
Acuarela is a light, fully functional WordPress theme, written with the intention of minimising code. It was designed to be fully responsive by taking the mobile-first approach. Besides a customizable header, it features the full range of post formats, two menu locations, a widget area in the sidebar and three widget areas in the footer. It is accesibility ready and has Gutenberg support.
Preparado para la accesibilidad, Blog, Fondo personalizado, Encabezado personalizado, Logo personalizado, Menú personalizado, Estilo del editor, Imágenes destacadas, Widgets del pie de página, Plantilla de ancho completo, Una columna, Fotografía, Formatos de entradas, Barra lateral derecha, Entrada fija, Opciones del tema, Comentarios anidados, Preparado para traducción, Dos columnas
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Instalaciones activas: 100+
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