
Este es un tema hijo de ZenLife.
ZenMacrame is a Fully Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme, a child theme of ZenLife WordPress Theme. This Free Zen Templates WordPress Theme comes with some of these features included: Built-in Materialize Slider (Displayed on a Static Front Page), Animation Appearing Effects, Custom Logo, Multi-level Drop-down Menu, Custom Background, Full-Width Page Template, Widget Areas: Homepage Above Columns, Right Sidebar and 3 Footer Columns, Footer Menu, Footer Copyright Text, Search Engine Optimized, Multiple Browsers Support, Translation-Ready, WooCommerce plugin support, Header and Footer Social Icons: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, RSS Feeds, Tumblr, YouTube channel, Pinterest, VK, Flickr, Vine, GitHub, BitBucket, Reddit, Xing, Slack, WeChat, SnapChat, Dribbble, Bandcamp, Last.fm, SoundCloud, Vimeo, Skype, DeviantArt, Yahoo, Amazon, Etsy, Foursquare, Quora, Yelp. Easy to use zen theme, easy to customize, best suitable for macrame art site, zen macrame blog, macrame knitting website.
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