Papers by Usamah Abdurrahman

This paper is Hamka's critique of Sigmund Freud on psychoanalysis. For Freud, human life is d... more This paper is Hamka's critique of Sigmund Freud on psychoanalysis. For Freud, human life is driven by sexual desire from birth. With this, causing the loss of the divine nature in humans. Freud views the human soul as a creature that is only controlled by the sex libido which tends to be pessimistic. By using literature review and using qualitative data. The result found a different view with Hamka. Hamka denies that humans are only controlled by sexual libido. In his interpretation of al-Azharnya Hamka emphasized that in religion (Islam) humans were created by Allah with the best creature, both outward and inward form, body shape and life. Therefore Hamka explained that the soul (an-nafs) as the essence of human beings is divided into three parts. First, nafsul amarah bissiu’. Second, nafsul lawwamah, and nafsul mutmainnah. These three forms of an-nafs were never explained by Freud and even forgotten. On the other side, Freud views that religion is the cause of the emergence of...
Ijtihad : Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Islam, 2017

It is widely known that the national reform emerged on virtually two decades ago has mandated the... more It is widely known that the national reform emerged on virtually two decades ago has mandated the Indonesian government to demolish the corrupt practices from their origins. In fact, the existence of corruption is generally realized no longer maximally declined in today's socioeconomic life or even involves wider scopes. As a result, people tend to be more pessimistic towards attempts to curb this extraordinary crime. Even though many reasons have been offered by several scholars due to deal with this dilemma, the problems were steadily occur. Therefore, this article requiring further improvement tries to Through qualitative research using inductive method, a number of results have western scientists is quite inappropriate and leads to confusion instead of what have been discussed by Moslem scholars since classical era. Secondly, in Islamic point of view, recent corruption includes ghulûl, risywah, ghisy, and ih} tikâr which Islamic teaching provides the plenty of anti-corruption instruments ranging from organizing good governance in order to prevent every Moslem from committing corruption to imposing particular punishment upon the criminal.

Corruption is admitted by several scholars as a main factor causing the decline of nations and, i... more Corruption is admitted by several scholars as a main factor causing the decline of nations and, in the huger scale, civilizations. It is reasonable that this extraordinary crime disrupts the society in all aspects ranging from political to social. Therefore, nowadays, all entities struggle to identify the more effective methods lead to corruption eradication. In this regard, the education of anti-corruption values, then, is recognized as an appropriate way to preventing individuals from corruptive acts based on his own consciousness. This paper tries to examine the methods of Darussalam Gontor Islamic Institution in educating students, as agent of change, the values of anti-corruption by day-to-day activities both inside and outside classroom through hidden curriculum scheme. The data was compiled by interview, observation, and documentation. Using the descriptive-analysis method, it can be concluded that there are various instruments available in Gontor for the internalization of a...
Seri Hukum, HAM, dan Pemerintahan mengulas isu tentang hukum, hak asasi manusia, dan pemerintahan... more Seri Hukum, HAM, dan Pemerintahan mengulas isu tentang hukum, hak asasi manusia, dan pemerintahan, serta rekomendasi untuk mencapai tujuan Indonesia Emas 2045. Bunga rampai ini membahas poin ke-16 SDGs, yaitu perdamaian, keadilan, dan kelembagaan yang tangguh. Secara umum, target dalam SDGs ke-16 dapat direalisasikan melalui pembentukan hukum dan sistem yang baik terhadap beberapa aspek, yaitu pelaksanaan prinsip hak asasi manusia yang baik dan berkelanjutan, penghapusan diskriminasi, baik dalam kehidupan sosial maupun sistem, dan peningkatan peran Indonesia dalam tata kelola global. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bacaan yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Indonesia, dan para pengambil kebijakan serta institusi penegak hukum di Indonesia, dalam rangka bersama-sama gotong royong mencapai Indonesia Emas 2045. Selamat membaca!

Tsaqafah, 2018
It is widely known that the national reform emerged virtually two decades ago has mandated the In... more It is widely known that the national reform emerged virtually two decades ago has mandated the Indonesian government to demolish the corrupt practices from their origins. In fact, the existence of corruption is generally realized no longer maximally declined in today’s socio-economic life or even involves wider scopes. As a result, people tend to be more pessimistic towards attempts to curb this extraordinary crime. Even though many reasons have been offered by several scholars due to deal with this dilemma, the problems have steadily occurred. Therefore, this article requiring further improvement tries to identify the fundamental issue which is rarely discussed; definition of corruption. Through qualitative research using the inductive method, a number of results have been found. Firstly, the recent definition of corruption developed by mostly western scientists is quite inappropriate and leads to confusion instead of what has been discussed by Moslem scholars since the classical era. Secondly, in Islamic point of view, recent corruption includes ghulul, risywa, gis, and ihtikar which are addressed as economic crimes deserving certain consequences. And finally, Islamic teaching provides the plenty of anti-corruption instruments ranging from organizing good governance in order to prevent every Moslem from committing corruption to imposing particular punishment upon the criminal.
Conference Presentations by Usamah Abdurrahman

Many countries worldwide are currently threatened by the challenge of disintegration, including I... more Many countries worldwide are currently threatened by the challenge of disintegration, including Indonesia. Moreover, it contains not less than 17 thousand islands, 200 languages, and thousands of tribe. It requires strong social solidarity in order to reach integration. Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Pledge) is one of the most essential moments in national history of Indonesia whereas the agreement among youths as representative of numerous background-based communities was conducted to confess the unity of their nation, homeland, and language. This article aims to explain the role of Sumpah Pemuda at 1928 in forming the new nation of Indonesia as an important factor in realization of the proclamation of independence at 1945. In this regard, this study will be divided into three main sections. The first section addresses the historical background and social landscape of Indonesia before Sumpah Pemuda. The second section describes the contents of pledge and its urgency in forming new identity of Indonesia. The third section elaborates its relevance towards current situation in refusing disintegration.
Books by Usamah Abdurrahman
Indonesia Emas Berkelanjutan 2045: Kumpulan Pemikiran Pelajar Indonesia Sedunia Seri 4 Hukum, HAM, dan Pemerintahan, 2021
Pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia belum optimal dilaksanakan baik dilihat dari skor IPAK maupun ... more Pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia belum optimal dilaksanakan baik dilihat dari skor IPAK maupun IPK yang paling mutakhir. Dalam hal pencegahan sesuai dengan teori Sistem Integritas Nasional masyarakat sipil perlu difungsikan secara lebih optimal mengingat seiring dengan menguatnya desentralisasi KPK tidak memiliki kepanjangan tangan di daerah. Optimalisasi peran masyarakat sipil dapat dilakukan dengan memberikan bantuan dana bagi perguruan tinggi, LSM, Ormas dan komunitas sipil serta pelibatan para representasi masyarakat sipil ini secara lebih esensial dengan tetap mengedepankan prinsip akuntabiltas.
Papers by Usamah Abdurrahman
Conference Presentations by Usamah Abdurrahman
Books by Usamah Abdurrahman