Papers by Muhammad Touseef
Munshī Ghulām Ḥasan Shahīd, 2023

Al-Qantara, 2023
Much has been written in each part of the world about Islamic law. In our times "Modern State" ba... more Much has been written in each part of the world about Islamic law. In our times "Modern State" based on "Modern Law" is a big challenge for Muslim communities to adapt "Modern Law" as "Islamic Law" Or to use sources of "Modern Law" as "Sources of Islamic law. From historical development, society is under variation so law is also variable thing and it is an acceptable and recommended concept in modern the modern scenario it's a big challenge for Muslims to deal with this concept of variation in law and its sources. From Islamic history variation in Islamic law is adjustable with concept of this sense its acceptable concept to modify Islamic law according to need of society in accordance with modern law. Then why modifications in Islamic law in accordance with modern law are opposed in Muslim communities or states? What is difference between concept of variation in Islamic law developed by Muslim traditional communities and modern western scholars?
The Encyclopaedia of Islam THREE, Brill, 2023
Ḥāfiẓ Jamāl Muḥammad Multānī (d. 1226/1811) was a prominent Sufi of the Chishtiyya order in Multā... more Ḥāfiẓ Jamāl Muḥammad Multānī (d. 1226/1811) was a prominent Sufi of the Chishtiyya order in Multān, Panjāb. He is mainly known as Ḥāfiẓ (who memorized the Quran by heart), a religious scholar, poet, and a protector of the city of Multān, Panjāb.
The Encyclopaedia of Islam THREE, Brill, 2023
Makhdūm ‘Abd al-Rashīd Ḥaqqānī (d. 669/1270) was a renowned Sufi of the Qādiriyyah order in South... more Makhdūm ‘Abd al-Rashīd Ḥaqqānī (d. 669/1270) was a renowned Sufi of the Qādiriyyah order in South Punjab (Multan). The cousin (uncle’s son) of Bahāʾ al-Dīn Zakariyyā, he is mainly known for his generosity, having numerous miracles, and spiritual powers as well.
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Université Paris Descartes, 2020

La presente etude traite des rituels soufis a Multan pratiques par l’ordre Chishtiyya ʿUbaydiyya ... more La presente etude traite des rituels soufis a Multan pratiques par l’ordre Chishtiyya ʿUbaydiyya a partir du 19eme siecle jusqu’a nos jours. S'appuyant sur un traite compose par ʿUbaydullāh Multānī, le maitre eponyme, notre etude explore a la fois le bayʿa (rituel d'initiation) et le samāʿ (concert spirituel) selon la perspective doctrinale de l'auteur et du point de vue pratique des shaykhs chishtis ʿUbaydī contemporains. Nous analysons en detail la conception que se fait ʿUbaydullāh du bayʿa et du samāʿ dans son traite. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes efforces de restaurer le texte Sharḥ Mufaṣṣal Qawl-i faṣl fi l-Bayʿa wa-l-Samāʿ par une etude approfondie de son manuscrit. Le Sharḥ Mufaṣṣal est l'une des œuvres les plus significatives de ʿUbaydullāh dans laquelle il tente de reinterpreter les regles et reglements de bayʿa et de samā de maniere a integrer la sharīʿa a la ṭarīqat.
Encyclopaedia of Islam THREE (Brill), 2021
Encyclopaedia of Islam THREE (Brill), 2021
Islamic Studies, 2019
The medieval history of Sufism in Multan is relatively well known. A figure such as the famous Su... more The medieval history of Sufism in Multan is relatively well known. A figure such as the famous Suhraward┘ Shaykh Bah┐' al-D┘n Zakariyy┐ from the thirteenth century embodies this prestigious period. Our article shows that the Sufi brotherhoods have continued to flourish until today, far beyond what traditional historiography describes. Using unexplored sources-mostly modern Urdu hagiographies devoted to the sacred history of Multan-we reconstruct the biography and the bibliography of many Sufi shaykhs as well as the lineages, especially Q┐dir┘ and Chisht┘, from which they come; we identify several mausoleums and lodges across the city; eventually, we reveal the existence of marginal mystics who marked the religious memory of this heritage city of the Pakistani Punjab.

Journal of the History of Sufism 7 , 2018
L’histoire du soufisme à Multan (Pakistan): nouvelles données
L’histoire médiévale du soufisme à ... more L’histoire du soufisme à Multan (Pakistan): nouvelles données
L’histoire médiévale du soufisme à Multan est relativement bien connue. Une figure aussi célèbre que le cheikh Suhrawardî Bahâ’ al-Dîn Zakariyyâ au XIIIe siècle incarne cette période prestigieuse. Notre article montre que les confréries soufies ont continué de prospérer jusqu’à aujourd’hui, bien au-delà de ce que l’historiographie traditionnelle décrit. À l’aide de sources inexplorées – pour l’essentiel, des hagiographies modernes en ourdou consacrées à l’histoire sainte de Multan –, nous reconstituons la biographie comme la bibliographie de nombreux cheikhs soufis ainsi que les lignages, en particulier Qâdirîs et Chishtîs, dont ils sont issus ; nous identifions plusieurs mausolées et loges à travers la ville ; enfin nous révélons l’existence de mystiques marginaux qui ont marqué la mémoire religieuse de cette cité patrimoniale du Pendjab pakistanais.
Mots clés : Multan, Pakistan, hagiographie, Suhrawardiyya, Qâdiriyya, Chishtiyya, soufis marginaux
The history of Sufism in Multan (Pakistan): new data
The medieval history of Sufism in Multan is relatively well known. A figure as famous as the Suhrawardî Shaykh Bahâ’ al-Dîn Zakariyyâ in the 13th century embodies this prestigious period. Our article shows that the Sufi brotherhoods have continued to flourish until today, far beyond what the traditional historiography describes. Using unexplored sources – mostly modern Urdu hagiographies devoted to the sacred history of Multan – we reconstruct the biography and the bibliography of many Sufi Shaykhs as well as the lineages, especially Qâdirî and Chishtî, from which they come; we identify several mausoleums and lodges across the city; eventually, we reveal the existence of marginal mystics who marked the religious memory of this heritage city of Pakistani Punjab.
Keywords: Multan, Pakistan, hagiography, Suhrawardiyya, Qâdiriyya, Chishtiyya,
marginal Sufis

Afkar, 2018
ʿAllāma Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm Sharf Qādrī was one of the most eminent
religious scholar and Sufi... more ʿAllāma Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm Sharf Qādrī was one of the most eminent
religious scholar and Sufi in South Asia, particularly in Pakistan. He studied
Islamic and Arabic sciences from the great scholars of the time. He devoted his
entire life to promote the accurate understanding of Islam. For this purpose, he
wrote several books and treatises in different languages such as Urdu, Persian,
and Arabic both in prose and poem with different themes especially the
translation of Quran in Urdu language which is a research-based literary work
demonstrates his skills in Arabic, Urdu, and Quranic sciences. A close reading
of his life and intellectual activities shows that he had ambition to promote an
accurate believes and doctrinal conception of Islam, especially in sunni school of
thought. ʿAllāma Sharf Qādrī was an inaugural act that has left a deep legacy
for Islam in Pakistan.
Keywords: ʿAllāma, Sunni, Qādrī, hagiography, treatises, legacy.
Papers by Muhammad Touseef
L’histoire médiévale du soufisme à Multan est relativement bien connue. Une figure aussi célèbre que le cheikh Suhrawardî Bahâ’ al-Dîn Zakariyyâ au XIIIe siècle incarne cette période prestigieuse. Notre article montre que les confréries soufies ont continué de prospérer jusqu’à aujourd’hui, bien au-delà de ce que l’historiographie traditionnelle décrit. À l’aide de sources inexplorées – pour l’essentiel, des hagiographies modernes en ourdou consacrées à l’histoire sainte de Multan –, nous reconstituons la biographie comme la bibliographie de nombreux cheikhs soufis ainsi que les lignages, en particulier Qâdirîs et Chishtîs, dont ils sont issus ; nous identifions plusieurs mausolées et loges à travers la ville ; enfin nous révélons l’existence de mystiques marginaux qui ont marqué la mémoire religieuse de cette cité patrimoniale du Pendjab pakistanais.
Mots clés : Multan, Pakistan, hagiographie, Suhrawardiyya, Qâdiriyya, Chishtiyya, soufis marginaux
The history of Sufism in Multan (Pakistan): new data
The medieval history of Sufism in Multan is relatively well known. A figure as famous as the Suhrawardî Shaykh Bahâ’ al-Dîn Zakariyyâ in the 13th century embodies this prestigious period. Our article shows that the Sufi brotherhoods have continued to flourish until today, far beyond what the traditional historiography describes. Using unexplored sources – mostly modern Urdu hagiographies devoted to the sacred history of Multan – we reconstruct the biography and the bibliography of many Sufi Shaykhs as well as the lineages, especially Qâdirî and Chishtî, from which they come; we identify several mausoleums and lodges across the city; eventually, we reveal the existence of marginal mystics who marked the religious memory of this heritage city of Pakistani Punjab.
Keywords: Multan, Pakistan, hagiography, Suhrawardiyya, Qâdiriyya, Chishtiyya,
marginal Sufis
religious scholar and Sufi in South Asia, particularly in Pakistan. He studied
Islamic and Arabic sciences from the great scholars of the time. He devoted his
entire life to promote the accurate understanding of Islam. For this purpose, he
wrote several books and treatises in different languages such as Urdu, Persian,
and Arabic both in prose and poem with different themes especially the
translation of Quran in Urdu language which is a research-based literary work
demonstrates his skills in Arabic, Urdu, and Quranic sciences. A close reading
of his life and intellectual activities shows that he had ambition to promote an
accurate believes and doctrinal conception of Islam, especially in sunni school of
thought. ʿAllāma Sharf Qādrī was an inaugural act that has left a deep legacy
for Islam in Pakistan.
Keywords: ʿAllāma, Sunni, Qādrī, hagiography, treatises, legacy.
L’histoire médiévale du soufisme à Multan est relativement bien connue. Une figure aussi célèbre que le cheikh Suhrawardî Bahâ’ al-Dîn Zakariyyâ au XIIIe siècle incarne cette période prestigieuse. Notre article montre que les confréries soufies ont continué de prospérer jusqu’à aujourd’hui, bien au-delà de ce que l’historiographie traditionnelle décrit. À l’aide de sources inexplorées – pour l’essentiel, des hagiographies modernes en ourdou consacrées à l’histoire sainte de Multan –, nous reconstituons la biographie comme la bibliographie de nombreux cheikhs soufis ainsi que les lignages, en particulier Qâdirîs et Chishtîs, dont ils sont issus ; nous identifions plusieurs mausolées et loges à travers la ville ; enfin nous révélons l’existence de mystiques marginaux qui ont marqué la mémoire religieuse de cette cité patrimoniale du Pendjab pakistanais.
Mots clés : Multan, Pakistan, hagiographie, Suhrawardiyya, Qâdiriyya, Chishtiyya, soufis marginaux
The history of Sufism in Multan (Pakistan): new data
The medieval history of Sufism in Multan is relatively well known. A figure as famous as the Suhrawardî Shaykh Bahâ’ al-Dîn Zakariyyâ in the 13th century embodies this prestigious period. Our article shows that the Sufi brotherhoods have continued to flourish until today, far beyond what the traditional historiography describes. Using unexplored sources – mostly modern Urdu hagiographies devoted to the sacred history of Multan – we reconstruct the biography and the bibliography of many Sufi Shaykhs as well as the lineages, especially Qâdirî and Chishtî, from which they come; we identify several mausoleums and lodges across the city; eventually, we reveal the existence of marginal mystics who marked the religious memory of this heritage city of Pakistani Punjab.
Keywords: Multan, Pakistan, hagiography, Suhrawardiyya, Qâdiriyya, Chishtiyya,
marginal Sufis
religious scholar and Sufi in South Asia, particularly in Pakistan. He studied
Islamic and Arabic sciences from the great scholars of the time. He devoted his
entire life to promote the accurate understanding of Islam. For this purpose, he
wrote several books and treatises in different languages such as Urdu, Persian,
and Arabic both in prose and poem with different themes especially the
translation of Quran in Urdu language which is a research-based literary work
demonstrates his skills in Arabic, Urdu, and Quranic sciences. A close reading
of his life and intellectual activities shows that he had ambition to promote an
accurate believes and doctrinal conception of Islam, especially in sunni school of
thought. ʿAllāma Sharf Qādrī was an inaugural act that has left a deep legacy
for Islam in Pakistan.
Keywords: ʿAllāma, Sunni, Qādrī, hagiography, treatises, legacy.