NOAA created the Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) to improve operational weather and climate forecast systems through scientific and technical innovation via model co-development with the Weather Enterprise — government, industry and academia. EPIC will facilitate improved and reliable forecasts produced by numerical Earth system models that will reduce the devastating impacts of hazardous weather.
The EPIC Program and Contract will deliver world-class numerical weather prediction systems supporting NOAA’s mission to save lives, protect property, and enhance the economy.
EPIC is a facilitating organization that leverages resources to better coordinate the weather research and modeling community.
EPIC is a combination of (1) roadmap for research and model priorities, (2) development environment, (3) code management, (4) cloud-ready code, (5) observational data and tools, (6) community support, and (7) community engagement
EPIC is NOT (1) free user access to high-performance computing and parallel processing, (2) containerization beyond the community integrated development environment, or (3) the Unified Forecast System (UFS)
EPIC’s initial focus is on providing the UFS community with additional scientific expertise and technological support. Specific initiatives include:
EPIC’s goals are separated into two phases.
The first phase (2021-2022) will improve the global weather element of the UFS, advancing global 7-10 day weather forecasts by incorporating contributions from the external research and modeling community. EPIC will also invite partnerships with other agencies, academia, industry, and the international community and support a user-friendly, well-supported modeling code base from which innovation can flourish.
In the mid-term (2023-2025), EPIC will extend infrastructure and user support for the UFS to fully coupled Earth system prediction. This will transform the operational suite of models that are critical to improving mid- and long-range forecasting skills to address the full range of NOAA mission applications.
Throughout each phase, EPIC has seven priority investment areas.
The Earth Prediction Innovation Center will enable the most accurate and reliable operational numerical weather prediction system in the world.
© 2025 EPIC. All rights reserved.