Papers by Feyza Nur Ekizer

Language Teaching and Educational Research
Appearing in early 2020, Covid 19 hit the world. It created great fear and anxiety in almost all ... more Appearing in early 2020, Covid 19 hit the world. It created great fear and anxiety in almost all countries including Turkey. It also caused significant social, cultural and economic changes in societies. One of the sectors experiencing these changes and difficulties in societies is undoubtedly education. Based on this reality, this study aims to reveal to what extent the distance education caused by Covid 19 affects the attitudes of the students of Necmettin Erbakan University School of Foreign Languages towards English learning and their success. The study was carried out synchronously, in which the lecturer and the 19 English Language Teaching preparatory class students were in communication all the time. It was a qualitative study, and semi-structured interview was used as the tool to collect data. The findings were analyzed in depth making use of interpretive analysis. The biggest drawback of on-line learning was found out to be not having the interaction carried out in a physical classroom. The results showed that the switch to on-line learning can seem challenging both for teachers and for students.

Education Quarterly Reviews, 2022
It is a fact that personal features and qualities play a crucial role in determining learners' su... more It is a fact that personal features and qualities play a crucial role in determining learners' success or failure in their
attempt to learn foreign languages. It was these factors that lit a bulb in the mind and opened a path to set off to
find out how these features affected the learners’ communication eagerness in L2. The main aim of the current
study is to explore the relevance between the learners’ horoscopes and their willingness to communicate utilizing
a mixed-method research design. Willingness to communicate (WTC) and Self-perceived communicative
competence (SPCC) surveys have been conducted for the quantitative section and a semi-structured interview with
an in-depth content analysis for the qualitative part. Interestingly, no significant affect of horoscopes on students’
willingness to communicate was found out, however, the interviews elaborated to some extent that among the 5
other stated horoscopes, Leos were more willing to communicate with their friends, with their classmates and with

ERR, 2017
Teachers spend so much time and energy focused on their students' progress that they often forget... more Teachers spend so much time and energy focused on their students' progress that they often forget to consider their own performances. Self-reflection here is a very valuable tool that helps make the teacher aware of how he/she is teaching, which in turn makes him/her a better teacher. Teaching without reflection is teaching blind-without any knowledge of effectiveness. Therefore, this study aimed at finding the relationship between professional identity and practice of English teachers by making use of 'The Onion Model' proposed by Korthagen (2004). This reflection model, as it includes different interrelated processing steps/layers (Environment, Behavior, Competencies, Beliefs, Identity and Mission) that could significantly affect professions, is important since it helps people to know each other and develop a healthy relationship with their environments. On the other hand, more importantly, it is directly associated with professional identity which is the main concern of the study, because it has 6 layers one of which is identity. This study is aimed at examining how these layers can be actualized in English teachers, if their self-report and actual practices are in accordance or not. As a result, the biggest differentiation between the reported and the performed was under the layer of behavior. Particularly, the interviewees' sta tements about their behaviors towards positive and negative attitudes of the students in the class seemed to be different. The second top difference was competency. Here, the interviewees' believed that they were good at doing something, however, it was monitored that they were actually not that successful. The third biggest difference between the said and the done came under identity. Most of the interviewees' thought they were a certain kind of a teacher, yet they were scrutinized as not. Environment, belief and mission were layers that were not easy to monitor in the observation classes. However, as far as the researcher felt, the surveyed attitudes were put down. The grounds, the purpose, the application method and the results of the study together with the evaluations are discussed in detail in the following parts of this article.

ERR, 2023
This study aimed to explore the perceptions of English Language Teaching (ELT) students regarding... more This study aimed to explore the perceptions of English Language Teaching (ELT) students regarding 21st century skills and learning environments. A qualitative content analysis method was used, which involved conducting semi-structured interviews with 62 ELT students. The findings of the study revealed that ELT students perceive critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, creativity, and effective communication as essential 21st century skills. They also believe that these skills can be developed through engaging and dynamic learning environments that incorporate technology, projectbased learning, and real-world applications. The results of this study have important implications for ELT educators and curriculum developers, as they suggest the need to create learning environments that are engaging, dynamic, and incorporate technology, project-based learning, and real-world applications. The findings also highlight the importance of preparing ELT students for success in the 21st century by developing 21st century skills. This study provides valuable insights into ELT students' perceptions of 21st century skills and learning environments, which can inform the design of ELT curricula and the development of teaching practices.

Turkish studies - Language and Literature, 2023
: A scientific essay needs to be well-organized to be more intelligible. The writer will then hav... more : A scientific essay needs to be well-organized to be more intelligible. The writer will then have the
chance to convey their message to the reader in this way. The reader is appropriately able to understand the
material in the concluding section. Using structural discourse markers (SDM) is a vital strategy to accomplish
this. In academic literature, there are a few studies on structural discourse markers. In this study, 40 research
articles on discourse and English Language Teaching that were equally distributed and written by
academicians, Turkish and non-Turkish, and posted on the Dergipark platform in the previous ten years,
between 2012 and 2022, were examined for their use of structural discourse markers and their intended uses.
A bibliometric analysis, which is one of the subcategories of qualitative methods, has been applied to the study.
The articles are examined in connection to the following structural discourse markers: opening and closing,
summarizing opinions, sequencing, topic shifting, giving examples, and continuing or returning to the topic.
This evaluation shows how authors structure their articles. It can be seen how differently the two groups of
writers use structural discourse markers. The results also reveal how frequently the groups utilized various
structural discourse markers.

RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, Feb 21, 2023
English is an international language around the world (Crystal, 2020). Therefore, people have to ... more English is an international language around the world (Crystal, 2020). Therefore, people have to learn how to speak English and how to communicate with other people who are from different countries or nationalities. However, there is not enough opportunities for education to speak English in Turkey. English language teaching in Turkey is usually carried out by just teaching grammar rules.. So, it English, people are always afraid of making mistakes. Especially, they try to avoid making mistakes with grammar rules. The more learners focus on grammar while they are speaking, the more they can have some anxiety about speaking. Hence, most of the learners who learn English have anxiety about speaking. and it makes learners nervous while they are speaking. At this point, humour strategies can help to decrease speaking anxiety in t learners. Humour strategies can have some positive impact on overcoming speaking anxiety. The research aims to investigate the positive effects of humour strategies on speaking anxiety of English preparatory class 1 st-year students studying at Necmettin Erbakan University School of Foreign Language. This study has been conducted with the participation of 250 university prep class students aged between 18-21. A mixed method has been used to collect data. Data has been collected through a survey of anxiety scale, a humour strategies scale, and interview questions.

Education Quarterly Reviews
It is a fact that personal features and qualities play a crucial role in determining learners'... more It is a fact that personal features and qualities play a crucial role in determining learners' success or failure in their attempt to learn foreign languages. It was these factors that lit a bulb in the mind and opened a path to set off to find out how these features affected the learners’ communication eagerness in L2. The main aim of the current study is to explore the relevance between the learners’ horoscopes and their willingness to communicate utilizing a mixed-method research design. Willingness to communicate (WTC) and Self-perceived communicative competence (SPCC) surveys have been conducted for the quantitative section and a semi-structured interview with an in-depth content analysis for the qualitative part. Interestingly, no significant affect of horoscopes on students’ willingness to communicate was found out, however, the interviews elaborated to some extent that among the 5 other stated horoscopes, Leos were more willing to communicate with their friends, with the...

Öğretmenler öğrencilerinin ilerlemeleri üzerine o kadar odaklanır, vakit ve enerji harcarlar ki, ... more Öğretmenler öğrencilerinin ilerlemeleri üzerine o kadar odaklanır, vakit ve enerji harcarlar ki, çoğu zaman kendi performanslarını göz önünde bulundurmayı unuturlar. Bu durumda, özyansıtma öğretmenin nasıl öğrettiğinin farkına varmasına yardımcı olmak için çok değerli bir araçtır, ki bu, onu devamında daha iyi bir öğretmen yapar. Yansıtma olmadan öğretim gözleri kapalı öğretimdir etkili bilgi olmadan yapılan öğretimdir. Bu yüzden, bu çalışmanın asıl amacı Korthagen (2004) tarafından geliştirilen Soğan Modeli'nden' faydalanılarak İngilizce öğretmenlerinin mesleki kimlik ve uygulamaları arasındaki ilişkiyi bulmaktır. Bu yansıtma modeli, çalışmanın asıl ilgilendiği, mesleki kimlikle ilişkilendirilmiştir çünkü modelin 6 katmanından biri kimliktir. Dıştan içe soğan modelinin katmanları Çevre, Davranış, Yetkinlik, İnanç ve Misyondur. Bu çalışma, bu katmanların İngilizce öğretmenlerinde nasıl tezahür ettiğini incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Kendi söylemleriyle gerçek uygulamalarının örtüş...

Temel olarak, insanlar icin bir dilin bilip bilinmediginin olcutu, o dilin konusma yeterliligidir... more Temel olarak, insanlar icin bir dilin bilip bilinmediginin olcutu, o dilin konusma yeterliligidir. Ogrencilerin buyuk bir yuzdesi dili nasil konusacaklarini ogrenmek istedikleri icin ikinci dil kurslarina katiliyorlar. Fakat, ne yazik ki, cogunlugu sonunda bu isteklerini gerceklestiremiyorlar. Bu ogrencilerin asil problemi, sinifta yurutulen dil faaliyetlerinde basarili olmalarina ragmen disari ciktiklari an ogrendiklerini kullanamamalaridir. Bu nedenle, bir dil sinifi atmosferinde gercek yasam iletisimini saglamak icin neler yapilabilir? Calismamizin amaci, Proje-temelli aktivitelerin Necmettin Erbakan Universitesi Ingilizce Ogretmenligi bolumundeki hazirlik sinifi orta seviye ogrencilerinin konusma becerilerini ne kadar etkiledigini bulmakti. Bir akademik donem boyunca derslere katilan 14 katilimci icin Yari Yapisal Gorusme ve Odak Grup Tartismasi yapilmistir. Calisma Nitel oldugundan, verilerin analizinde Icerik Analizi kullanilmistir. Sonuclar, Proje-bazli faaliyetlerin katilimc...

Educational Research and Reviews, 2017
Teachers spend so much time and energy focused on their students' progress that they often forget... more Teachers spend so much time and energy focused on their students' progress that they often forget to consider their own performances. Self-reflection here is a very valuable tool that helps make the teacher aware of how he/she is teaching, which in turn makes him/her a better teacher. Teaching without reflection is teaching blind-without any knowledge of effectiveness. Therefore, this study aimed at finding the relationship between professional identity and practice of English teachers by making use of 'The Onion Model' proposed by Korthagen (2004). This reflection model, as it includes different interrelated processing steps/layers (Environment, Behavior, Competencies, Beliefs, Identity and Mission) that could significantly affect professions, is important since it helps people to know each other and develop a healthy relationship with their environments. On the other hand, more importantly, it is directly associated with professional identity which is the main concern of the study, because it has 6 layers one of which is identity. This study is aimed at examining how these layers can be actualized in English teachers, if their self-report and actual practices are in accordance or not. As a result, the biggest differentiation between the reported and the performed was under the layer of behavior. Particularly, the interviewees' sta tements about their behaviors towards positive and negative attitudes of the students in the class seemed to be different. The second top difference was competency. Here, the interviewees' believed that they were good at doing something, however, it was monitored that they were actually not that successful. The third biggest difference between the said and the done came under identity. Most of the interviewees' thought they were a certain kind of a teacher, yet they were scrutinized as not. Environment, belief and mission were layers that were not easy to monitor in the observation classes. However, as far as the researcher felt, the surveyed attitudes were put down. The grounds, the purpose, the application method and the results of the study together with the evaluations are discussed in detail in the following parts of this article.

Teachers spend so much time and energy focused on their students' progress that they often forget... more Teachers spend so much time and energy focused on their students' progress that they often forget to consider their own performances. Self-reflection here is a very valuable tool that helps make the teacher aware of how he/she is teaching, which in turn makes him/her a better teacher. Teaching without reflection is teaching blind-without any knowledge of effectiveness. Therefore, this study aimed at finding the relationship between professional identity and practice of English teachers by making use of 'The Onion Model' proposed by Korthagen (2004). This reflection model, as it includes different interrelated processing steps/layers (Environment, Behavior, Competencies, Beliefs, Identity and Mission) that could significantly affect professions, is important since it helps people to know each other and develop a healthy relationship with their environments. On the other hand, more importantly, it is directly associated with professional identity which is the main concern of the study, because it has 6 layers one of which is identity. This study is aimed at examining how these layers can be actualized in English teachers, if their self-report and actual practices are in accordance or not. As a result, the biggest differentiation between the reported and the performed was under the layer of behavior. Particularly, the interviewees' sta tements about their behaviors towards positive and negative attitudes of the students in the class seemed to be different. The second top difference was competency. Here, the interviewees' believed that they were good at doing something, however, it was monitored that they were actually not that successful. The third biggest difference between the said and the done came under identity. Most of the interviewees' thought they were a certain kind of a teacher, yet they were scrutinized as not. Environment, belief and mission were layers that were not easy to monitor in the observation classes. However, as far as the researcher felt, the surveyed attitudes were put down. The grounds, the purpose, the application method and the results of the study together with the evaluations are discussed in detail in the following parts of this article.
Books by Feyza Nur Ekizer
The previous ten years have seen a rise in scholarly investigations about teacher motivation, in ... more The previous ten years have seen a rise in scholarly investigations about teacher motivation, in specific, intrinsic motivation, which has been established as a significant element that is directly linked to several variables within the field of education, including student motivation, educational reform, and teaching practises. The present study tries to examine the relationship between practise and the psychological contentment, well-being and the intrinsic motivation of teachers. In response to the persistent need for research on teacher motivation, this study aims to provide a thorough examination of studies on teacher motivation, specifically english language teachers, undertaken from various theoretical viewpoints.
International Research Education Sciences VI, 2023

GĠRĠġ: Bu çalıĢmada esas olarak MEB bünyesinde 2010-2011 yıllarında TTK BaĢkanlığı'nın koordinatö... more GĠRĠġ: Bu çalıĢmada esas olarak MEB bünyesinde 2010-2011 yıllarında TTK BaĢkanlığı'nın koordinatörlüğünde gerçekleĢtirilen Türkiye'de tüm Ġngilizce öğretmenlerinin eğitimi programı'nın tanıtımını ve değerlendirilmesini yapmak istiyorum. Yaptığım araĢtırma ve inceleme sonucunda örnek bir çalıĢma olarak niteleyebileceğim bu programı siz değerli okurlarımla paylaĢmak istedim. Özellikle, zengin içeriği, uzman eğitim kadrosu, uygulama alanının geniĢliği, çalıĢmaların koordinasyonu ve olumlu geri bildirimler bakımından önemlidir. Ancak çalıĢmaya, bir giriĢ babında/konunun daha iyi anlaĢılması ve değerlendirilmesi adına, birkaç alt baĢlık altında bir dil programında yer alan bazı unsurları ve gerçekleri hatırlatmanın faydalı olacağını düĢünüyorum. YABANCI DĠL ÖĞRENMENĠN ÖNEMĠ Yabancı dil öğrenmenin pek çok avantajı vardır. Bu avantajları farklı kiĢiler farklı kelime veya cümlelerle ifade ederler. Ben de kendi görüĢlerimi aĢağıdaki birkaç paragrafta ifade edeceğim. 21. yüzyılda bilim ve teknolojide hızlı geliĢmelerin olması, kitle iletiĢim araçlarının yaygınlaĢması, kültürel ve ticari iliĢkilerin artması, dıĢ turizmin önem kazanması, uluslararası iliĢkilerin giderek daha yoğunlaĢması ulusların kendi ana dilleriyle iletiĢim sağlamalarını yetersiz kılmıĢ ve en az bir yabancı dil öğrenme ihtiyacını ortaya çıkarmıĢtır. Dünya ekonomisiyle etkili bir Ģekilde rekabet edebilmek, kültürler arası iliĢkiler ve baĢka dünyaları anlayabilmek, dile veya dillere hâkimiyet gücünü, üretken düĢünme kabiliyetini artırmak, meslek sahibi olma ve kariyer edinmede maddi-manevi avantaj yakalayabilmek, yurtdıĢında seyahat ve eğitim imkânlarına zemin hazırlamak, yabancı eserleri ve sanat ustalarını, filmleri orijinal dillerinde anlayabilmek, yükseköğrenim yeterliliklerinden
Papers by Feyza Nur Ekizer
attempt to learn foreign languages. It was these factors that lit a bulb in the mind and opened a path to set off to
find out how these features affected the learners’ communication eagerness in L2. The main aim of the current
study is to explore the relevance between the learners’ horoscopes and their willingness to communicate utilizing
a mixed-method research design. Willingness to communicate (WTC) and Self-perceived communicative
competence (SPCC) surveys have been conducted for the quantitative section and a semi-structured interview with
an in-depth content analysis for the qualitative part. Interestingly, no significant affect of horoscopes on students’
willingness to communicate was found out, however, the interviews elaborated to some extent that among the 5
other stated horoscopes, Leos were more willing to communicate with their friends, with their classmates and with
chance to convey their message to the reader in this way. The reader is appropriately able to understand the
material in the concluding section. Using structural discourse markers (SDM) is a vital strategy to accomplish
this. In academic literature, there are a few studies on structural discourse markers. In this study, 40 research
articles on discourse and English Language Teaching that were equally distributed and written by
academicians, Turkish and non-Turkish, and posted on the Dergipark platform in the previous ten years,
between 2012 and 2022, were examined for their use of structural discourse markers and their intended uses.
A bibliometric analysis, which is one of the subcategories of qualitative methods, has been applied to the study.
The articles are examined in connection to the following structural discourse markers: opening and closing,
summarizing opinions, sequencing, topic shifting, giving examples, and continuing or returning to the topic.
This evaluation shows how authors structure their articles. It can be seen how differently the two groups of
writers use structural discourse markers. The results also reveal how frequently the groups utilized various
structural discourse markers.
Books by Feyza Nur Ekizer
attempt to learn foreign languages. It was these factors that lit a bulb in the mind and opened a path to set off to
find out how these features affected the learners’ communication eagerness in L2. The main aim of the current
study is to explore the relevance between the learners’ horoscopes and their willingness to communicate utilizing
a mixed-method research design. Willingness to communicate (WTC) and Self-perceived communicative
competence (SPCC) surveys have been conducted for the quantitative section and a semi-structured interview with
an in-depth content analysis for the qualitative part. Interestingly, no significant affect of horoscopes on students’
willingness to communicate was found out, however, the interviews elaborated to some extent that among the 5
other stated horoscopes, Leos were more willing to communicate with their friends, with their classmates and with
chance to convey their message to the reader in this way. The reader is appropriately able to understand the
material in the concluding section. Using structural discourse markers (SDM) is a vital strategy to accomplish
this. In academic literature, there are a few studies on structural discourse markers. In this study, 40 research
articles on discourse and English Language Teaching that were equally distributed and written by
academicians, Turkish and non-Turkish, and posted on the Dergipark platform in the previous ten years,
between 2012 and 2022, were examined for their use of structural discourse markers and their intended uses.
A bibliometric analysis, which is one of the subcategories of qualitative methods, has been applied to the study.
The articles are examined in connection to the following structural discourse markers: opening and closing,
summarizing opinions, sequencing, topic shifting, giving examples, and continuing or returning to the topic.
This evaluation shows how authors structure their articles. It can be seen how differently the two groups of
writers use structural discourse markers. The results also reveal how frequently the groups utilized various
structural discourse markers.