Papers by Tania Arcimovich
Topos (2), 2024
The article navigates both the existing models of Belarusian theatre history, challenging the nar... more The article navigates both the existing models of Belarusian theatre history, challenging the narratives constructed by Soviet historiography, and the nationally oriented models that emerged during the post-Soviet era. Focusing on the decolonial methodology and performative theory, particularly the bodily approach, the author suggests reevaluating key concepts such as “tradition” and “experiment” as the primary categories for structuring the theatre framework concept. The central argument is that decolonizing the theatre history goes beyond emancipating the cultural narrative within the geopolitical binary “centre-periphery”. The issue is more complex, as it involves a mode of imagination, including the emancipation/decolonization/decentralization of theatrical production methods. This approach might facilitate the emergence of multiple historical narratives.

TOPOS No2, 2023
The paper examines some 'stories' of f... more
The paper examines some 'stories' of female artists who were connected (in different ways) to Belarusian cultural space, mainly in the first half of the twentieth century. Despite women's prominent and incontestable contribution to art, firstly, as producers, their role and place are still mainly invisible in 'global' and 'local' art history, whose 'canon' is oriented on the male experience. Exploring history and the strategies of displacement, erasing, forgetting, and non-recognition of female producers in art, the paper asks about so-called universal common patterns of how this marginalisation (and, as a result, absent) still happens, no matter what field-art, science, technology-in any area which is considered as a male realm. Discussing several obstacles scholars might face in the process of reconstructing women's biographies, the author argues that the feminist approach of storytelling aims not merely to extend 'history'. It is a strategy to trouble the existing male-oriented 'canon' that contributes to creating multidiverse and plural 'epistemic spaces' as the fundamental matter of transnational feminism.
Minsk. Non-Conformism of the 1980s, 2016
The introduction to the publication 'Minsk. Non-Conformism of the 1980s', ed. by Artur Klinau, Ta... more The introduction to the publication 'Minsk. Non-Conformism of the 1980s', ed. by Artur Klinau, Tania Arcimovich. Minsk: Halijafy 2016. In Belarusian and English. The publication describes the phenomenon of the informal artistic scene in Minsk during the perestroika period (photo collections, articles, memoirs), which is often presented as non-conformist art, or 'Belarusian avant-garde'.
Studia Białorutenistyczne 16, 2022
The article explores the almost indescribable history of the famous performance Pavlinka staged i... more The article explores the almost indescribable history of the famous performance Pavlinka staged in 1944 by Lev Litvinav that still is performed at the National Kupala Theatre in Minsk. Despite the ethnographic and comedy character of the performance, during the protests 2020, it became a space for the ideological struggle between the actors who left the theatre (joined the protests) and those who supported the regime. Briefly presenting the main points of this ideological campaign between two troupes of the National Kupala Theatre, the article describes the history of the play Pavlinka and as well as the biography of its director Lev Litvinav, which the author could reconstruct using archival documents, including from Litvinav's family archive.
Без будущего. Депрессия и авторитарное общество, 2020
В этой главе на примере некоторых театральный и драматических произведений и перформансов, создан... more В этой главе на примере некоторых театральный и драматических произведений и перформансов, созданных в Беларуси после 19 декабря 2010 года, я представлю и проанализирую, каким образом современный театр репрезентирует эмоциональное состояние современного беларусского общества в период острых социальных и политических кризисов. Мой тезис заключается в том, что театр как вид искусства, который создает ситуацию «телесного соприсутствия и взаимодействия» между актерами и публикой, результатом чего становится эмоция, обладает а) свойством эмоциональной рефлексивности как способности «понимать и описывать социальный мир в понятиях чувств и эмоций»; б) потенциалом делать видимыми процессы в области коллективной эмоции (т.е. эмоции, разделяемой членами группы, сообщества или общества), которые могут быть вытеснены из публичной сферы.
Bloomsbury Academic, 2020
Антология современной беларусской драматургии "Все нормально. Ее-версия", 2020
Статья открывает сборник современной беларусской драматургии, изданный в 2020 году в издательстве... more Статья открывает сборник современной беларусской драматургии, изданный в 2020 году в издательстве "Логвінаў", Минск.
Belarusian contemporary art research platform KALEKTAR, 2016
Belarusian contemporary art research platform KALEKTAR, 2016
In Belarusian. The essay describes the history of Light Partisan Movement project (1997) by Belar... more In Belarusian. The essay describes the history of Light Partisan Movement project (1997) by Belarusian artist Igor Tishin and analyzes how the project deconstructed and re-thought the Soviet partisan myth in the context of new political order.
Радиус нуля. Онтология арт-нулевых. Минск 2000-2010. Под ред. О.Жгировской, О.Шпараги, Р.Вашкевича, 2013
The article focuses on the two exhibitions of Belarusian contemporary art in Warsaw in 2000 and i... more The article focuses on the two exhibitions of Belarusian contemporary art in Warsaw in 2000 and in Vilnius in 2010 and asks about the changes of representation ways of Belarusian artists abroad.
In Russian and English the article is published in Радиус нуля. Онтология арт-нулевых. Минск 2000-2010. Под ред. О.Жгировской, О.Шпараги, Р.Вашкевича. Минск: Логвинов, 2013. In German it is published as Arcimovič T. Aus der Izolation zur Publicumswahrnehmung? (От изоляции к публичности?) // Belarus: The World is moving, Austrian Cultural Forum Moscow 2013.
East European Performing Arts Dictionary, 2013
The article was written in 2014 based on T. Arcimovich. Independent theatre in Belarus (1980–2013... more The article was written in 2014 based on T. Arcimovich. Independent theatre in Belarus (1980–2013). In East European Performing Arts Dictionary. 2013.
Books by Tania Arcimovich
З уступным тэкстам Ины Рэўт «Менская школа» альбо «Новая хваля»? Беларуская фатаграфія 1990-х
Европейский гуманитарный университет, 2020
Эта книга обращается к практически неисследованному феномену экспериментального театра БССР в пер... more Эта книга обращается к практически неисследованному феномену экспериментального театра БССР в период «оттепели». Подробно описывая отдельные театральные явления это времени (деятельность студии «Юность» и постановку «В ожидании Годо» С. Беккета в 1968 года), авторка задается вопросом о том, как эти явления вписываются в контекст теории и истории европейского и советского театрального авангарда XX века и почему необходимо концептуальное переосмысление существующего нарратива. Вопросы, которые провоцирует книга, ставят своей целью обозначить существование другой истории беларусского театра, которая до сих пор остается «невидимой» как в публичном дискурсе, так и для узких специалистов.
Book Reviews by Tania Arcimovich
H-SHERA, H-Net Reviews, 2024
KULT_online, no. 63 (April), 2021
Online: Travelling through the ... more Online: Travelling through the spaces of political actions and performing arts of the 2010s, mostly in Western European countries, A Live Gathering: Performance and Politics in Contemporary Europe looks into a new phase of relationships between these two fields. Asking about the potential of performance to embody the experience of politicality, the book provokes the discussion about alternative modes of participation in politics when artists' and audiences' imagination becomes a vehicle to overcome political predicament on the road to democracy.
Calls for Submission by Tania Arcimovich
The conference focuses on the socio-political dimensions of emotions, examining how they are deep... more The conference focuses on the socio-political dimensions of emotions, examining how they are deeply embedded within the interplay of gender, technology, and capital. Emotions are not neutral; they are shaped by political, economic, and social contexts, influencing how we re/act, on our ability to cooperate , solidarize, or atomise. Drawing on capital theory, we explore how different forms of individual capital-financial, human, emotional, symbolic, social, and others-impact emotional and gender perspectives. The triad of 'gender, technologies, and capital' is central and interdependent, forming complex dynamics.
Papers by Tania Arcimovich
The paper examines some 'stories' of female artists who were connected (in different ways) to Belarusian cultural space, mainly in the first half of the twentieth century. Despite women's prominent and incontestable contribution to art, firstly, as producers, their role and place are still mainly invisible in 'global' and 'local' art history, whose 'canon' is oriented on the male experience. Exploring history and the strategies of displacement, erasing, forgetting, and non-recognition of female producers in art, the paper asks about so-called universal common patterns of how this marginalisation (and, as a result, absent) still happens, no matter what field-art, science, technology-in any area which is considered as a male realm. Discussing several obstacles scholars might face in the process of reconstructing women's biographies, the author argues that the feminist approach of storytelling aims not merely to extend 'history'. It is a strategy to trouble the existing male-oriented 'canon' that contributes to creating multidiverse and plural 'epistemic spaces' as the fundamental matter of transnational feminism.
Performance, Politics and Protest in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus' edited by J.A.E. Curtis. The content of the whole book and the abstract of the chapter:
In Russian and English the article is published in Радиус нуля. Онтология арт-нулевых. Минск 2000-2010. Под ред. О.Жгировской, О.Шпараги, Р.Вашкевича. Минск: Логвинов, 2013. In German it is published as Arcimovič T. Aus der Izolation zur Publicumswahrnehmung? (От изоляции к публичности?) // Belarus: The World is moving, Austrian Cultural Forum Moscow 2013.
Books by Tania Arcimovich
Book Reviews by Tania Arcimovich
Reviewed by Tania Arcimovich (Erfurt University)
Published on H-SHERA (October, 2024)
Commissioned by Hanna Chuchvaha (University of Calgary)
Calls for Submission by Tania Arcimovich
The paper examines some 'stories' of female artists who were connected (in different ways) to Belarusian cultural space, mainly in the first half of the twentieth century. Despite women's prominent and incontestable contribution to art, firstly, as producers, their role and place are still mainly invisible in 'global' and 'local' art history, whose 'canon' is oriented on the male experience. Exploring history and the strategies of displacement, erasing, forgetting, and non-recognition of female producers in art, the paper asks about so-called universal common patterns of how this marginalisation (and, as a result, absent) still happens, no matter what field-art, science, technology-in any area which is considered as a male realm. Discussing several obstacles scholars might face in the process of reconstructing women's biographies, the author argues that the feminist approach of storytelling aims not merely to extend 'history'. It is a strategy to trouble the existing male-oriented 'canon' that contributes to creating multidiverse and plural 'epistemic spaces' as the fundamental matter of transnational feminism.
Performance, Politics and Protest in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus' edited by J.A.E. Curtis. The content of the whole book and the abstract of the chapter:
In Russian and English the article is published in Радиус нуля. Онтология арт-нулевых. Минск 2000-2010. Под ред. О.Жгировской, О.Шпараги, Р.Вашкевича. Минск: Логвинов, 2013. In German it is published as Arcimovič T. Aus der Izolation zur Publicumswahrnehmung? (От изоляции к публичности?) // Belarus: The World is moving, Austrian Cultural Forum Moscow 2013.
Reviewed by Tania Arcimovich (Erfurt University)
Published on H-SHERA (October, 2024)
Commissioned by Hanna Chuchvaha (University of Calgary)
factor of her/his adaptation to a new environment.
Ahmed relates happiness with a modality of good citizenship, as for her, “to see happily” means, first of all, not to face violence, asymmetry, or
Such an approach prompts further reflection on the aspects that are often neglected or overlooked, namely, the interrelation between women’s migration and labour, which may, under certain conditions, become a locus of self-fulfilment and confidence or turn into a trap of alienation and, consequently, the reason for deprivation and unhappiness. It is worth noting that some aspects of migration (transition, transformation, translation, adaptation, change, etc.) are gender-neutral regarding their impact on professional identity and individual career opportunities. However, women often find themselves in the most vulnerable position, as their needs and experiences require particular research.
Viewing the issue of (un)happiness in women’s migration and exile through a dialectical lens, we see that the negative effects of migration, regardless of its prerequisites, can be laden with melancholy and depression, exacerbated by a sense of vulnerability or a state of precariousness and insecurity. Yet, these conditions and feelings can also be intertwined with new opportunities, the vision of alternatives, and the anticipation of a different future. This conference continues a series of events devoted to different aspects of labour at the intersection of women and technology (as part of the long-term project “Women In Tech” - ). Therefore, one of the conference’s focuses is women’s IT sphere and the transnationalisation of its labour market in the context of migration.
We invite scholars from different fields and disciplines (gender studies, sociology, history, anthropology, cultural studies, law, media studies, art and others) with various theoretical perspectives and interdisciplinary approaches to reflect on the following topics:
challenges of women’s migration in the conditions of wars, humanitarian
crises and political turbulences;
effects of migration on women’s professional identity, career tracks and
working conditions
displacement, exile and new precarity
invisible (im/material and emotional) aspects of labour in the context of
women’s migration (asymmetry and inequality);
the status, citizenship and new identity);
the gendered aspects of labour migration and dilemmas of motherhood and care;
migration and mental health (resilience);
the forms of exclusion from the labour market (gender, age, sex, family status and others);
gendered dimension of the transnational labour market in high-tech industries.