SRW 2.1.0 release banner abstract background showing Weather and Storm - 3D Rendering

Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application

On This Page:


The Unified Forecast System (UFS) is a community-based, coupled, comprehensive Earth modeling system. NOAA’s operational model suite for numerical weather prediction (NWP) is quickly transitioning to the UFS from a number of different modeling systems. The UFS enables research, development, and contribution opportunities within the broader Weather Enterprise (including government, industry, and academia). For more information about the UFS, visit the UFS Portal.


The UFS includes multiple applications that support different forecast durations and spatial domains. This page primarily describes the development branch of the UFS Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application (App), which targets predictions of atmospheric behavior on a limited spatial domain and on time scales from minutes to several days. The development branch of the application is continually evolving as the system undergoes open development. The latest SRW App release (v2.2.0) represents a snapshot of this continuously evolving system.

For any publications based on work with the UFS SRW App, please include a citation to the DOI below:

UFS Development Team. (2023, Oct. 31). Unified Forecast System (UFS) Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application (Version v2.2.0). Zenodo.

Getting Started

Before running the Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application, users should determine which of the four levels of support is applicable to their system. Generally, Level 1 & 2 systems are restricted to those with access through NOAA and its affiliates. These systems are named (e.g., Hera, Orion, Derecho). Level 3 & 4 systems include certain personal computers or non-NOAA-affiliated HPC systems.

The Quick Start Chapter provided in the v2.2.0 User’s Guide is an excellent place for new users to begin. It provides details on how to clone the SRW App, build it, and run a forecast. The Tutorials chapter is also a good place to start. It walks users through different SRW App experiment cases and analyzes results.

Documentation & User Support

The SRW App User’s Guide has the most comprehensive information on the SRW App, including links to more thorough technical documentation for its components. Users may need different versions of the User’s Guide depending on their goals:



Documentation for the develop branch. This may have gaps and errors.

Documentation for the most recent release (v2.2.0).

Documentation for the v2.1.0 release.

Users can also get expert help through the GitHub Discussions Q&A.

Developer Support


The latest release of the SRW App is v2.2.0. See the Releases page for more information on current and past releases.

Release Date: 10/31/2023

Release Description: The SRW Application v2.2.0 includes a prognostic atmospheric model, pre- and post-processing, and a community workflow for running the system end-to-end. These components are documented within this User’s Guide and supported through GitHub Discussions. New and improved capabilities for this release include:

  • Addition of the supported FV3_RAP physics suite and support for the RRFS_NA_13km predefined grid
  • Addition of FV3_GFS_v17_p8 physics suite
  • Updates to CCPP that target the top of the main branch (see description of changes)
  • Expansion of Level 1 platforms to include Derecho, Hercules, and Gaea C5
  • Transition to spack-stack modulefiles for most supported platforms to align with the UFS WM shift to spack-stack
  • Overhaul of WE2E testing suite 
  • Improvements to the CI/CD automated testing pipeline 
  • Incorporation of additional METplus verification capabilities
  • Integration of the Unified Workflow’s templater tool
  • Ability to create a user-defined custom workflow
  • Option to use a custom vertical coordinate file with different distribution of vertical layers
  • Incorporation of plotting tasks into the workflow; addition of ability to plot on both CONUS and smaller regional grid
  • Addition of a sample verification case
  • A new tutorial chapter in the documentation
  • Incorporation of UFS Case Studies within the WE2E framework
  • Air Quality Modeling (AQM) capabilities (unsupported but available)
  • Miscellaneous documentation updates to reflect the changes above

Future work will expand the capabilities of the application to include data assimilation (DA) and a forecast restart/cycling capability.

Release Date: 11/17/2022

Release Description:

The SRW Application v2.1.0 includes a prognostic atmospheric model, pre- and post-processing, and a community workflow for running the system end-to-end. These components are documented within this User’s Guide and supported through GitHub Discussions. New and improved capabilities for this release include:

  • Conversion to a Python workflow (from the former shell workflow)
  • Improved container support, including the option to run across compute nodes using Rocoto
  • Updates to physical parameterizations within the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) (see detailed description here)
  • Support for the Unified Post Processor (UPP) to be run inline
  • Addition of a multi-purpose code clean-up script (
  • Improved support for the METplus verification suite

Future work will expand the capabilities of the application to include data assimilation (DA) and a forecast restart/cycling capability.


Release Date: 06/23/2022

Release Description: The SRW Application v2.0.0 includes a prognostic atmospheric model, pre- and post-processing, and a community workflow for running the system end-to-end. These components are documented within this User’s Guide and supported through a community forum ( New and improved capabilities for this release include the addition of a verification package (METplus) for both deterministic and ensemble simulations and support for four Stochastically Perturbed Perturbation (SPP) schemes. Future work will expand the capabilities of the application to include data assimilation (DA) and a forecast restart/cycling capability.


  • The spack-stack repository contains the prerequisite software needed to run the SRW App and other UFS software. This software is preinstalled on Level 1 systems (e.g., Hera, Orion, Derecho). Users can view the spack-stack documentation to install it on other systems. 
  • SRW App Data Bucket: Get downloadable data to run supported SRW App cases. 
  • NOAA EPIC Docker Hub: A repository of container images (including SRW App container images) that users can download. The SRW App containers package the SRW App together with all its software dependencies for an easier experience building and running the App.
  • UFS SRW App file