? ?

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May. 22nd, 2011

Disney - Wall-E

15 the blue beyond textures



Sorry for the long break between posts but I had a good reason, on Friday I got married!

It was one of the best days of my life.

We're off on Honeymoon tomorrow. See you when I get back!


Mrs T

Apr. 25th, 2011

CSI - Unusual suspect

5 large textures

It's been far too long since I last updated. Wedding organisation is going well - only 4 weeks to go! Here we are - a few large textures to share.



Comment and credit make me feel warm and fuzzy

Mar. 13th, 2011

Disney - tinkerbell

20 watercolour and chalk textures

Less than 10 weeks to go before I make Dave into an honest man! My goodness, how time flies... I'm both looking forward to the wedding, enjoying the excitement and fun of organising it, and wishing it was all over so we can relax. I'm also in the midst of trying to get a research report I'm doing freelance finished by the end of this month. I have to admit when I first started I hadn't anticipated how hard it would be having a full time job, working freelance, and organising a wedding at the same time.

Ah well, it will be worth it in the end.

If you are interested in youth work and intergenerational practice (oh dear - you are..?!) you may be interested in the research I completed last year which was recently published. It's an evaluation of four pilot projects in Scotland.

If you're interested in textures then here you are:



Comments and credit are a cheery addition to my day...

Feb. 26th, 2011

Disney - Wall-E

25 spiral in the sky textures

 It's been a busy last few weeks once again. I can't wait until summer when everything calms down.



Comments and credit are happy person makers

Feb. 5th, 2011

Disney - jasmine sad

10 Skies of olde textures

It's been two weeks since my last post as last weekend was mucho busy. It was Dave's birthday so we found ourselves entertaining different friends each day, cooking up vats of food to feed them all - at least that's what it felt like! We had a great time.

This weekend is a touch more quieter. We had a meeting with the wedding venue today to start sorting out the proper nitty gritty. The big day is still a few months away but everything is moving apace. My dress fitting is this coming Friday and the meal tasting and my makeup trial are booked in the diary for March. My sister's bridesmaid dress has also arrived and her fitting is in the next couple of weeks. Eeep!

Anyway, tomorrow it's Dave's Grandma's birthday so we're heading to his parents' for lunch. 



Comments and credit shine a light in the darkness...

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