Papers by Tekin Aycan Taşcı

Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2019
Tarihteki ilk Rus devletinin 9. yüzyılın sonlarında Kiev merkezli ortaya çıktığı kabul edilmekted... more Tarihteki ilk Rus devletinin 9. yüzyılın sonlarında Kiev merkezli ortaya çıktığı kabul edilmektedir. Bu devlet 11. yüzyılda knezlik denilen küçük beyliklere (prensliklere) bölünmüş ve Rusların tek bir devlet çatısı altında yeniden birleşmesi ancak 15. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde mümkün olmuştur. Bu devlet, 18. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde imparatorluğa dönüşmüş ve varlığını 1917'de gerçekleşen devrime kadar devam ettirmiştir. 9. yüzyıldan 20. yüzyıla kadarki zaman diliminde Rus devleti sınırlarını genişletip Avrupa tarzı idari reformlarla geliştikçe merkeziyetçi düzenlemeler çerçevesinde merkezi ve yerel yönetim organları değişime uğramıştır. Zaman içerisinde değişime uğrayan kurumlardan biri de namestniklik (namestniçestvo) olmuştur. Rus devlet teşkilatında 12. yüzyıldan itibaren yerel idare biçimi olarak karşımıza çıkan namestniklik kurumu, 16. yüzyıla kadar yasa ve nizamnamelerden bağımsız şekilde ilkel bir yapıda taşra yönetimini gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu yüzyılda gerçekleştirilen merkeziyetçi reformlar çerçevesinde uygulamadan kaldırılmıştır. Fakat buna rağmen namestnik kavramı, devlet teşkilatında diplomatik bir unvan olarak muhafaza olmuştur. 18. yüzyıla gelindiğinde merkezi ve yerel idarede gerçekleştirilen reformlar neticesinde namestniklik, yeniden yerel yönetim organı olarak devlet teşkilatındaki yerini almıştır. Namestniklik kurumu bundan sonra imparatorluk taşra idaresinde gerçekleştirilen reformlar neticesinde geçirdiği değişimlerle 20. yüzyılın başına kadar uygulanmıştır.

Journal of Caucasian Studies
The Caucasus is a strategically important region for the global and regional powers in terms of i... more The Caucasus is a strategically important region for the global and regional powers in terms of its geographical location. In the northern and southern parts of the region, which is divided by the Caucasus mountains, there are now 15 independent and autonomous political institutions of ethnic origin and a large number of different nations in terms of language, religion, and race. Many of these political entities have ethnic-based conflicts and border problems with their neighbors, which date back to the period of Tsarist Russia. These problems always keep the risk of hot conflicts that may have global and regional effects alive. Ossetians, which are accepted from the autochthonous peoples of the Caucasus, are the subjects of many of these conflict areas. The Osetians are strategically more prominent among their neighbors with some of their characteristics, especially in the case of Russia. Consequently, researches on Osseties by the Russian government started in the 18th century, and following the annexation of Georgia in 1801. Thus, so far, many academic works on Russian language, history, culture, ethnic origin, relations with neighbors have been revealed. These sources and bibliographies are important in terms of shedding light on the researches about the political, administrative and cultural development of Ossetians. In the aforementioned area Turkish studies about Ossetians or works containing information are scarce. In the mentioned fields, Turkish studies or works containing information about Ossetians are numbered. It is important to learn and use Russian sources and bibliography for the development of Ossetian studies in Turkey. These works are important to shed light on the researches about the political, administrative and cultural development of Ossetians.
![Research paper thumbnail of Rusya’da hükümet ve medyanın 15 Temmuz darbe girişimine yaklaşımları [The approaches of the government and media to the July 15 coup attempt in Russia]](
Erciyes Akademi, 2021
Başlangıcı 15. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına tarihlendirilen Türk-Rus ilişkileri yüzyıllar boyunca böl... more Başlangıcı 15. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına tarihlendirilen Türk-Rus ilişkileri yüzyıllar boyunca bölgesel rekabet ve buna bağlı olarak düşmanlık çerçevesinde gelişme göstermiştir. İki taraf arasında kısa süreli de olsa ilk kapsamlı dostluk ve işbirliğine dayalı ilişkiler Sovyetler Birliği ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti arasında yaşanmıştır. Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde, bilhassa 2000'li yıllardan itibaren ilişkilerde rekabetten işbirliğine geçiş yönünde ciddi adımlar atılmaya başlanmıştır. Fakat 24 Kasım 2015'te Türkiye'nin Rusya'ya ait bir savaş uçağını düşürmesi ilişkilerin seyrini değiştirmiş ve iki ülke arasında kuvvetlenmeye başlayan güven ortamını yıkmıştır. Kriz döneminde Rusya tarafının eylem ve söylemlerinde gösterdiği Türkiye aleyhtarlığı ise basın yayın organlarında yürütülen kara propaganda sayesinde Rus kamuoyunda derin izler bırakmıştır. 27 Haziran 2016'da Ankara'dan gelen taziye mektubu sonrası Türk ve Rus hükümetleri tarafından ilişkilerin hızla düzeltilmesi yönünde irade sergilenmesine rağmen Rus basınındaki Türkiye algısı temkinli ve şüpheci olarak kalmıştır. 15 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde yaşanan darbe girişimi karşısında Rus Hükümeti açıkça Türkiye'deki meşru iktidarın yanında tavır sergilerken, Rus yayın organları ve Rus uzmanların yaklaşımları farklılıklar göstermiştir.
![Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye - Rusya İlişkileri ve Üst Düzey İşbirliği Konseyi (ÜDİK)
[Turkey - Russia Relations and High-Level Cooperation Council] - Tekin Aycan Taşcı](
KARE - Uluslararası Edebiyat, Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi, 2019
XV. yüzyıla başladığı kabul edilen Türk-Rus ilişkileri bazı kısa süreli konjonktürel ittifaklar v... more XV. yüzyıla başladığı kabul edilen Türk-Rus ilişkileri bazı kısa süreli konjonktürel ittifaklar ve işbirliği dönemleri dışında yüzyıllar boyunca rekabete dayalı gelişti. İki taraf arasında ilk önemli yakınlaşma Kurtuluş Savaşı dönemi ve Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında yeni Sovyet Rusya ve Türkiye hükümetleri arasında gerçekleşti. Fakat bu dönem de göreceli olarak uzun sürmedi ve iki taraf Soğuk Savaş yıllarında iki ayrı blokta yer alarak birbirini tehdit olarak değerlendirdi.İlişkilerde ikinci yakınlaşma dönemi 1990’lı yılların ikinci yarısından itibaren başladı. 2000’li yıllarda ise ilişkiler, tarihte görüşmemiş bir seviyede ivme kazandı. XXI. yüzyılın başından itibaren Batı ve Rusya arasındaki rekabet eski Sovyetler Birliği ülkeleri üzerinde yeniden alevlendi. Bunun aksine aynı dönemde Türk-Rus ilişkilerinde rekabetin yerini işbirliği almaya başladı. 2000’li yılların ilk 10 yılında Batı ile Rusya ilişkilerinin gölgesinde ortaya çıkan birçok bölgesel gelişme ve kriz karşısında Türkiye ve Rusya farklı bakış açılarına sahip olmalarına rağmen ivme kazanan ilişkileri daha da geliştirme doğrultusunda kararlı duruş sergiledi. Öyle ki 2010 yılında kurulan Üst Düzey İşbirliği Konseyi (ÜDİK) ile iki ülke arasındaki ilişkiler kurumsal kimlik kazandı. Üst Düzey İşbirliği Konseyi, 2010-2019 yılları arası dönemde sekiz kez toplandı. Türkiye’nin Rus savaş uçağını düşürmesi neticesinde Türk-Rus ilişkilerinin krize girdiği Kasım 2015-Haziran 2016 arası dönem hariç iki ülkenin bölgesel gelişmeler karşısında yaşadığı anlaşmazlıklara ve küçük çaplı krizlere rağmen Konsey, faaliyetlerini aralıksız sürdürmeyi başardı. Türk-Rus ilişkilerindeki söz konusu kriz döneminde ise ÜDİK’in faaliyetleri askıya alındı. Fakat Haziran 2016’dan itibaren ilişkilerde başlayan normalleşme süreci erken tamamlandı ve bazı hususlar hariç ilişkiler kısa sürede kriz öncesi seviyeye döndü. Bunda ÜDİK önemli rol oynadı. Bu çalışmada kronolojik olarak Türkiye-Rusya arasındaki ilişkilerde yaşanan gelişmeler ışığında ÜDİK toplantıları ele alınmaktadır.
Turkish-Russian relations, whose origins date back to the 15th century, developed through competition except for some short-term cyclical alliances and periods of cooperation. The first major rapprochement between the two sides took place during the War of Independence and the early years of the republic. However, this period did not last relatively long, and the two sides perceive each other as a threat by taking part in separate blocks in the Cold War. The second period of rapprochement in relations began in the second half of the 1990s. In the 2000s, gained momentum at an unprecedented level.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the rivalry between the West and Russia has flared up again over the former Soviet Union countries. On the contrary, in the same period, cooperation has started to take the place of competition in Turkish-Russian relations. In the first 10 years of the 2000s, Turkey and Russia, despite having different perspectives, showed a resolute stance to strengthen the relations that gained momentum in the regional crises resulting from the relations between the West and Russia. Thus, the relations between the two countries gained institutional identity with the High-Level Cooperation Council (HLCC) established in 2010. The High-Level Cooperation Council held eight meetings between 2010-2019. Despite the disagreements and minor crises experienced by the two countries due to regional development, The High-Level Cooperation Council was able to continue its activities without interruption, except for the period between December 2015-June 2016 in which Turkish-Russian relations deteriorated as a result of the fighter jet crisis. In the period of the fighter jet crisis in Turkish-Russian relations, activities of the Council were suspended. However, the normalization process that started in June 2016 was completed early and relations returned to the pre-crisis level in a short time except for some issues. The Council played an important role in this. In this study, the meetings of the High-Level Cooperation Council have been discussed in light of developments in the relations between Turkey and Russia.
![Research paper thumbnail of Osetler Hakkında Türkçe ve Rusça Literatür Değerlendirmesi [Review of Turkish and Russian Language Literature about Ossettians] - Tekin Aycan Taşcı](
Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) / Kafkasya Çalışmaları - Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019
Kafkasya, coğrafi konumu itibarıyla küresel ve bölgesel güçler nazarında stratejik öneme sahip bi... more Kafkasya, coğrafi konumu itibarıyla küresel ve bölgesel güçler nazarında stratejik öneme sahip bir bölgedir. Kafkas dağlarının ikiye ayırdığı bölgenin kuzey ve güney kısımlarında bugün bağımsız ve özerk statüde 15 etnik kökenli siyasi yapı ve bunların bünyesinde de dil, din, köken bakımından birbirinden farklı çok sayıda halk bulunmaktadır. Söz konusu siyasi yapıların birçoğu komşularıyla etnik temelli anlaşmazlıklar ve sınır problemleri yaşamaktadır. Kökleri Çarlık Rusya'sı dönemine kadar uzanan bu sorunlar, küresel ve bölgesel etkiler doğurabilecek sıcak çatışma riskini her daim canlı tutmaktadır. Kafkasya'nın otokton halklarından kabul edilen Osetler, söz konusu çatışma alanlarından birkaçının öznesi durumundadır. Osetler, sahip oldukları bazı özelliklerden dolayı bilhassa Rusya nazarında komşularına göre stratejik açıdan daha ön plana çıkan bir halktır. Buna bağlı olarak Rus hükümeti tarafından 18. yüzyılda Osetler hakkında araştırmalar başlatılmış, 1801'de Gürcistan'ın ilhakına müteakip de bu halka dair ilk bilimsel çalışmalar kaleme alınmaya başlanmıştır. Böylece günümüze dek Osetlerin dili, kültürü, tarihi, etnik kökeni, komşularıyla ilişkileri hakkında Rusça çok sayıda akademik eser ortaya konulmuştur. Söz konusu alanlarda Osetlerle ilgili yapılan Türkçe çalışmalar veya bilgi içeren eserler ise sayılıdır. Türkiye'de Oset araştırmalarının geliştirilmesi için Rusça kaynak ve kaynakçaların öğrenilmesi ve bunlardan istifade edilmesi mühimdir. Bu eserler; Osetlerin siyasi, idari ve kültürel gelişimleri hakkında yürütülecek araştırmalara ışık tutması bakımından önem arz etmektedir.
The Caucasus is a strategically important region for the global and regional powers in terms of its geographical location. In the northern and southern parts of the region, which is divided by the Caucasus mountains, there are now 15 independent and autonomous political institutions of ethnic origin and a large number of different nations in terms of language, religion, and race. Many of these political entities have ethnic-based conflicts and border problems with their neighbors, which date back to the period of Tsarist Russia. These problems always keep the risk of hot conflicts that may have global and regional effects alive. Ossetians, which are accepted from the autochthonous peoples of the Caucasus, are the subjects of many of these conflict areas. The Osetians are strategically more prominent among their neighbors with some of their characteristics, especially in the case of Russia. Consequently, researches on Osseties by the Russian government started in the 18th century, and following the annexation of Georgia in 1801. Thus, so far, many academic works on Russian language, history, culture, ethnic origin, relations with neighbors have been revealed. These sources and bibliographies are important in terms of shedding light on the researches about the political, administrative and cultural development of Ossetians. In the aforementioned area Turkish studies about Ossetians or works containing information are scarce. In the mentioned fields, Turkish studies or works containing information about Ossetians are numbered. It is important to learn and use Russian sources and bibliography for the development of Ossetian studies in Turkey. These works are important to shed light on the researches about the political, administrative and cultural development of Ossetians.
![Research paper thumbnail of Rus Devlet Taşkilatı Tarihinde Namestniklik Kurumunun Tarihçesi
[History of Namestnik Institution in Russian State Organization] - Tekin Aycan Taşcı](
Karadeniz Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi (KAREN), 2019
Öz: Tarihteki ilk Rus devletinin 9. yüzyılın sonlarında Kiev merkezli ortaya çıktığı kabul edilme... more Öz: Tarihteki ilk Rus devletinin 9. yüzyılın sonlarında Kiev merkezli ortaya çıktığı kabul edilmektedir. Bu devlet 11. yüzyılda knezlik denilen küçük beyliklere (prensliklere) bölünmüş ve Rusların tek bir devlet çatısı altında yeniden birleşmesi ancak 15. yüzyılın son çeyreğinde mümkün olmuştur. Bu devlet, 18. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde imparatorluğa dönüşmüş ve varlığını 1917'de gerçekleşen devrime kadar devam ettirmiştir. 9. yüzyıldan 20. yüzyıla kadarki zaman diliminde Rus devleti sınırlarını genişletip Avrupa tarzı idari reformlarla geliştikçe merkeziyetçi düzenlemeler çerçevesinde merkezi ve yerel yönetim organları değişime uğramıştır. Zaman içerisinde değişime uğrayan kurumlardan biri de namestniklik (namestniçestvo) olmuştur. Rus devlet teşkilatında 12. yüzyıldan itibaren yerel idare biçimi olarak karşımıza çıkan namestniklik kurumu, 16. yüzyıla kadar yasa ve nizamnamelerden bağımsız şekilde ilkel bir yapıda taşra yönetimini gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu yüzyılda gerçekleştirilen merkeziyetçi reformlar çerçevesinde uygulamadan kaldırılmıştır. Fakat buna rağmen namestnik kavramı, devlet teşkilatında diplomatik bir unvan olarak muhafaza olmuştur. 18. yüz-yıla gelindiğinde merkezi ve yerel idarede gerçekleştirilen reformlar neticesinde namestniklik, yeniden yerel yönetim organı olarak devlet teşkilatındaki yerini almıştır. Namestniklik kurumu bundan sonra imparatorluk taşra idaresinde gerçekleştirilen reformlar neticesinde geçirdiği değişimlerle 20. yüzyılın başına kadar uygulanmıştır.
It is accepted that the first Russian state in history emerged in Kiev at the end of the 9th century. This state was divided into small principalities called kniazhestvo in the 11th century, and the reunification of the Russians under a single state was only possible in the last quarter of the 15th century. This state became an empire in the first quarter of the 18th century and continued its existence until the revolution that took place in 1917. In the period from the 9th to the 20th centuries, as the Russian state expanded its borders and developed through European-style administrative reforms, the central and local government bodies were transformed within the framework of centralized regulations. One of the institutions that changed in time was namestnichestvo. Regardless of the laws and regulations, the institution of namestnichestvo that appeared in the Russian state organization as a form of local administration since the 12th century, carried out a provincial administration in a primitive structure up to the 16th century. It was abolished within the framework of centralist reforms carried out in this century. Nevertheless, the concept of namestnik has been preserved as a diplomatic title in the state organization. As a result of the reforms carried out in the central and local administrations in the 18th century, namestnichestvo has taken its place in the state organization as the local authority again. The institution of namestnichestvo has been implemented until the beginning of the 20th century with the changes it has made as a result of the reforms carried out in the imperial provincial administration.
![Research paper thumbnail of Kafkasya'da Rus İdari Yapıları (1785-1845)
[The Russıan Admınıstratıve Structures In The Caucasus (1785-1845)] - Tekin Aycan Taşcı](
Karadeniz İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2019
16. yüzyılda Kafkasya’ya nüfuz eden Rus Devleti’nin bölgedeki ilk idari yapıları 18. yüzyıldan it... more 16. yüzyılda Kafkasya’ya nüfuz eden Rus Devleti’nin bölgedeki ilk idari yapıları 18. yüzyıldan itibaren burada inşa edilen kaleler ile ortaya çıktı. Bu kaleler, Rus Kazakları ile Rusya’ya bağlılık bildiren halkların yönetimini üstlendi. Rusya’nın, 1774 Küçük Kaynarca Antlaşması ile Kuzey Kafkasya’daki hâkimiyetini hukuki boyuta taşıması ve 1783’te Gürcistan’ın himayesini üstlenerek Güney Kafkasya’ya nüfuz etmesi Kuzey Kafkasya’da imparatorluk taşra idaresinin kurulmasını zaruri hale getirdi. Böylece, ülke genelinde uygulamaya konulan II. Yekaterina’nın guberniya reformu kapsamında, Kuzey Kafkasya, Rus idare sistemine dâhil edildi. Fakat bölgede kurulan idari yapı kalıcı olmadı. İlk önce taşra teşkilatına dair imparatorluk genelinde yapılan yeni düzenleme, ardından da Rusya’nın sınırlarını Güney Kafkasya’ya genişletmesine bağlı olarak Kafkasya'daki Rus idaresinde değişikliklere gidildi. 1845 yılına kadar Kafkasya’da uygulanan idari yapılar, bazı istisnalar dışında genel itibarıyla yerel şartlar göz ardı edilerek imparatorluk taşra idaresinin bölgede tatbiki şeklinde kendini gösterdi. 1785-1845 yılları arasında Kafkasya'daki Rus idari yapılarının ele alındığı bu çalışmada Rusça arşiv belgeleri başta olmak üzere birinci el kaynaklar ve tetkik eserlerden faydalanılmıştır.
The first administrative structures of the Russian State that permeated the Caucasus in the 16th century appeared with castles built here from the 18th century. These castles undertook the administration of the Russian Cossacks and the peoples of Russia who reported their loyalty. Russia’s legalization of the Northern Caucasus with the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca in 1774 and its penetration of the South Caucasus through to take over the protection of Georgia in 1783 made the establishment of imperial provincial administration in the North Caucasus necessary. Thus, the North Caucasus was included in the Russian administration system in the context of Yekaterina II’s nationwide implementation of guberniya reform. However, the administrative structure established in the region was not permanent. Changes were made to the Russian administration in the Caucasus due to the new empire-wide regulation of the provincial organization and Russia’s expansion of its borders to the South Caucasus. The administrative structures applied in the Caucasus until 1845 showed themselves as the application of the imperial provincial administration in the region ignoring local conditions in general. In this study, which examined the Russian administrative structures in the Caucasus between 1785-1845, first-hand sources, mainly Russian archive documents and survey works were used.
ERUSAM Rusya - Kafkasya Masasında görevli Araştırma Görevlisi Tekin Aycan TAŞCI'nın St. Petersbur... more ERUSAM Rusya - Kafkasya Masasında görevli Araştırma Görevlisi Tekin Aycan TAŞCI'nın St. Petersburg Devlet Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Fakültesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorisi ve Tarihi bölümü öğretim üyesi Doç. Dr. Aleksandr Anatolyeviç Sotniçenko ile Türk - Rus ilişkileri çerçevesinde güncel meseleler hakkında gerçekleştirdiği röportaj.
30 Eylül 2015’te Rusya’nın Suriye’deki IŞİD mevzilerine yönelik başlattığı hava
harekatının önces... more 30 Eylül 2015’te Rusya’nın Suriye’deki IŞİD mevzilerine yönelik başlattığı hava
harekatının öncesi ve sonrasında yaşanan gelişmelerin kronolojisidir.
27 Şubat 2015 gece yarısı Rus muhalif siyasetçi Boris Efimoviç Nemtsov, Kremlin yakınındaki Büyük... more 27 Şubat 2015 gece yarısı Rus muhalif siyasetçi Boris Efimoviç Nemtsov, Kremlin yakınındaki Büyük Moskvoretskiy Köprüsünde vurularak öldürüldü. 55 yaşında evli ve dört çocuk sahibi Nemtsov, Solidarnost (Dayanışma) sivil toplum hareketinin kurucularından ve liderlerindendi. Ayrıca Rusya Cumhuriyet Partisi (PRP) ile Halk Özgürlüğü Partisi’nin birleşmesiyle ortaya çıkan RPR-Parnas siyasi partisinin Eş Başkanı ve Rus Muhalefeti Koordinasyon Konseyi üyesiydi. 1991’den beri siyasetin içinde olan Nemtsov, Boris Yeltsin hükümetinde iki dönem önce Yakıt ve Enerji Bakanı, sonra Başbakan Yardımcısı olarak görev almıştı. 8 Eylül 2013 yerel seçimlerinde RPR-PARNAS partisinden Yaroslavsk Bölge Duması Milletvekili olarak seçilmişti.
![Research paper thumbnail of İnguş – Oset Çatışmasının Tarihinde Rusya'nın Rolü
[The Role of Russia in the History of the Ingush – Ossetian Conflict] - Tekin Aycan Taşcı](
V. Karadeniz Uluslararası Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, 2014
Ruslar, merkezi Kuzey Kafkasya’ya hakim oldukları XVIII. yüzyıldan itibaren bölgeyi kendi devlet ... more Ruslar, merkezi Kuzey Kafkasya’ya hakim oldukları XVIII. yüzyıldan itibaren bölgeyi kendi devlet sistemlerine adapte etmek için pek çok idari yapılanma modeli uygulamışlardır. Fakat belirledikleri politikalarda sıklıkla bölgedeki etnik ve siyasi durumu göz ardı etmeleri, yerel halklar arasında günümüze kadar uzanan çok sayıda anlaşmazlığın ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Bu anlaşmazlıklardan bir tanesi bugün Rusya Federasyonu’na bağlı İnguşetya ve Kuzey Osetya - Alanya özerk cumhuriyetleri arasında yaşanmaktadır. 1992 sonbaharında silahlı çatışmaya dönüşen anlaşmazlık, İnguşetya’nın Kuzey Osetya’ya bağlı Prigorod bölgesi, Mozdok koridoru ve Vladikavkaz şehrinin bir kısmı (Terek nehrinin sağ tarafı) üzerinde hak iddia etmesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu toprakların tarihi ve hukuki olarak esasen kime ait olduğu ve bugün kimin idaresi altında bulunması gerektiği meselesi, tartışmanın merkezindedir. Söz konusu çalışma İnguş – Oset çatışmasının ortaya çıkış sebebinde Rus idari politikalarının rolünü incelemektedir.
The Russians have applied many administrative structuring models to adapt the region to their own state system since the XVIII century when they ruled over the central North Caucasus. However, the frequent ruling of the ethnic and political circumstances in the region by the policies determined resulted in many conflicts between the local peoples which extend over to our day. One of these conflicts is being experienced between the autonomous republics of the Ingush and North Ossetia – Alania responsible for the Russian Federation today. The conflict, which transformed into an armed conflict in the fall of 1992, arises from Ingushetia’s claiming possession of the Prigorod area, Mozdok pass, and part of the city of Vladikavkaz (right side of River Terek) responsible to North Ossetia. This study examines the role of Russian administrative policies in the emergence of the Ingush –Ossetian conflict.
Uluslararası Kafkasya Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, 2012
Papers by Tekin Aycan Taşcı
Turkish-Russian relations, whose origins date back to the 15th century, developed through competition except for some short-term cyclical alliances and periods of cooperation. The first major rapprochement between the two sides took place during the War of Independence and the early years of the republic. However, this period did not last relatively long, and the two sides perceive each other as a threat by taking part in separate blocks in the Cold War. The second period of rapprochement in relations began in the second half of the 1990s. In the 2000s, gained momentum at an unprecedented level.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the rivalry between the West and Russia has flared up again over the former Soviet Union countries. On the contrary, in the same period, cooperation has started to take the place of competition in Turkish-Russian relations. In the first 10 years of the 2000s, Turkey and Russia, despite having different perspectives, showed a resolute stance to strengthen the relations that gained momentum in the regional crises resulting from the relations between the West and Russia. Thus, the relations between the two countries gained institutional identity with the High-Level Cooperation Council (HLCC) established in 2010. The High-Level Cooperation Council held eight meetings between 2010-2019. Despite the disagreements and minor crises experienced by the two countries due to regional development, The High-Level Cooperation Council was able to continue its activities without interruption, except for the period between December 2015-June 2016 in which Turkish-Russian relations deteriorated as a result of the fighter jet crisis. In the period of the fighter jet crisis in Turkish-Russian relations, activities of the Council were suspended. However, the normalization process that started in June 2016 was completed early and relations returned to the pre-crisis level in a short time except for some issues. The Council played an important role in this. In this study, the meetings of the High-Level Cooperation Council have been discussed in light of developments in the relations between Turkey and Russia.
The Caucasus is a strategically important region for the global and regional powers in terms of its geographical location. In the northern and southern parts of the region, which is divided by the Caucasus mountains, there are now 15 independent and autonomous political institutions of ethnic origin and a large number of different nations in terms of language, religion, and race. Many of these political entities have ethnic-based conflicts and border problems with their neighbors, which date back to the period of Tsarist Russia. These problems always keep the risk of hot conflicts that may have global and regional effects alive. Ossetians, which are accepted from the autochthonous peoples of the Caucasus, are the subjects of many of these conflict areas. The Osetians are strategically more prominent among their neighbors with some of their characteristics, especially in the case of Russia. Consequently, researches on Osseties by the Russian government started in the 18th century, and following the annexation of Georgia in 1801. Thus, so far, many academic works on Russian language, history, culture, ethnic origin, relations with neighbors have been revealed. These sources and bibliographies are important in terms of shedding light on the researches about the political, administrative and cultural development of Ossetians. In the aforementioned area Turkish studies about Ossetians or works containing information are scarce. In the mentioned fields, Turkish studies or works containing information about Ossetians are numbered. It is important to learn and use Russian sources and bibliography for the development of Ossetian studies in Turkey. These works are important to shed light on the researches about the political, administrative and cultural development of Ossetians.
It is accepted that the first Russian state in history emerged in Kiev at the end of the 9th century. This state was divided into small principalities called kniazhestvo in the 11th century, and the reunification of the Russians under a single state was only possible in the last quarter of the 15th century. This state became an empire in the first quarter of the 18th century and continued its existence until the revolution that took place in 1917. In the period from the 9th to the 20th centuries, as the Russian state expanded its borders and developed through European-style administrative reforms, the central and local government bodies were transformed within the framework of centralized regulations. One of the institutions that changed in time was namestnichestvo. Regardless of the laws and regulations, the institution of namestnichestvo that appeared in the Russian state organization as a form of local administration since the 12th century, carried out a provincial administration in a primitive structure up to the 16th century. It was abolished within the framework of centralist reforms carried out in this century. Nevertheless, the concept of namestnik has been preserved as a diplomatic title in the state organization. As a result of the reforms carried out in the central and local administrations in the 18th century, namestnichestvo has taken its place in the state organization as the local authority again. The institution of namestnichestvo has been implemented until the beginning of the 20th century with the changes it has made as a result of the reforms carried out in the imperial provincial administration.
The first administrative structures of the Russian State that permeated the Caucasus in the 16th century appeared with castles built here from the 18th century. These castles undertook the administration of the Russian Cossacks and the peoples of Russia who reported their loyalty. Russia’s legalization of the Northern Caucasus with the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca in 1774 and its penetration of the South Caucasus through to take over the protection of Georgia in 1783 made the establishment of imperial provincial administration in the North Caucasus necessary. Thus, the North Caucasus was included in the Russian administration system in the context of Yekaterina II’s nationwide implementation of guberniya reform. However, the administrative structure established in the region was not permanent. Changes were made to the Russian administration in the Caucasus due to the new empire-wide regulation of the provincial organization and Russia’s expansion of its borders to the South Caucasus. The administrative structures applied in the Caucasus until 1845 showed themselves as the application of the imperial provincial administration in the region ignoring local conditions in general. In this study, which examined the Russian administrative structures in the Caucasus between 1785-1845, first-hand sources, mainly Russian archive documents and survey works were used.
harekatının öncesi ve sonrasında yaşanan gelişmelerin kronolojisidir.
The Russians have applied many administrative structuring models to adapt the region to their own state system since the XVIII century when they ruled over the central North Caucasus. However, the frequent ruling of the ethnic and political circumstances in the region by the policies determined resulted in many conflicts between the local peoples which extend over to our day. One of these conflicts is being experienced between the autonomous republics of the Ingush and North Ossetia – Alania responsible for the Russian Federation today. The conflict, which transformed into an armed conflict in the fall of 1992, arises from Ingushetia’s claiming possession of the Prigorod area, Mozdok pass, and part of the city of Vladikavkaz (right side of River Terek) responsible to North Ossetia. This study examines the role of Russian administrative policies in the emergence of the Ingush –Ossetian conflict.
Turkish-Russian relations, whose origins date back to the 15th century, developed through competition except for some short-term cyclical alliances and periods of cooperation. The first major rapprochement between the two sides took place during the War of Independence and the early years of the republic. However, this period did not last relatively long, and the two sides perceive each other as a threat by taking part in separate blocks in the Cold War. The second period of rapprochement in relations began in the second half of the 1990s. In the 2000s, gained momentum at an unprecedented level.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the rivalry between the West and Russia has flared up again over the former Soviet Union countries. On the contrary, in the same period, cooperation has started to take the place of competition in Turkish-Russian relations. In the first 10 years of the 2000s, Turkey and Russia, despite having different perspectives, showed a resolute stance to strengthen the relations that gained momentum in the regional crises resulting from the relations between the West and Russia. Thus, the relations between the two countries gained institutional identity with the High-Level Cooperation Council (HLCC) established in 2010. The High-Level Cooperation Council held eight meetings between 2010-2019. Despite the disagreements and minor crises experienced by the two countries due to regional development, The High-Level Cooperation Council was able to continue its activities without interruption, except for the period between December 2015-June 2016 in which Turkish-Russian relations deteriorated as a result of the fighter jet crisis. In the period of the fighter jet crisis in Turkish-Russian relations, activities of the Council were suspended. However, the normalization process that started in June 2016 was completed early and relations returned to the pre-crisis level in a short time except for some issues. The Council played an important role in this. In this study, the meetings of the High-Level Cooperation Council have been discussed in light of developments in the relations between Turkey and Russia.
The Caucasus is a strategically important region for the global and regional powers in terms of its geographical location. In the northern and southern parts of the region, which is divided by the Caucasus mountains, there are now 15 independent and autonomous political institutions of ethnic origin and a large number of different nations in terms of language, religion, and race. Many of these political entities have ethnic-based conflicts and border problems with their neighbors, which date back to the period of Tsarist Russia. These problems always keep the risk of hot conflicts that may have global and regional effects alive. Ossetians, which are accepted from the autochthonous peoples of the Caucasus, are the subjects of many of these conflict areas. The Osetians are strategically more prominent among their neighbors with some of their characteristics, especially in the case of Russia. Consequently, researches on Osseties by the Russian government started in the 18th century, and following the annexation of Georgia in 1801. Thus, so far, many academic works on Russian language, history, culture, ethnic origin, relations with neighbors have been revealed. These sources and bibliographies are important in terms of shedding light on the researches about the political, administrative and cultural development of Ossetians. In the aforementioned area Turkish studies about Ossetians or works containing information are scarce. In the mentioned fields, Turkish studies or works containing information about Ossetians are numbered. It is important to learn and use Russian sources and bibliography for the development of Ossetian studies in Turkey. These works are important to shed light on the researches about the political, administrative and cultural development of Ossetians.
It is accepted that the first Russian state in history emerged in Kiev at the end of the 9th century. This state was divided into small principalities called kniazhestvo in the 11th century, and the reunification of the Russians under a single state was only possible in the last quarter of the 15th century. This state became an empire in the first quarter of the 18th century and continued its existence until the revolution that took place in 1917. In the period from the 9th to the 20th centuries, as the Russian state expanded its borders and developed through European-style administrative reforms, the central and local government bodies were transformed within the framework of centralized regulations. One of the institutions that changed in time was namestnichestvo. Regardless of the laws and regulations, the institution of namestnichestvo that appeared in the Russian state organization as a form of local administration since the 12th century, carried out a provincial administration in a primitive structure up to the 16th century. It was abolished within the framework of centralist reforms carried out in this century. Nevertheless, the concept of namestnik has been preserved as a diplomatic title in the state organization. As a result of the reforms carried out in the central and local administrations in the 18th century, namestnichestvo has taken its place in the state organization as the local authority again. The institution of namestnichestvo has been implemented until the beginning of the 20th century with the changes it has made as a result of the reforms carried out in the imperial provincial administration.
The first administrative structures of the Russian State that permeated the Caucasus in the 16th century appeared with castles built here from the 18th century. These castles undertook the administration of the Russian Cossacks and the peoples of Russia who reported their loyalty. Russia’s legalization of the Northern Caucasus with the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca in 1774 and its penetration of the South Caucasus through to take over the protection of Georgia in 1783 made the establishment of imperial provincial administration in the North Caucasus necessary. Thus, the North Caucasus was included in the Russian administration system in the context of Yekaterina II’s nationwide implementation of guberniya reform. However, the administrative structure established in the region was not permanent. Changes were made to the Russian administration in the Caucasus due to the new empire-wide regulation of the provincial organization and Russia’s expansion of its borders to the South Caucasus. The administrative structures applied in the Caucasus until 1845 showed themselves as the application of the imperial provincial administration in the region ignoring local conditions in general. In this study, which examined the Russian administrative structures in the Caucasus between 1785-1845, first-hand sources, mainly Russian archive documents and survey works were used.
harekatının öncesi ve sonrasında yaşanan gelişmelerin kronolojisidir.
The Russians have applied many administrative structuring models to adapt the region to their own state system since the XVIII century when they ruled over the central North Caucasus. However, the frequent ruling of the ethnic and political circumstances in the region by the policies determined resulted in many conflicts between the local peoples which extend over to our day. One of these conflicts is being experienced between the autonomous republics of the Ingush and North Ossetia – Alania responsible for the Russian Federation today. The conflict, which transformed into an armed conflict in the fall of 1992, arises from Ingushetia’s claiming possession of the Prigorod area, Mozdok pass, and part of the city of Vladikavkaz (right side of River Terek) responsible to North Ossetia. This study examines the role of Russian administrative policies in the emergence of the Ingush –Ossetian conflict.