Papers by ceyhun can özcan

Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2017
This paper examines the causal relationship between economic freedom and foreign tourist arrivals... more This paper examines the causal relationship between economic freedom and foreign tourist arrivals for 17 post-socialist transition countries during the period from 1996 to 2012. We employ the recently introduced panel Granger causality approach that is flexible enough to take account of both cross-country correlation and heterogeneity across the countries. The empirical results support the evidence on (i) the neutrality between economic freedom-economic growth and between economic growth-international tourism with few exceptions and (ii) the causality from economic freedom to tourism in six out of seventeen transition economies. Post-socialist countries are still in the process of integrating into the market economic system and also the global system; and consequently, the results of the current study are heavily shaped by the historical backgrounds and also the infancy of the transition process of these nations.

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2022
In this study, we investigate the effects of fiscal policies on the environment with annual frequ... more In this study, we investigate the effects of fiscal policies on the environment with annual frequency period from 1972 to 2017 data for countries such as Australia, Chile, Finland, the UK, and Sweden. This study leverages on second-generation unit root tests, bootstrap cointegrated test, and long-run coefficient estimators suitable for heterogeneous panels under review. Empirical results of the long-run coefficient estimators are consistent with economic-environmental intuition and extant literature. However, in terms of fiscal policy, these results do not provide any evidence of the expected mitigating effects on environmental pollution in any country. Our main findings show that revenue policy does not go beyond funding government expenditure in these countries. Based on these results, we propose two new concepts to the literature on carbon taxes. We call these concepts New Environmental Sin Taxes and Global Environmental Debts. We base this result on the argument that regional solutions to global problems are insufficient.

ICT as Innovator Between Tourism and Culture
The relationship between tourism and information and communication technology (ICT) is called ele... more The relationship between tourism and information and communication technology (ICT) is called electronic tourism or e-tourism. The use of ICT makes markets from local to global and has a positive effect in increasing the market share of firms. Managing, planning, developing, and marketing tourism data through ICT increase the development and economic potential of tourism. ICT has provided the strategic management of all tourism-oriented companies and revolutionized the operations within the tourism distribution channel, causing tourism-related stakeholders to reassess their actions and positions. The purpose of this chapter is to reveal the relationship between ICT and tourism in the case of 14 Mediterranean countries from approximately 1995–2019. Dumitrescu and Hurlin Panel causality test was used for this analysis. The main findings indicate that ICT stimulates tourism that, in turn, boosts ICT even further in some countries (Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey).
Tourism and hospitality management
Mass tourism, no doubt, has great economic, social, and cultural effects, both positive and negat... more Mass tourism, no doubt, has great economic, social, and cultural effects, both positive and negative, on developing and developed nations. While the economic effects of tourism occur on a macro level, such as foreign trade, current account deficit, tourism income, and supply capacity, the social effects of tourism occur on a micro level, producing more indirect benefits in social welfare. In this study, we evaluate the social and economic effects in the development of mass tourism in Turkey from the 1950s to today. Our findings show that there are more economic and social benefits than the disadvantages of mass tourism in Turkey.
İran ve Türkiye Turizm İlişkisi, 2017

This paper examines the causal relationship between economic freedom and foreign tourist arrivals... more This paper examines the causal relationship between economic freedom and foreign tourist arrivals for 17 post-socialist transition countries during the period from 1996 to 2012. We employ the recently introduced panel Granger causality approach that is flexible enough to take account of both crosscountry correlation and heterogeneity across the countries. The empirical results support the evidence on (i) the neutrality between economic freedom-economic growth and between economic growth-international tourism with few exceptions and (ii) the causality from economic freedom to tourism in six out of seventeen transition economies. Post-socialist countries are still in the process of integrating into the market economic system and also the global system; and consequently, the results of the current study are heavily shaped by the historical backgrounds and also the infancy of the transition process of these nations.
This paper examines the causal relationship between international trade and tourism for 16 Medite... more This paper examines the causal relationship between international trade and tourism for 16 Mediterranean countries period from 1995 to 2013. We employ the recently introduced panel Granger causality approach that is flexible enough to take account of both crosscountry correlation and heterogeneity across the countries. The empirical results indicate the causality from export to tourism in four out of sixteen Mediterranean Economies.
The aim of this paper is to empirically investigate the determinants of tourism demand by utilizi... more The aim of this paper is to empirically investigate the determinants of tourism demand by utilizing panel data for the period of 1995-2011 from top 20 countries sending tourists to Turkey. Econometric results obtained from panel cointegration analysis show that macroeconomic factors as such income, prices, supply capacity, exchange rate and political stability play a significant role in determining the demand for tourism in Turkey.

ÖZ Bu çalışma Türkiye'de turizm gelirleri ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkiyi doğrusal ve doğr... more ÖZ Bu çalışma Türkiye'de turizm gelirleri ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkiyi doğrusal ve doğrusal olmayan zaman serisi nedensellik ve Hatemi-J (2012) tarafından geliştirilen asimetrik nedensellik yöntemi yardımı ile test etmektedir. Çalışmada 1963-2010 yılları arasında döneme ait veri seti kullanılmaktadır. Simetrik nedensellik analizlerinden elde edilen ampirik bulgular değiş-kenler arasında turizm gelirlerinden ekonomik büyümeye doğru doğrusal bir nedenselliğin oldu-ğunu göstermektedir. Asimetrik nedensellik analizinden elde edilen bulgular ise nedenselliğin turizm gelirlerinden ekonomik büyümeye doğru olduğunu teyit etmektedir. ABSTRACT This study tests the relationship between tourism income and economic growth in Turkey by employing linear and non-linear time series causality and asymmetric causality analysis developed by Hatemi-J (2012). In this study, we employ annual data belonging 1963–2010 time period. Empirical results obtained from symmetric causality analyses imply that there is a linear causation linkage between economic growth and tourism income running from tourism income to economic growth. The findings obtained from asymmetric causality analysis also indicate that the direction of causality is from tourism income to economic growth.

ÖZ Küreselleşme eğilimlerinin artmasıyla birlikte hız kazanan dış ticaret işlemleri, ülkelerin ma... more ÖZ Küreselleşme eğilimlerinin artmasıyla birlikte hız kazanan dış ticaret işlemleri, ülkelerin makro ekonomik değişkenleri üzerinde pek çok etkiye sahiptir. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu etkileşim, turizm gelirleri, ihracat, ithalat ve toplam ticaret hacmi açısından analiz edilmektedir. Amaca yönelik olarak çalışmada, Türkiye ekonomisinde seçilmiş yıllar bazında Granger Nedensellik Testi ve Toda-Yamamoto Yaklaşımları kullanılarak değişkenler arasındaki ilişki tespit edilmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, ihracat ve toplam ticaret hacmi ile turizm arasında çift yönlü; ithalat ile ise tek yönlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Öte yandan, Toda-Yamamoto testi sonuçlarına göre ise turizmden tüm diğer değişkenlere doğru tek yönlü bir nedenselliğin olduğu çalışmada elde edilen bulgular arasındadır. ABSTRACT The foreign trade transactions that gained momentum with the increasing trend of globalization, have many effects on the macroeconomic variables of countries. In this study said interaction is analyzed in terms of tourism revenues, exports, imports and total trade. For this purpose, in this study, the relationship between variables in Turkey is determined for the selected periods by using Granger Causality Test and The Toda-Yamamoto Approach. The obtained results reveal that there is a bidirectional causality between exports and total trade and also there is a one-way causal relationship between import. On the other hand, according to Toda-Yamamoto test results; a one-way causality from tourism to all other variables is among the findings obtained in the study.

ÖZET Turizm sektörünün önemi her geçen gün daha da artmaktadır. Ülkeler turizm sektörünün ekonomi... more ÖZET Turizm sektörünün önemi her geçen gün daha da artmaktadır. Ülkeler turizm sektörünün ekonomiye katkısını artırmak için politikalar üretmekte ve daha fazla turistin ülkelerine gelmesinin yollarını aramaktadırlar. Bu noktada turizm talebini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi turizm sektöründeki politika yapıcılar açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nin (KKTC) turizm talebini etkileyen faktörlerin neler olduğunu belirlemek ve elde edilen bulgulara göre politika önerilerinde bulunmaktır. Bu amaçla gelir, fiyat ilişkisi, arz kapasitesi, döviz kuru değişkenlerinin KKTC turizm talebi üzerinde etkili olup olmadıkları MS-VAR analizi yardımıyla belirlenmiştir. Kurulan model çerçevesinde elde edilen sonuçlar daralma dönemlerinde GSMH'nın; genişleme dönemlerinde ise enflasyon, döviz kuru ve GSMH'nin turizm talebi üzerinde etkili olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Arz kapasitesinin ise hem daralma hem de genişleme dönemlerinde turizm talebi açısından anlamsız olduğunu göstermektedir. ABSTRACT The importance of tourism sector has been increasing much more every passing day. The countries, for utilizing the economic benefits of tourism sector, produce policies and search for the ways for more tourist to visit their countries. At this point, identification of factors determining the tourism demand has importance in terms of the policy makers in tourism sector. The aim of this study is to determine what the factors affecting the demand of tourism in Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic (NCTR) are and, according to the findings obtained, to make suggestions of policy. In this regard, we aim to analyze whether the variables of price relationship,

Türk turizm sektörü son yıllarda kayda değer bir büyüme sergilemektedir. Bununla birlikte turist ... more Türk turizm sektörü son yıllarda kayda değer bir büyüme sergilemektedir. Bununla birlikte turist sayısı son 10 yılda %250 artış gösterirken turizm geliri ancak %233 oranında artabilmiştir. Ayrıca turist başı ortalama harcama miktarının yıllar itibari ile düştüğü göze çarpan parametreler arasındadır. Çalışmada Türkiye'nin turizm gelirinin belirleyicileri, 1995-2011 yılları için, Türkiye'ye en çok turist gönderen ilk 20 ülke örnekleminde ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada uluslararası turizm geliri belirleyicileri arasında yer alan kişi başına gayrisafi yurtiçi hasıla, turistik mal ve hizmetlerin fiyatı, döviz kuru gibi makroekonomik değişkenler ve politik istikrar değişkenleri panel veri analizi yöntemi ile test edilmiştir. Modelde kullanılan tüm değişkenlerin turizm gelirine katkı sağladığı ancak kişi başına gayrisafi yurtiçi hasıla ve reel döviz kuru değişkenlerinin Turizm gelirinin belirleyicileri arasında önemli bir yere sahip olduğu elde edilen bulgular arasındadır.

Monetary transmission mechanism shows impacts of changes in the monetary policy carried out by ce... more Monetary transmission mechanism shows impacts of changes in the monetary policy carried out by central bank on the economy. Impact of a change in the monetary policy on the total output is realized through the channels of the monetary transmission mechanism. Transmission channels can be identified under five titles, namely interest rate channel, assets price channel, exchange rate channel, credit channel and expectation channel, and their subtitles. Results and analysis obtained from both process and function of the transmission channels are utilized by the policy makers to determine optimal policy mix. Therefore, the aim of this study is to provide information about the monetary transmission, to examine the interactions between real sector and monetary policy and to empirically determine most effective monetary transmission channels among the possible ones. In order to fulfill this aim, findings are obtained from the impulse-response analysis and variance decomposition based on a VAR model by utilizing the data for the period 1990Q1-2008Q2 in Turkey. The results showed that traditional interest rate channel exists in Turkey. Additional findings indicated that exchange rate does not have any influence on the real activity, but it has an effect on the price level.
Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde reel döviz kuru istikrarı, ekonomik büyümede belirleyici olarak rol oyn... more Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde reel döviz kuru istikrarı, ekonomik büyümede belirleyici olarak rol oynamaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışmada dünya ekonomik performansı açısından önemli gösterge olarak kabul edilen reel döviz kuru ile ham petrol fiyatları, para arzı (M2) para arzı ve enflasyon(ÜFE) değişkenleri arasındaki eşbütünleşik ilişki irdelenmiştir. Veri seti 2003:M1-2010:M8 dönemine ait aylık verilerden oluşmaktadır.
Papers by ceyhun can özcan