İshak Dogan
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İstem Dergisi
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Yuzuncu Yil University
Pamukkale University
Papers by İshak Dogan
mentioned in four places in the Quran, is dominated by shirk, cruelty and sedition. It refers to the period before
the prophet's prophethood. In the Quran, only four aspects of this period are mentioned as jahiliyyah, which are
the supposition of ignorance, bigotry of ignorance, the decree of the age of ignorance and the first jahiliyya period
(the opening and scattering of women). However, the expression jahiliyyah al-ûlâ caused some questions in the
minds: If jahiliyyah al-ûlâ is meant first ignorant, then is there a second or third ignorant? What is meant by the
expression ‘first’ or ‘previous jahiliyyah’ and which period of history does it refer to? Are there other periods of
ignorance other than the period of ignorance before the Hz. Mohammed’s (pbuh) prophethood? In this study, after
mentioning the statements of the commentators about this statement, the ambiguous meaning of this expression
was tried to be clarified, especially based on the hadiths, and the possible reasons for the use of the expression
with the word ‘tabarroj’ were pointed out. As a result, it was concluded that the expression jahaliyyah al-ûlâ
signifies the Mecca period ignorance that they saw and witnessed in the mind of the companions.
mentioned in four places in the Quran, is dominated by shirk, cruelty and sedition. It refers to the period before
the prophet's prophethood. In the Quran, only four aspects of this period are mentioned as jahiliyyah, which are
the supposition of ignorance, bigotry of ignorance, the decree of the age of ignorance and the first jahiliyya period
(the opening and scattering of women). However, the expression jahiliyyah al-ûlâ caused some questions in the
minds: If jahiliyyah al-ûlâ is meant first ignorant, then is there a second or third ignorant? What is meant by the
expression ‘first’ or ‘previous jahiliyyah’ and which period of history does it refer to? Are there other periods of
ignorance other than the period of ignorance before the Hz. Mohammed’s (pbuh) prophethood? In this study, after
mentioning the statements of the commentators about this statement, the ambiguous meaning of this expression
was tried to be clarified, especially based on the hadiths, and the possible reasons for the use of the expression
with the word ‘tabarroj’ were pointed out. As a result, it was concluded that the expression jahaliyyah al-ûlâ
signifies the Mecca period ignorance that they saw and witnessed in the mind of the companions.