Papers by Philippe Massiera

Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 2024
This research aims to investigate, in the context of a crisis, how adaptive marketing and... more Purpose
This research aims to investigate, in the context of a crisis, how adaptive marketing and open marketing capabilities directly contribute to enhance SMEs' business model innovation taking into consideration the mediating role of strategic flexibility.
Based on a sample of 120 small firms, our theoretical model is tested through a cross-sectional study. PLS-SEM is applied as the analytical technique.
The results show that open marketing capabilities are positively related to business model innovation and that this relationship is partially mediated by strategic flexibility. Furthermore, adaptive market experimentation capabilities enhance business model innovation only when fully mediated by strategic flexibility.
Research limitations/implications
Extending existing explorative research, our research illuminates how adaptive market experimentation and open marketing capabilities, in conjunction with strategic flexibility, can help SMEs to better adapt existing business models during a time of crisis. Our findings underline the potential contribution of planned test-driven activities, trial-and-error processes, data-based decisional processes and benchmarking activities. We also document how stronger networking capabilities and organizational openness strengthen the firm's ability to access the required additional resources and insights they need. These contributions remain however conditioned by the use of a convenient sampling design as well as the cross-sectional nature of the data.
Practical implications
Our findings underline the importance of empowering SMEs to nurture more effective experimental approaches in the long run, along with a more formalized open marketing posture. Our study also highlights the need for SMEs to improve their awareness of the risk of inertia and the benefits of nurturing their overall flexibility so they can adapt in an adequate and timely manner.
The findings of this study build on the perspective of adaptive marketing capabilities and add to the business model innovation literature in two ways. First, our study provides new insights into the cumulative and concrete consequences of market experimentation and open marketing capabilities on small firms' business model dynamics in the context of a crisis. Second, our findings illuminate the crucial role of strategic flexibility which, partly or entirely, contributes to the full realization of the potential of the marketing capabilities at hand.

Journal of Strategic Marketing, Oct 9, 2017
ABSTRACT In line with Institutional Theory, this study introduces the concept of marketing illegi... more ABSTRACT In line with Institutional Theory, this study introduces the concept of marketing illegitimacy to critically investigate how SME owner/managers perceive the usefulness of marketing principles and practices. The study also investigates the antecedents and consequences of these perceptions. Firstly, the study hypothesizes that negative perceptions about marketing decrease when negative performance increases, entrepreneurs look for any possible solution to achieve their goals. Secondly, the study hypothesizes that a high level of marketing illegitimacy negatively influences SME owner/managers’ willingness to broaden the range of marketing communication activities. Building upon a sample of 78 companies, results confirm the validity and reliability of the measurement instrument and the two hypothesis, thus shedding some light on the underlining mechanisms of the marketing adoption pattern within SMEs. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed and future research avenues are suggested.

Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Oct 14, 2013
Purpose – This study aims to focus on how SMEs have been researched in the first 12 years of the ... more Purpose – This study aims to focus on how SMEs have been researched in the first 12 years of the new millennium and published in JRME between 2000 and 2011. There have been many studies on how SME owner/managers do business, their decision-making processes and ways of delivering marketing activities, and many different methodologies have been used. Design/methodology/approach – All of the papers published in JRME from 2000 to 2011 were analysed using content analysis with Nvivo 9 in relation to the SME definitions used, methodology employed, geographical coverage and the business sectors covered. Findings – Within the context of a wider study of 14 international journals on small business and entrepreneurship, this paper presents the findings that have emerged from the JRME journal according to the SME definitions used, methodology employed, geographical coverage and the business sectors' covered. Originality/value – This study provides some findings in relation to the variety of studies carried out and the research presented in the JRME over a 12-year period.

Les travaux menes sur les actifs et capacites marketing demontrent l'importance de ces ressou... more Les travaux menes sur les actifs et capacites marketing demontrent l'importance de ces ressources pour la performance des entreprises. Cependant les facteurs susceptibles de favoriser leur presence et les mecanismes par lesquels les entreprises organisent les ressources disponibles sont peu ou mal connus. Sur le plan theorique, ces deux questions de recherche relevent d'une problematique commune visant a consolider les micro-fondations de la RBV. Sur le plan operationnel, ces sujets revetent une importance toute particuliere pour les PME compte tenu des specificites structurelles et organisationnelles de cette categorie d'entreprises. L’objectif de la recherche consiste a etudier la presence et l'organisation de deux actifs marketing (la reputation et le capital relationnel clients) et de deux capacites marketing (les capacites support et specialisees) au sein d'un echantillon representatif de PME francaises. Les resultats issus de la premiere etude sur l'influence des facteurs de contingence internes et externes sur la presence de ces quatre ressources permettent de nuancer le poids du determinisme des facteurs structurels (taille et âge) et confirment l’influence positive du capital humain et du profil strategique. La deuxieme etude porte sur les relations de complementarite causale entre les quatre ressources marketing etudiees. Un modele global de causalite permet de comprendre les mecanismes organisationnels sous-jacents a la creation de la performance. Les resultats demontrent l'importance de certains couplages organisationnels et le role central qu’occupent les capacites support. L'identification de maniere inductive de trois configurations-types de ressources marketing complete ces conclusions en permettant (a) d’approcher de maniere plus contingente et plus realiste l’organisation des actifs et capacites marketing etudies et (b) de comparer la performance des trois configurations issues de la taxonomie. Sur le plan methodologique, la recherche contribue a la litterature existante (a) via le developpement et la validation d’un nouvel instrument de mesure et (b) via la mise en œuvre d’une methode de segmentation PLS pour la realisation de la classification inductive.
Management international, 2022

Les travaux menés sur les actifs et capacités marketing démontrent l'importance de ces ressou... more Les travaux menés sur les actifs et capacités marketing démontrent l'importance de ces ressources pour la performance des entreprises. Cependant les facteurs susceptibles de favoriser leur présence et les mécanismes par lesquels les entreprises organisent les ressources disponibles sont peu ou mal connus. Sur le plan théorique, ces deux questions de recherche relèvent d'une problématique commune visant à consolider les micro-fondations de la RBV. Sur le plan opérationnel, ces sujets revêtent une importance toute particulière pour les PME compte tenu des spécificités structurelles et organisationnelles de cette catégorie d'entreprises. L’objectif de la recherche consiste à étudier la présence et l'organisation de deux actifs marketing (la réputation et le capital relationnel clients) et de deux capacités marketing (les capacités support et spécialisées) au sein d'un échantillon représentatif de PME françaises. Les résultats issus de la première étude sur l'inf...
This article aims to contribute to the literature on business models teaching practices by presen... more This article aims to contribute to the literature on business models teaching practices by presenting how the implementation of consulting missions with entrepreneurs in the integration phase can be an effective pedagogical approach for learning business models with bachelor students.
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 2018
We propose a multidimensional instrument to assess the degree of presence of marketing capabiliti... more We propose a multidimensional instrument to assess the degree of presence of marketing capabilities a firm possesses, at three levels of abstraction. We first present the theoretical framework for marketing capabilities and discuss the main scales proposed by Vorhies et al. Then, we detail the steps required to develop and validate our third-order formative instrument. We assess the convergent and discriminant validity of the proposed instrument via partial least squares path modelling (PLS-PM) applied to a sample of 199 French small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Finally, we check the nomological validity of our instrument by testing the positive effect of marketing capabilities on organisational performance.

Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2017
Notre ambition est de proposer un instrument multidimensionnel permettant de décrire le degré de ... more Notre ambition est de proposer un instrument multidimensionnel permettant de décrire le degré de présence des principales capacités marketing sur trois niveaux d’abstraction. Après avoir présenté le cadre théorique relatif aux capacités marketing, l’article souligne tout d’abord les limites des principales échelles proposées par Vorhies et al. (1999 ; 2009), Vorhies et Harker (2000), et Vorhies et Morgan (2003 ; 2005). Ensuite, les étapes nécessaires au développement et à la validation d’un index multidimensionnel formatif de troisième ordre sont détaillées. Sur la base d’une collecte de données réalisée auprès d’un échantillon de 199 PME françaises, la phase d’analyse de la validité convergente et discriminante de l’instrument est réalisée à l’aide de l’approche PLS aux modèles à variables latentes (PLS-PM). Enfin, la validité nomologique de l’instrument proposé est confirmée via l’étude de l’influence des capacités marketing sur la performance organisationnelle.

Les travaux menes sur les actifs et capacites marketing demontrent l'importance de ces ressou... more Les travaux menes sur les actifs et capacites marketing demontrent l'importance de ces ressources pour la performance des entreprises. Cependant les facteurs susceptibles de favoriser leur presence et les mecanismes par lesquels les entreprises organisent les ressources disponibles sont peu ou mal connus. Sur le plan theorique, ces deux questions de recherche relevent d'une problematique commune visant a consolider les micro-fondations de la RBV. Sur le plan operationnel, ces sujets revetent une importance toute particuliere pour les PME compte tenu des specificites structurelles et organisationnelles de cette categorie d'entreprises. L’objectif de la recherche consiste a etudier la presence et l'organisation de deux actifs marketing (la reputation et le capital relationnel clients) et de deux capacites marketing (les capacites support et specialisees) au sein d'un echantillon representatif de PME francaises. Les resultats issus de la premiere etude sur l'inf...
Journal of Strategic Marketing
La Revue Des Sciences De Gestion Direction Et Gestion, 1998
La Revue Des Sciences De Gestion Direction Et Gestion, 1998
Recherche et Applications En Marketing (English Edition), 2018
We propose a multidimensional instrument to assess the degree of presence of marketing capabiliti... more We propose a multidimensional instrument to assess the degree of presence of marketing capabilities a firm possesses, at three levels of abstraction. We first present the theoretical framework for marketing capabilities and discuss the main scales proposed by Vorhies et al. Then, we detail the steps required to develop and validate our third-order formative instrument. We assess the convergent and discriminant validity of the proposed instrument via partial least squares path modelling (PLS-PM) applied to a sample of 199 French small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Finally, we check the nomological validity of our instrument by testing the positive effect of marketing capabilities on organisational performance.

Journal of Strategic Marketing, 2017
In line with Institutional Theory, this study introduces the concept of marketing illegitimacy to... more In line with Institutional Theory, this study introduces the concept of marketing illegitimacy to critically investigate how SME owner/managers perceive the usefulness of marketing principles and practices. The study also investigates the antecedents and consequences of these perceptions. Firstly, the study hypothesizes that negative perceptions about marketing decrease when negative performance increases, entrepreneurs look for any possible solution to achieve their goals. Secondly, the study hypothesizes that a high level of marketing illegitimacy negatively influences SME owner/managers’ willingness to broaden the range of marketing communication activities. Building upon a sample of 78 companies, results confirm the validity and reliability of the measurement instrument and the two hypothesis, thus shedding some light on the underlining mechanisms of the marketing adoption pattern within SMEs. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed and future research avenues are suggested.
Sur la base d'une revue de littérature des travaux menés sur les capacités marketing, la présente... more Sur la base d'une revue de littérature des travaux menés sur les capacités marketing, la présente réflexion rappelle la finalité par essence adaptative des capacités marketing opérationnelles et souligne la difficile caractérisation des capacités marketing dynamiques. Afin de tenter de répondre à cet enjeu, l'article mobilise les travaux de Durand (2006) sur l'évolution organisationnelle ainsi que les travaux sur l'attention organisationnelle (Weick and Sutcliffe, 2006) afin de proposer un cadre conceptuel permettant de mieux définir les spécificités des capacités marketing dynamiques.

Purpose – This study aims to focus on how SMEs have been researched in the first 12 years of the ... more Purpose – This study aims to focus on how SMEs have been researched in the first 12 years of the new millennium and published in JRME between 2000 and 2011. There have been many studies on how SME owner/managers do business, their decision-making processes and ways of delivering marketing activities, and many different methodologies have been used. Design/methodology/approach – All of the papers published in JRME from 2000 to 2011 were analysed using content analysis with Nvivo 9 in relation to the SME definitions used, methodology employed, geographical coverage and the business sectors covered.
Findings – Within the context of a wider study of 14 international journals on small business and entrepreneurship, this paper presents the findings that have emerged from the JRME journal according to the SME definitions used, methodology employed, geographical coverage and the business sectors’ covered.
Originality/value – This study provides some findings in relation to the variety of studies carried out and the research presented in the JRME over a 12-year period.
Keywords Entrepreneurship, Research, Small to medium sized enterprises Paper type General review

Cet article se propose d’analyser les liens entre RSE et Marketing et de proposer deux outils à l... more Cet article se propose d’analyser les liens entre RSE et Marketing et de proposer deux outils à l’attention des décideurs opérationnels : une typologie des responsabilités adaptée du modèle de Carroll et un instrument de gestion sous la forme d’un modèle de cartographie stratégique. Après avoir rappelé l’importance de la fonction Marketing dans la création de valeur et de sens au sein des entreprises, nous soulignons la faible applicabilité pour le marketing des références conceptuelles issues du cadre institutionnel de la RSE. Reprenant les travaux de Carroll, nous proposons de définir la RSE comme une cinquième responsabilité dont les frontières sont formalisées selon le niveau d’imputabilité à l’entreprise des éventuels impacts liés à son activité. Sur la base de cette nouvelle typologie, nous en proposons une représentation modélisée à l’attention du décideur marketing soucieux d’intégrer et de prioriser les engagements RSE au sein de sa stratégie.
Papers by Philippe Massiera
This research aims to investigate, in the context of a crisis, how adaptive marketing and open marketing capabilities directly contribute to enhance SMEs' business model innovation taking into consideration the mediating role of strategic flexibility.
Based on a sample of 120 small firms, our theoretical model is tested through a cross-sectional study. PLS-SEM is applied as the analytical technique.
The results show that open marketing capabilities are positively related to business model innovation and that this relationship is partially mediated by strategic flexibility. Furthermore, adaptive market experimentation capabilities enhance business model innovation only when fully mediated by strategic flexibility.
Research limitations/implications
Extending existing explorative research, our research illuminates how adaptive market experimentation and open marketing capabilities, in conjunction with strategic flexibility, can help SMEs to better adapt existing business models during a time of crisis. Our findings underline the potential contribution of planned test-driven activities, trial-and-error processes, data-based decisional processes and benchmarking activities. We also document how stronger networking capabilities and organizational openness strengthen the firm's ability to access the required additional resources and insights they need. These contributions remain however conditioned by the use of a convenient sampling design as well as the cross-sectional nature of the data.
Practical implications
Our findings underline the importance of empowering SMEs to nurture more effective experimental approaches in the long run, along with a more formalized open marketing posture. Our study also highlights the need for SMEs to improve their awareness of the risk of inertia and the benefits of nurturing their overall flexibility so they can adapt in an adequate and timely manner.
The findings of this study build on the perspective of adaptive marketing capabilities and add to the business model innovation literature in two ways. First, our study provides new insights into the cumulative and concrete consequences of market experimentation and open marketing capabilities on small firms' business model dynamics in the context of a crisis. Second, our findings illuminate the crucial role of strategic flexibility which, partly or entirely, contributes to the full realization of the potential of the marketing capabilities at hand.
Findings – Within the context of a wider study of 14 international journals on small business and entrepreneurship, this paper presents the findings that have emerged from the JRME journal according to the SME definitions used, methodology employed, geographical coverage and the business sectors’ covered.
Originality/value – This study provides some findings in relation to the variety of studies carried out and the research presented in the JRME over a 12-year period.
Keywords Entrepreneurship, Research, Small to medium sized enterprises Paper type General review
This research aims to investigate, in the context of a crisis, how adaptive marketing and open marketing capabilities directly contribute to enhance SMEs' business model innovation taking into consideration the mediating role of strategic flexibility.
Based on a sample of 120 small firms, our theoretical model is tested through a cross-sectional study. PLS-SEM is applied as the analytical technique.
The results show that open marketing capabilities are positively related to business model innovation and that this relationship is partially mediated by strategic flexibility. Furthermore, adaptive market experimentation capabilities enhance business model innovation only when fully mediated by strategic flexibility.
Research limitations/implications
Extending existing explorative research, our research illuminates how adaptive market experimentation and open marketing capabilities, in conjunction with strategic flexibility, can help SMEs to better adapt existing business models during a time of crisis. Our findings underline the potential contribution of planned test-driven activities, trial-and-error processes, data-based decisional processes and benchmarking activities. We also document how stronger networking capabilities and organizational openness strengthen the firm's ability to access the required additional resources and insights they need. These contributions remain however conditioned by the use of a convenient sampling design as well as the cross-sectional nature of the data.
Practical implications
Our findings underline the importance of empowering SMEs to nurture more effective experimental approaches in the long run, along with a more formalized open marketing posture. Our study also highlights the need for SMEs to improve their awareness of the risk of inertia and the benefits of nurturing their overall flexibility so they can adapt in an adequate and timely manner.
The findings of this study build on the perspective of adaptive marketing capabilities and add to the business model innovation literature in two ways. First, our study provides new insights into the cumulative and concrete consequences of market experimentation and open marketing capabilities on small firms' business model dynamics in the context of a crisis. Second, our findings illuminate the crucial role of strategic flexibility which, partly or entirely, contributes to the full realization of the potential of the marketing capabilities at hand.
Findings – Within the context of a wider study of 14 international journals on small business and entrepreneurship, this paper presents the findings that have emerged from the JRME journal according to the SME definitions used, methodology employed, geographical coverage and the business sectors’ covered.
Originality/value – This study provides some findings in relation to the variety of studies carried out and the research presented in the JRME over a 12-year period.
Keywords Entrepreneurship, Research, Small to medium sized enterprises Paper type General review