price)
Este plugin proporciona 1 bloque.
- Cab Grid: Simple Calculator
Copy the plugin folder to your WordPress plugins directory – typically wp-install-directory/wp-content/plugins/
Activate the plugin:
Log in to the WordPress admin, go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
Find the Cab Grid item and click Activate
Configure your prices:
- In the admin menu, click Cab Grid Settings.
- Enter the areas (place names) you would like to cover (journey between).
- Save.
- Click the PRICES tab.
- Enter prices for journeys between two places in the corresponding grid cell (see note below).
- Save.
- (Optional) Click the OPTIONS tab and enter a currency symbol (ie $, £ or €) in the currency field.
- (Optional) Also under OPTIONS tab, define any custom CSS in the STYLING text area.
- (Optional) Also under OPTIONS tab, enter a message to be shown with the price in the MESSAGE text area. (This could include details on how to book or the maximum number of passengers.)
- Save.
*Note: Apart from journeys remaining within a single area, each two places can have both FROM and TO prices. These may often be the same, but you are able to specify different prices if the need arises. i.e. The price for a journey starting from place1 going to place2 might be different to the price starting from place2 to place1.
Add shortcode to a page:
Create (or edit) a page (or post) on your WordPress site where you want your Cab Grid Price Calculator to appear.
Enter the shortcode: [cabGrid] at the point on the page where you want the calculator to be displayed.
Add the Cab Grid widget to your sidebar:
From the WordPress admin page menu, select Widgets from the Appearance section.
Under ‘Available Widgets’ look for the item named Cab Grid and drag it to you preferred widget area (on the right)
Expand the new widget and enter a title (arbitrary text of your discerning) and the height you wish the widget to have on your sidebar/widget area.
For more details and screenshots, see
Where can I get installation help?
Can I translate labels and text?
Yes. Translations are stored in the ‘languages’ folder.
For instructions, see
Colaboradores y desarrolladores
«Cab Grid» es un software de código abierto. Las siguientes personas han colaborado con este plugin.
ColaboradoresTraduce «Cab Grid» a tu idioma.
¿Interesado en el desarrollo?
Revisa el código , echa un vistazo al repositorio SVN o suscríbete al registro de desarrollo por RSS.
Registro de cambios
1.6.27 Update compatibility tests
1.6.26 Update links to https
1.6.25 WP 6.7.2 compatibility
1.6.24 Further improvements to CabGrid Pro compatibility tests
1.6.23 Improve CabGrid Pro compatibility tests
1.6.22 Improve code sanitization.
Message field allows simple HTML tags
Styling update to prevent overlap on smaller screen
1.6.21 WP 6.7.1 compatibility
1.6.20 WP 6.7 compatibility
1.6.19 WP 6.6.2 compatibility
1.6.18 WP 6.6.1 compatibility
1.6.17 WP 6.6 compatibility
1.6.16 WP 6.5.5 compatibility
1.6.15 WP 6.5.4 compatibility
1.6.14 WP 6.5.3 compatibility
1.6.13 Adjusted version references to avoid error notification when PHP warnings enabled
1.6.12 Adjusted style loading.
Changed load animation to opacity (from visibility)
1.6.11 WP 6.5.2 compatibility
1.6.10 WP 6.5 compatibility
1.6.9 WP 6.4.3 compatibility
1.6.8 WP 6.4.2 compatibility
1.6.7 WP 6.4.1 compatibility
1.6.6 WP 6.4 compatibility
1.6.5 WP 6.3.2 compatibility
1.6.4 WP 6.3.1 compatibility
1.6.3 WP 6.3 compatibility
1.6.2 WP 6.2.2 compatibility
1.6.1 WP 6.2.1 compatibility
1.6 Admin styling updates
Option to position currency symbol after price
Message can contain new lines (but no HTML)
XSS Prevention improvements
WP 6.2 compatibility
1.5.15 WP 6.1.1 compatibility
1.5.14 WP 6.1 compatibility
1.5.13 WP 6.0.2 compatibility
1.5.12 WP 6.0.1 compatibility
1.5.11 WP 6.0 compatibility
1.5.10 WP 5.9.3 compatibility
1.5.9 WP 5.9.2 compatibility
1.5.8 WP 5.9 compatibility
1.5.7 WP 5.8.1 compatibility
1.5.6 Admin styling updates
WP 5.8 compatibility
1.5.5 WP 5.7.2 compatibility
1.5.4 WP 5.7 compatibility
1.5.3 WP 5.6.2 compatibility
1.5.2 WP 5.6 compatibility
1.5.1 Further admin layout improvements (only show price cells for populated places, currency symbol placement)
1.5 Increased areas to 15
Admin table layout improvements
Prevent currency symbol showing when no price available
Added markup to price display to enable better manipulation in CSS (e.g. moving currency symbol via flexbox)
Bug fix: Destination drop-down element appearing below subsequent elements.
WP 5.5.3 compatibility
1.4.11 Bug fix: destination dropdown obscured by price
WP 5.5.1 compatibility
1.4.10 WP 5.5 compatibility
1.4.9 Bug fixes
1.4.8 WP 5.4.2 compatibility
1.4.7 WP 5.4.1 compatibility
1.4.6 animate steps
WP 5.4 compatibility
improved destination label
detect cache visitors
1.4.6 WP 5.3 compatibility
1.4.5 WP 5.2.4 compatibility
1.4.4 Spelling corrections 😐
1.4.3 Cab Grid Pro compatibility check can check for incompatible plugins
1.4.2 Cab Grid Pro compatibility check update
1.4.1 Gutenberg block bug fix
1.4 Added Cab Grid Gutenberg Block
1.3.14 Admin improvements
1.3.13 Bug fix: destination drop down not activating
1.3.12 Hide empty destinations
1.3.11 More precise default style selectors
Drop-down labelling on mobile
1.3.10 Bug fix: Firefox loading
1.3.9 Load javascript in footer for speed gains
Styling updates
1.3.8 WP 5.1.1 Compatibility
Custom CSS to head
Merged Chosen JS/CSS to main JS/CSS
1.3.7 WP 4.9.8 Compatibility
CSS updates
Hire us! tab
Prep for Cab Grid Pro v5.0
1.3.6 Admin role update
Shortcode render buffer adjustment for better compatibility with some themes
1.3.5 WP 4.9.4 compatibility
1.3.4 WP 4.9.3 compatibility
1.3.3 WP 4.9.1 compatibility
1.3.2 WP 4.9 compatibility
1.3.1 Fix ‘deprecated constructor’ error on Widget
WP 4.8.3 compatibility
1.3 Pro compatibility tests
WP 4.8.2 compatibility
1.2.10 Basic AMP support (requires (
1.2.9 Error message if no places added
1.2.8 WP 4.8.1 compatibility
1.2.7 Bug fix: errors if no prices entered
Bug fix: widget instance count
1.2.6 WP 4.8 compatibility
1.2.5 WP 4.7.5 compatibility
1.2.4 CSS updates
WP 4.7.4 compatibility
1.2.3 Translation updates
1.2.2 Price number format obeys locale
Translations: Dutch/German/Spanish/French/Italian
1.2.1 Further drop-down fixes
Updated CSS resets for some pseudo selectors (:before/:after)
1.2 Bug fixes (AJAX, destination drop-down not enabled when pickup selected)
Rudimentary debugging
1.1.1 Readme updates
1.1 Tested in WP 4.7
Cab Grid Pro upgrade integration (with auto-discount of up to 50%)
1.0.9 Better mobile layout
1.0.8 Insure all PHP opens with <?php for greater compatibility adding translations (Spanish/French/Portuguese/Italian) Fixed missing admin icon
1.0.7 Changed languages folder from ‘lang’ to more common ‘languages’
Updated translatable strings
Updated readme syntax
CSS reset to combat theme styling overrides
Spanish translation
Made JS strings translatable
1.0.6 Upgrade link on plugins page
Readme overview update
admin icon update
1.0.5 Compatibility update
1.0.4 Langage translations
‘Powered by’ option
Admin scripts
Hide __constructor() error
1.0.3 Minor updates and fixes
1.0.2 Compatibility alongside PRO version
1.0.1 Corrections
1.0 Initial version.